Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Spoon Full Of Sugar

The sinking pool and deck saga continues but yesterday was a major turning point that reminded me "A spoon full of sugar really does help the medicine go down" or in this case, makes it easier to hear the bad news.

For those of you who don't know, you can read here for the details of our back yard sliding down our hill.

Thomas, our trusted project manager-- kind of like a Top Gun who will oversea all the workers, engineers, geologists and contractors to put the yard back together again--paid us a visit and was so calm and so relaxed and so perfectly English that I felt like I was talking to a male Mary Poppins minus the flying umbrella, and well, it just made the whole scary mess seem so much easier to cope with.

Maybe it was his soothing voice. (I love a British accent.) Maybe it was his kind smile. Maybe it was the way he described the project in "bits and pieces" rather than bulldozers and wrecking balls. Maybe it was because he never once mentioned the dreaded six figure cost. Or maybe it's because he was so nice and reassuring and confident that things will be "wrapped up in no time" that left me feeling like I'd just had a lovely hot fudge sundae with a cherry on top as my "spoon full of sugar".


No, I have not stepped into the Twilight Zone, landed in major denial or had the wool pulled over my eyes. And yes, we have to consider our options, ranging from doing nothing, to several months of massive amounts of soil and pylons and cement being moved around or, simply putting a sign in the front yard that says "Lot For Sale, House Free". Unfortunately there is no easy answer but Thomas had the same soothing effect on me that Mary Poppins did on the children she cared for in the movie.

Again I say, ahhhhhhh.

In short, I feel like we're in good hands with Thomas and a weight has been lifted. After all, the detailed, 40 page, geology report made little sense to me except to leave no doubt we had a major problem on our hands and I didn't know what to do or who to call next. There is not a listing in the yellow pages for "Sinking Pools or Sliding Decks", trust me, I checked.

So Thomas is the man-- the male Mary Poppins who's going to guide us and hold my hand for months, and months, and months as we decide to give our yard a facelift of sorts-- or not. It's not exactly the kind of facelift I had in mind for my 50-something years, but at least I'll have it with cherry on top.

How do you like your "spoon full of sugar"?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna
Photo Credit: Danny Hooks


  1. I've been wondering about your yard. I'm glad you have a Thomas to guide you through this and make you feel better!

  2. it sounds like you are in good hands...or at least reassuring hands...hope for the best!

  3. Joanna, sounds like things will be in good hands. It's refreshing and comforting to know that someone has control of the situation. Just make sure there's some sort of guarantee.

  4. Ohhh male british accents are so hot! I'd def. take that as sugar too :P

  5. It sounds like things are hopeful!

  6. Tell Thomas to make sure that if it slides, your property can sit on an island and you can float around and enjoy life visiting one place after another!

    Sorry for cracking jokes at your time of need...I sure hope that he is able to figure it out fast and for cheap.

  7. Never mind British - ye cannae beat a Scots accent!

  8. Maybe you can sell it as a hillside property with a view? Sorry, I couldn't resist! I hope things work out well.

  9. Oh my...cough... six figures did you say... I would say slide away... ;-)

    sorry honey but enjoy 'Mary'

  10. I wish you the best! It sounds like Thomas is going to take good care of you. I would do just about anything to not give up the lot and view.

  11. Wooo-Hooo for Thomas! I'm so glad he was able to make you feel better. It's awful to feel over-whelmed by a situation, unable to get control over it and unsure of where to turn for help. I love the British accent and it is very soothing.
    It sounds to me like you are in good hands with Thomas and he knows what he's doing. It also sounds like he is able to communicate & listen both of which are very important.

    Good luck with the work. I'm going to think positive thoughts and send you lots of support :o)

  12. I'll take one lump, please. How lucky to have your very own Thomas. I look forward to hearing about the progress. xoxo

  13. Thomas must be very competent indeed for you to be discussing such a major back yard overhaul in a calm manner.
    Or are you always calm? Or do you just always have a spoonful of sugar handy?

  14. I'm glad things are working out a bit better! British accents are awesome!

  15. yikes! Sounds like I need to send you some cookies ;)

    Hang in there!

  16. I'm glad things are in good hands with Thomas. I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

  17. Ahh You all love us Brits don't you? LOL
    I have a slightly Northern British Accent, does that give me a slight advantage? LOL
    See you soon Joanna - great fun at the Roast ~ Eddie

  18. I say you take another vacation when the work starts. Take me with you next time, that'll be my spoon full of sugar! LOL!! :)


  19. I saw six figure cost and almost choked! :(

  20. Well, to be honest, I would like my "Sugar on Top" with a price tag of, let's say, $3.00. :-)

  21. Buggar!
    This really is a bit of a nightmare, but fortunately there is a night in shining armour.
    It's a bit rude that we have to pay so much for the hero of the day.

    Do you know why this has happened?
    Are you near the sea?

    all the best wishes for a speedy solution that doesn't cost you much of anything.

    x Ribbon

    PS... great piece of writing :)

  22. Wow. He is good.

    Here's to an easy solution! Best of luck!

  23. dreaded six figure cost - wow
    too bad you can't just go and sit at the Apple store for a few hours and get it fixed.
    best of luck

  24. My boys played soccer and had a number of British male coaches....I use to go to the practices just to listen to them talk! :)

  25. I grew up in a home in Southern California that also had sliding hill issues. After we all left home my mom remained in that house for 5 more years and then sold it. 2 years after that the backyard went down the hill. She got out just in time! I feel for is a difficult and expensive position to be in. Thanks for coming by today...and I love Andy's toothless grin too! Holly at

  26. It sounds like Thomas knows what he's doing so your in good hands. Hope it's smooth sailing the rest of the way!

  27. Wow! I read the previous post so I would get a clue!

    Sheez! I'm thinking you really NEEDED Mary and a spoon full of sugar!

