Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sitting Around - UPDATE

Swine Flu UPDATE for Day Five is HERE: Please keep Attila and her son in your prayers. Docs have changed him to a new ventilator in hopes it will help improve his condition. All your prayers are deeply appreciated! Please spread the word. Attila is one of the really good ones in blogland. Thanks, Joanna

Please continue to send prays to Attila The Mom of Cheaper Than Therapy for her son who is in ICU with the Swine Flu. You can read her latest update HERE

Sitting around is not something I do well. I might nap once in a while, but sitting around and doing nothing-- not so much. I'm too Type A, impatient, antsy, busy, hyper, whatever you want to call it, but just sitting around really bugs me. I can't sit still because my mind races with the hundred things I should be doing.

So you can imagine what it was like spending the day at the Apple Store recently-- sitting around, essentially doing nothing, for TEN AND A HALF hours! Yep, I camped out at the Apple Store until a nagging problem with a home video I'd edited on my Mac was finally downloaded properly and onto a DVD. I arrived at 8:45AM and didn't leave until 7:15PM. I was there so long Apple could have charged me rent, but didn't. The parking garage, on the other hand, did. It cost me $21 to get out of the mall!

Long story short, I worked for nine months editing eight hours of family vacation video--from a trip through Eastern Europe-- with 15 family members, speaking three different languages, only one of which I know. The finished movie is two hours long. The last step was to download it and burn DVDs for everyone. But, I am technology-challenged and no matter how hard I tried, it simply was not happening. So after four appointments at Apple, and about 30 hours of trying to follow my instructor's download directions at home, I gave up, made one last appointment with an Apple One-to-One guru, and refused to leave my oh-so-uncomfortable-stool at the store until my movie was on a DVD.

After three hours at the store waiting on the initial download, it failed with 13 minutes remaining, which is exactly what was happening to me at home. The Tech gurus changed to Plan B, then Plan C-- all getting error messages after hours of downloading attempts. Then finally, about the time I thought I would lose my mind sitting around for nothing-- Plan D worked! The Genius Team huddled around my computer and figured out the problem-- Then POOF! In less than an hour, I had my finished movie in hand... at 7:15 at night.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the Apple crew-- Those guys rocks. The Techs held me hand through the long and sometimes painful editing process, and taught me so much that, I now know, without a doubt, I never want to edit vacation video ever again. And, I also know that if my husband volunteers to make a vacation "documentary" HE shoots, I will strangle him in his sleep. The reality is Beloved has a bad habit of volunteering ME to do stuff like that for him.

Being the Type A girl that I am, I arrived at the Apple store bright and early, prepared with things to do for a few hours-- the amount of time it SHOULD have taken to accomplish the DVD transfer. But as the hours dragged on, I also planned a dinner party for 50 to celebrate Beloved's upcoming birthday, including a three page grocery list cross referenced by recipe. I transferred all my important dates in my daytimer from 2009 to a new 2010 book-- Lots of birthdays, anniversaries, school schedules and the likes. And yes, it was color coded since I'm a Type A freak-- as one lovely Apple guy commented when he looked over my shoulder. I also read the latest Oprah, InStyle, Time and Newsweek magazines. Oh, and I played with all the Apple gadgets in the store.

I met a lot of interesting people too. One darling gentleman, think Santa Clause in tweed, came in to learn how to book a vacation. It was a One-to-One class that Apple offers and not only did the trainer help him make the reservation, he also basically planned the entire trip for the guy-- to London for Christmas. Sweet!

And, I found out that Beloved isn't the only one who drops his phone in the toilet. Three people came in with wet phones. One person fessed up to the toilet drop immediately and the Apple employee put on rubber gloves before he touched it. The other two people were teenagers who had both dropped their toys in the toilet at school that day. They blamed it on a mud puddle (from our recent storms) but while the tech was in the back room seeing what could be repaired, they laughed with their friends about the toilet caper. Not cool.

Lots of people come into Apple thinking THEY were the ONLY person with an emergency and thought everyone else with an appointment should get bumped later so they-- without an appointment-- can move to the head of the line. That didn't happen once and I thought the way the Apple staff handled it was great. Their drama did, however, make for interesting people watching.

