I blinked and summer is nearly over! Oh sure, I had grandiose plans for all the things I wanted to do and accomplish, but here I sit scratching my head wondering what the heck happened.
Considering how little I've been around Blogland lately, the blame can't be placed there by any stretch of the imagination. And speaking of imagination, one of the reasons I haven't blogged much is because my imagination and creativity has been missing in action.
So to jump-start my brain and wrap-up my activities, below are my Summer Seven: An Off-The-Top-Of-My-Head List of Summer Happenings...
1) I had a whopping 897 text messages on my cell phone bill in June! That's what happens when you send your first text message announcing to your very large family that you've truly entered the technology age and finally learned how to use your iPhone. It was great fun but I had to put myself on a "Texting Time-Out" after I received an additional $68 in charges on my cell phone bill. Oophs.
2) A "Cannonball" jump into the deep end of the swimming pool has a very different impact on a 53 year old's body than it does when this 53 year old was, oh, say, 40 years younger. It also gets a very different reaction from the younger generation, who apparently found my old self hysterically funny.

3) My good intentions of reading War and Peace were for not. It never left my nightstand, nor was it even opened. But, I did read Margaret of Nanny Goats In Panties' new book Sticky Readers: How to Attract a Loyal Blog Audience by Writing More Better. It's a fabulous and very informative read for all bloggers-- Not to mention way funnier than War and Peace. It's available on Amazon. Please check it out.
4) I learned to "never say never" and for the first time in my life I took a spin on a Ferris Wheel. I do not like heights so all I can say is-- Once was enough.
5) On five different days I happened to be in five different places that had record-breaking high temperatures-- all over 100 degrees with hideous levels of humidity. Unfortunately, I was not near the above mentioned pool on any of those days.
6) Blogger kindness never ceases to amaze me. I published a picture I took of a blue butterfly-- with an out of focus right wing. A blue butterfly was a first for me and I was thrilled to actually capture even a shaky image of it to share.

About a week after posting, I received this gorgeous Photoshopped picture from the very sweet Cathy of Yooper Yarns. Her photography blows me away on a regular basis (go check it out!) so when she sent me this perfectly edited photo, I squealed like a school girl. What a nice and unexpected thing for her to do. I have a framed copy in my office and think of Cathy's thoughtfulness every time I look at it. Thank you Cathy!
7) We have a thick and very tall wall of ficus trees separating our house from our crazy as a loon neighbor. Over the years, humming birds have made their nests in the trees and we've enjoyed numerous humming bird sightings. But this year I happened to be sitting on the patio when all the baby hummers were getting their first flying lessons! I watched all afternoon as at least 50 babes flew from the ficus to the opposite side of the yard, land on a camellia bush, rest, then fly back. It was amazing.

How about your summer? Wanna play along? Feel free to grab the above Summer Seven photo (Sorry, I have no idea how to make a button.) and join in. If you do, link up below so we can all see YOUR Summer Seven: Off-The-Top-Of-My-Head Summer Happenings.
Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: © Maya Mishina - Fotolia.com and Margaret Andrews