I'm a happy member of the Sundays In My City Community (SIMC) hosted by the fabulous Unknown Mami. Wanna see the world and join the fun?
It seems the older I get, the more I tend to be a home-body, not traveling nearly as much as I used to. Yes, I fly to my hometown of Ohio a lot, but other than that, I mostly stay here...
...In my city-- Los Angeles, and always like walking through our front door. I'm content in our home and it's a nice feeling.
But this Sunday, I'm dreaming of all the places I could travel to. Not crazy far away places, but perhaps cross-country, way North, the deep South, or anywhere in between. And with a wink and a much appreciated nod, I blame my new found desire for the wild blue yonder all on Ms Bake-It.
She hosted a CSN giveaway recently and I was the lucky winner. I had a whopping $100 to spend (!) and despite having my eye on an All-Clad pot, I checked out with a brand new Samsonite carry-on suitcase. (It cost me less than $17 after applying the gift certificate!)
It's been a very long time since I bought luggage, and frankly, didn't think I needed any until I spotted this baby. It got me thinking and, as they say, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

I never carry on luggage when I fly, it's too heavy for my arthritic hands to schlepp. But this suitcase has those wheels that turn in every direction and it's so lightweight that I realized, if I traveled with my Beloved Husband, things could work out really well for moi.
You see, as I've spent the day plotting a new travel adventure, I realized that we'll check our usual luggage when we fly, but I'll carry-on this gem of a suitcase totally empty going on our trip, and he'll carry-on the suitcase coming back home-- filled with trip treasures, i.e., shopping purchases.
It makes perfect sense to me-- In a totally *ahem* high maintenance kind of way.
So thanks Ms Bake-It aka Tracy. You Rock! And I love your blog. You're funny and creative and down to earth and on my favorite blogs list. You can meet Tracy HERE.
And YOU, dear reader, can win an $80 CSN Gift Certificate right here on my blog by leaving a comment BELOW and on all of my posts starting HERE (with giveaway details) through midnight, August 4th Pacific Time. The more posts you comment on, the more chances you have to win-- And go shopping!
Where in North America do you think we should travel to?
Welcome to www.TheFityFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins
PS I was not compensated by CSN or Samsonite for this post. I'm just really happy I won.