As the hours wore on at the Apple store, I was finally out of things to do and was forced to "just sit" and wait, watching the blue "percent download" bar creep slowly to completion. I thought of counting sheep, but I was awake and needed to stay that way. I thought of all the other things I could or should be doing and realized I was drumming my finger tips on the table top. And I tried to think about what I would do if "Plan D" did not work.

Since everyone had been so helpful, kicking and screaming was out of the question. Handing the tech my laptop and phone number and telling him to call me when they figured it out would leave me computer-less. And "giving up" is simply not in my Type A's nature.

So instead, I read through my 2009 appointment book to date again-- I do not keep my schedule on a gadget, I'm old fashioned that way-- And I started making notes in all the margins of meaningful things that I remembered based on the events on each day of the nearly 9 1/2 months I'd been keeping the calendar. Before long, two hours had passed and my calendar was not only filled with scribbles and appointments, it was also filled with blessings, memories and countless things I am thankful for.

It left me with a sense of peace, an almost restful feeling as I was surrounded by the buzz of the busy Apple store. I actually think, by the time I'd finished, I was maybe a Type A- or even perhaps a Type B+. I thought that, along with my completed video, was progress.

How do you "stop" and find peace?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna
Photo Credit: Olga Lyubkina


  1. You are a trooper! I definitely would have left.

  2. lol. patience is one of those things that God and my wife are still working on in my life. that would have killed me. if nothing else i would have been walking around, watching people, meeting a few or scribbling in my notebook about an upcoming post...

  3. Wow I can't believe that. What a neat day - in a weird sort of way. That guy going to London for Christmas sounds like he had the best day of everyone there! Glad you finally got the video!

  4. I'm pretty patient but that's a looooooong time to be in a store. I'm glad you got your video problem straightened out!

  5. I can't believe you had the patience to sit there that long! I always bring a book and/or paperwork anytime I think I'll have a wait. But that long? I would have left.

  6. 50 is the new 40? Oh, no, no, no, my dear. 50 is for pussies. 60 is the new 40. I know that for a fact because I deemed it to be so upon turning 60 this year. My 40's rocked. They were my best decade ever. 50's, eh... At 60, I'm a freakin' powerhouse. I'm positively fearless. No one messes with me. So slog through the 50's. I found them dull as dirt. In fact, skip them altogether and just go to 60. As for your Apple store adventure, I thought I was a tenacious as a tick on a hound's butt, by I totally bow to you. My sincere admiration.

  7. Thanks for posting the update about Attila's son. We went through the same thing with FIL this summer and it brings it all back, except far worse.

  8. Hmmm...well, I'm definitely NOT a Type A. I think I might be a Type F-, or if the letters go that high, maybe even a Type Y or Z.

    My favorite thing to do is sit and think, and just "be". Usually not in the middle of an Apple store, however. There is nothing better than sitting by the side of a stream just listening to the sound of the water, and feeling the cool breeze in your face. Pure relaxation. Leave the laptop and phone at home, and try it sometime. Don't think about what you should be doing, think about what you ARE doing - nothing - and enjoy the "nothingness" of it.

  9. At least you thought to get some other things done while you waited. Otherwise, the entire time would have been one long wasted day. But looking back of course, your DVD is done and you'll appreciate having it.

    As for me, I'm more the opposite. I don't mind sitting and doing nothing. Just ask my wife.....LOL

  10. Joanna, you are type A to the max, maybe one of a kind. There is no way someone like you can have a traditional 'retirement', you always have to be on the go. Glad you have your DVD.

  11. Let me at 'ya. I'll show you how to elax and might get you down to a Type C...

    Most my tactics are not available in a store... beach reads...netflixed showtime series.. multiple bottles of wine...long walks on the beach.

  12. Love the mac. I've used them since the early 90's and this comment is coming from a mac mini.
    I've had some problems, but having a career in engineering development (telecom) and seeing first hand how pressure is applied to release product, I'm surprised there are not more problems.
    I'm surprised you didn't go shopping at the mall during the long download. I've made a number of DVDs but nothing longer than 10-15 minutes. A two hour movie that's one huge file. Good to hear you had good service with Apple.

