I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions for 2015 mainly because the thought of having one more thing on my "to-do" list was overwhelming. I was tired, stressed and worn down enough without feeling defeated for not accomplishing yet another goal.
A better attitude would definitely have been on my agenda if I'd made a resolution-- after all, the countless funerals I've attended in the past few years were more than my heart could stand and left me feeling stressed and sad. Maybe that's why an emailed review request about a supplement called "Happy Calm Focused" caught my eye.
In all honesty, the super positive name and packaging had me rolling my eyes and laughing out loud at its claims. It was early February and I'd already attended three MORE funerals of loved ones. (I know! When will it STOP!?!) But if ever someone was in need of help being happy and calm it was definitely me. So, after taking my head out of the oven I agreed to give the HCF supplement a try. A free bottle arrived in my mailbox shortly thereafter.
Did I mention that I have never, ever, blindly tried a supplement before? Not once. I called my doc who said it was okay to give one bottle a try to see if he helped. Then I checked the mostly very positive HCF reviews online and popped the top.

Could I have been momentarily happy before even swallowing the three substantial capsules that smelled a lot like herbs and the back of a pharmacy? Probably not, but it made me smile nevertheless. A good start, huh?
It's important to take HCF on an empty stomach 30 minutes before eating in the morning-- That had me watching the clock because I wake up starved and actually keep granola bars on my bedside table. As the thirty minutes ticked by til food time, I could still taste that herb/pharmacy/ick smell and was less than calm waiting to eat something to squash the after-taste.
Two more very sad situations with loved ones later (Again I say-- When will it STOP!) and I have to admit that I'm taking things in stride which I translate to being more calm in a crisis. Happy might be too strong a word to describe my emotional state these days but the noise in my head when tracking the drama that surrounds me is somewhat lower. Both good things.
As for focused-- I'm afraid that ship has sailed for me. I haven't been laser focused in more years than I can remember and have actually forgotten where I put the Happy Calm Focused supplement bottle a few times.
Will I continue to take the HCF supplement after the bottle is empty? I'm not sure. The biggest down side for me is the indigestion and "repeating" of the supplement throughout the day. I'm not crazy about that. This is not a side-effect I read about in online reviews so maybe it's just my "delicate" system.
Happy Calm Focused isn't a "miracle in a bottle", at least not for me. Rather, it's an amino acid based supplement that might have helped make me feel a little better. Will it help you feel happier, more calm and focused? You'll have to be the judge.
Available on Amazon.com.
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