    Hang in there! Don't you go sliding down the hill as well!

  28. Loving the accent. Not so much the 6 figures. (I guess that's how you felt too.)

  29. Sorry. Off topic comment. But I just wanna know what it takes to get 277 freaking followers.

    Did you give cash away or are you just that phenomenal.

    Wait. Don't answer. I know why.

    Pure talent, charm, genius, and brilliance. I'd be jealous of you if I could be. But I'm thrilled for you. What an awesome friend and blogger you are.

    Go, Joanna, go!

  30. Oh no! How awful! Here's hoping Thomas delivers the goods!!!

  31. Well, I'm glad you're feeling more hopeful about this mess. What else can you do?!

  32. I love British accents. My mother-in-law's office has a voicemail message that sounds like Sean Connory. I agree, it can such a reassuring voice.

  33. I am so glad you found someone you have confidence in to tackle that huge job. Best wishes for a "sweet" result.

  34. Isn't it amazing what a lovely demeanor can do? Glad to hear you are feeling more calm about it. The picture of the pool area (in the link) is just gorgeous, no wonder you are anxious to save it.

  35. Maybe just look it as an adventure - a rather large expensive adventure - but still an adventure.

  36. Jeepers Creepers that is some scary stuff you got going on. So glad Thomas came to save the day. Hopefully they can get everything supported and keep it in place for you.


  37. Hello, Joanna!! Thank you for your very kind, warm and generous words on my blog!!! I'm delighted to meet you officially...I must confess...I lurked here this past weekend...but my weekend was so busy, I didn't feel I had the time to make a proper introduction and comment!!! I had hoped to do so this coming weekend when lo' and visited me!!! I am truly honored!! And I see that you are a friend of many of my favorite bloggers!!! And so, I KNOW we will be great friends! I truly look forward to getting to know you better and to reading more of your posts. I am sorry that your backyard is sliding...How absolutely terrible...and what an expense it will be!!! You have my deepest sympathies...Best wishes for a happy glad you found "Mary Poppins" to work a little magic!!! And to answer your question...I take my spoonful with a little Twinnings Tea, thank you! ;-) ~Janine XO

  38. The situation stinks, but at least you found someone to work with that puts you at ease.

  39. It sounds like Thomas is just the person for the job. Good Luck!!

  40. Well I hope Thomas can sort it all out for you.. and You end up with a pool in your backyard still!

  41. British accents are so soothing...I hope everything works out.

  42. Oh Joanna, if wishing could change anything, you could count on me to make all this go away for you. I just can't even imagine it. I am so very sorry you are having to deal with all this very strange and surreal weirdness. At least you have Tom. Thank god for Tom. It would be even BETTER if you didn't need Tom, but since you do - and you're comfortable with him - well, that's almost like a blessing. Right?

    Are any other homes around you suffering the same fate? Can we sue anyone?

  43. None of us can be an expert in everything.

    A "man who can" is essential in situations like this and, if he knows his stuff (which it sounds like Thomas does) then he can explain problems and solutions in "non-technical" terms that a layman can understand. Once you understand, bad as the situation might be, at least you feel you have regained some kind of control.

    Good luck with it all :)

  44. THUD! Oh, I'm sorry...that was me falling on the floor at the IDEA of spending 6 figures on anything I couldn't furnish. Holy COW!!!!

    Domino Sugar doesn't manufacture enough sugar annually to help that medicine go down for me! YOWZA!

    My blood pressure literally rose in your honor.

    My spoons full of sugar are the good book and my essential people.

  45. Finding a good, dependable contractor is a major chore so I hope your Thomas is the right one. Good luck!

  46. In the midst of a tragic situation I'm so glad you found a hunk of a Brit with a calming voice to guide you through your slippery slopes of a major geological event. Six figures....WoW! I think ya need a larger sundae girl! You make the whole event sound like it's gonna be fun, although I know it has to be gut-wrenching. I'm so glad you can keep a sense of humor through the whole thing.

    Keep us updated and have a sweet day!!!

  47. I hope you take lots of pictures of the before, during and after process. I'd be very curious to know how they stop a yard & pool from falling down a hillside. And pix of the workers would be nice too. ;)

  48. Yay for Mr. Poppins!

    That was cute... Painful, but cute!

  49. the guy who built our house and my OBGYN (two different people, btw) are that way. Steady, calm, reasonable, soft-spoken people who make big things quite easy to take. Glad you have one of those guys!

  50. Woo hoo for Thomas Poppins!! Keep us updated!!

  51. Hope that Thomas turns out to be everything you're hoping for. Good luck with everything!
    Thanks so much for visiting and for adding me as a friend!

  52. Here's hoping for a happy ending to the upcoming months of challenge. What a dreadful deal!

  53. 'The Fifty Factor" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.

  54. What an interesting blog! I'll be tuning in!

  55. A myriad of 'up the chimney' jokes and "What's the name of his other leg?" thoughts crossed my mind while reading this post.

    I hope that things can be fixed and will be stable. It's good that he gave you feelings of confidence.

    Can he dance?

  56. We li ve in an area this can happen in with lots. I wish you all the best! I can imagine this has been a nightmare. Glad to know the sugar man has arrive!

  57. Oh, my gosh, you are such a positive spirit! I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with all this but it is wonderful that you have found a true knight of the realm to come to the rescue. Hooray. Cheers from northern CA!

  58. it sounds like you are in good hands...or at least reassuring hands...hope for the best! Work From Home


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