  13. Joanna, I bow to your Type A personality. I am such a lazy slug lately that the thought of having to do anything is a turn off.

    In fact, I should be making cupcakes for my daughter's birthday today and look where I am... sitting on my fanny reading blogs.

    At least I'm reading the important ones first.

    Love ya and thanks for another entertaining post.

  14. Interesting day for you. I too have a hard time just doing nothing.
    I love that you turned your calendar into a gratitude journal.

  15. I missed out on the patience queue and got a double dose of the hyperactivity one

  16. I must fall somewhere between Jeff and the lazy slug...maybe closest to lazy slug. I totally love time alone and time to do nothing!

  17. I love to read magazines. I could do it for hours.

  18. Oh hon..I knew there was a reason I liked you so much!! LOL I loved was me - every moment..the sitting the date book, the waiting and people watching!! Wonderful post! Amazing that you waited so very long...ackkk! So glad it worked in the end though..ya gotta love the geek squad!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  19. I get it totally. If ya know us type A chicks, were like a dog with a meaty bone when we set off to do something. We'll get'er done no matter what.

    People were always asking why I did not travel with Hubby more when we had a semi co. and my pat answer was that I just didn't sit still well. BIG UNDERSTATEMENT.

    Have a fantastic day free of tech frustrations and I sure hope the family appreciates you!!!

  20. I could have never waited it out. But it sounds like you really turned lemons into lemonade AND left with what you came for. A wasted day? I think not.

  21. You crack me up! That was such a good read - and you triumphed in the end! This weekend I am taking a zillion photos on a memory stick to be made into 'real' photos for my scrapbook. (I haven't started my scrapbook yet!) I suspect I will be at the shop all day. I hope I have as much fun as you did. :-)

  22. First of all, you have more patience than you think if you edited a movie, that takes loads of time! I don't think I would have been able to wait all day, but I have learned to be more patient, especially now that I live in England. As you might know the English are famous for their ability to queue.
    Great story and well written! p.s. the movie sounds interesting.

  23. Dang. That's along wait. Next time they need to serve lunch or somesuch.

    just sayin!

  24. Oh my! I LOVE my Mac, but I don't think I could spend more than an hour at the Apple store. You have the patience of Job(s). ;)

  25. I would have tied a load on after all that!

  26. Sitting idle is an art. Haven't you had so much bumping around your head when you just have to shrugg off, saying 'I'll deal with you later'? I'm sure you have - so when you sit idle, close your eyes and follow the darkness -it'll take you places. :) Nice reading !!

  27. I just sold my first Mac....I just could not get it....and I am sick that I couldn't

  28. That sounds like fun! Haha, just joking. I would have gave up and left so congrats on having the patients to stay there all day!

  29. I'm so impressed! Not only did you stay for so long, you people watched, you remembered, you blogged and you found peace. How wonderful! Really, impressed!!

    Greg wanted me to do editing on a family vacation, ummm, noooooo thank you. I'll write a lengthy blog about it and take pictures, but no to editing. Sounds like a wee bit much work for "fun."

    For me, I find peace just closing my eyes and relaxing. I guess it's akin to meditation, but I like your idea much better!

  30. You are a better person that I! I would have gone crazy!!! Glad it's done and I'm impressed with all you accomplished and learned while you waited. :)

  31. I would've done as you did, with the 2010 calendar and the recipe/grocery list cross-referencing. Good job, Joanna, at making the hours work for you!


  32. OH, how I hate to wait for anything!!! I also hate it when I can't figure out how to do something on my computer!

  33. I'm with you....just sitting is not something I do very well. I'm glad your day had a successful end. I'm sure the family will appreciate your efforts, even if they don't know how extensive they were.

  34. You should bake those guys some cookies for not giving up! Patience is a virtue (that not everyone possesses). :)

  35. Perseverance pays off! Good job!

    I go Zen when things get tough. It helps.

  36. I too have a MAC which I love. I have had a couple of hours on the phone with the MAC people and if I needed one on one I'd have to drive 80 miles to Okla City to the Apple store. I'd be worth it as I can't imagine getting on without my MacBook

  37. I CANNOT believe you spent that long there!! I would have been ripping my hair out!

  38. How do I stop and find peace? My kids force me to! Even when it all starts getting to be too much, my kids still want to play with me, get hugs and kisses from me (I know, I should appreciate it while it lasts), have stores read to them, or just want to play outside or run around or whatever, and sometimes taking a time-out from whatever's stressing me out is exactly what I need, too! And of course, it gives me time to do something with my kids that I might have missed out on while trying to do too much at once!

  39. Wow! I can't believe you made it through the whole day like this. It's kinda cool how you came to looking at the positives and the good that has happened in your life. I love people watching so would have enjoyed that part. I am glad that your family vacation video that your husband signed up for you to do ended up getting enjoyed your sense of humor through out this spite of spending the whole entire day in one store...ugh. Glad there was a happy ending!

    PS Thanks for updating on your friends son!

  40. I can't handle that kind of waiting. My anxiety disorder kicks in. First I start pacing, then I'm pacing and ranting, then I'm pacing and ranting and flailing my arms, then I'm gone.

  41. I had to re-read how long you were at this store. You are for sure a trooper. Did they buy you lunch? I'm glad all is fine and running and you have a dvd. You are a hoot my friend. I love stopping by here to visit. xoxo

  42. WHAT an experience! You are incredibly patient and goodhearted.

  43. You have more patience than I do. I probably would've offered to pay the Apple Guru one on one time at my house while I prepared dinner and did whatever needed to be done at home. Or, you could've elected to be on their payroll to get their one on one service for free.

    I'm relieved though, that they figured it out.

  44. I consider myself to have quite a bit of type B, but I don't know if I could have handled hanging out there that long. I'm glad to hear you got your project taken care of.

  45. There is no test of patience like being at the Apple store!! It's nuts in there! :)


  46. Joanna, you have more patience, glad you got so much accomplished, I don;t like to just sit there either. I am definately a putzer, I do like to people watch, so maybe i would have surprised myself. take care my friend.

  47. Now, that was an action-packed, fun-filled lonnnnnnnnnng day! I could not have waited that long. Nope.

    This morning I got up at 3 am and sat with my computer by an open window; it's raining and 60 degrees - the perfect combination for me. I found peace there.

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog Monday! You're a peach!

  48. Ten and a half hours. Was there a cafeteria instore to get refreshments?

  49. I too am a type A. Not a peaceful girl by any stretch of the imagination. And like you, I would have stuck it out at the Apple store too. Very long day!

    People watching is great fun. I do it all the time at grocery stores, the airport, my office, whereever. Everyone thinks their problem/situation must be at the top of the list. Yesterday, to my astonishment, a couple came to our law firm with about 8 young children, then left them in our conference room with an 11 year old in charge. This band of kids were fine for a bit, then started getting antsy... oh it was terrible. Why can't people find sitters!!! Enough ranting, have a great day today. Glad your project was completed!!

  50. Wow - you are insistent... and patient! Glad it paid off in the end..

  51. I've learned from waiting in doctor offices to carry a book if I have to go anywhere I may wait.

    I learned the hard way, but what a blessing in disguise to set aside the time to make notes in your appt book (mine is also paper) about events of 2009. You may have never done it.

  52. I guess for a day out, I should visit an Apple store...lots of exciting things going on. Honestly. I think I would go crazy waiting that long. At least your time wasn't totally used it productively.

  53. And, of course, you got a bunch of good blog fodder!

    For what it's worth, this summer, I sent all of our old video tapes to Now, they are all on-line (kind of like youtube.) Now, I just need to find the time to edit them! Wish me luck.

  54. I have never laughed so much in my life....oh, forgive me...I realize you were going through a bit of a trauma - you could have flown nonstop to London in the time you spent at Apple. I don't own a MAC but, after reading about how wonderful everyone at the Apple store is, my next computer purchase is definitely going to be an Apple. Sounds like your vacation to Europe was fantastic, though and you must have amazing memories of it all - would love to see the DVD..and think, hubby's birthday party is all organized!

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