Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sunday Roast

Just prior to David McMahon's sign-0ff from Authorblog to work on his novels, he asked me to participate in his Sunday Roast interview segment. Now, the fabulous Eddie Bluelights of Clouds and Silvery Linings has taken over for David and my interview is featured this weekend! I do not like being 51 (years old) but being 87 (in a prestigious list of weekly interviews) has a nice ring to it.

Please stop by and check out my interview. And while you're at it, please scroll down to the next (most recent) post by Eddie to get to know him better. His plate is pretty full these days so show him so love. Eddie was a real gem to work with on this and I'm looking forward to many more Sunday Roasts.

Thanks and have a great weekend. I'm still loving my vacation. I'll be back Tuesday!

Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna


  1. Congratulations Joanna----recognition certainly deserved!

  2. Nice interview! I enjoyed the answers. I so agree with you on the word verification thing. I hate it!

  3. Great job, girl. I so enjoyed the interview. I certainly hate the word verification thing especially when those plumpy fat letters squish up against one another and you can't tell whats-what!

    Have a great weekend surrounded by blessings!!!

  4. This is a great interview. It still surprises me to be reminded by you that you are a fairly new blogger. You are a savvy, seasoned blogger with a lot of heart and humor in my book.

  5. woot woot! well deserved and great roast! have a great rest of the vaca!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That was me who deleted! I did not write what I wanted to write. I meant to say that you are so deserving to be interviewed, and I really enjoy reading your posts!!!

  8. you do a great interview Joanna, I left a comment over there too.

  9. Now that you are a celebrity we can say we read your blog when......

  10. Great fun Joanna and I am so pleased the whole venue enabled me to meet and to get to know you. That's the beauty of taking on the Sunday Roast. And thank you for your very kind comments on your post. If you want some humour I would suggest having a peek at the first two episodes of my Wizard Of Oz - soon the be revived! Take care ~ Eddie

  11. Okay Joanna. It's official...

    You are now my most favorite person on Earth. Not only do I bow to you completely for you awesomeness and brilliance and level-headed ness and lack of freaking out over your sliding pool - but I adore you for liking me and my stupid silly humble little blog and for recommending me in you Sunday Roast. OMG. I'm stunned! I wondered how that happened. Thank you my goddess. Thank you for your kindness and your friendship and your support and your love.

    And please know that you have all that and more rebounding right back at you from Casa Hice.

    I love you Joanna. Gotta dash now though because I need to get my shrine to you built before the sun goes down.

  12. Joanna that was a great interview. I can totally relate to the why you blog answer. You did a great job putting it into words.
    Hope you have enjoyed your vacation.
    ♥ Joy

  13. Congratulations, Joanne!


  14. Here from Eddie's! Congrats o the roast!

    I enjoyed the post you wrote about your grandmother too! Lovely.

  15. I'm back again to say congratulations on your Roast with my brother, Eddie!
    As I said before, I love your profile face of many pictures.
    Don't worry about being 51. That is a mere baby! LOL!

    Nuts in May

  16. 'over from eddie's! congrats on the roasting!^^ you have indeed a wonderful page with many great reads! 'love your profile pic!

  17. Congratulations - really impressive. You are terrific!

  18. Great interview, Joanna, and well deserved! I'm all smiles for you!

  19. Great interview and well-deserved kudos!

  20. Wonderful interview - on both sides! I didn't think you could more interesting, but the interview sure set me straight! It's obvious why you have a gazillion hits on your blog.

    Great job!!

  21. Congratulations, Joanna! I'll check it out! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!


  22. Your interview was great, Joanna. I especially like what you said about writing for yourself and reading other blogs of interest. There are so many good ones. Don't let being in your fifties be a bad thing....I just finished them and I thought they were great years and am finding even early sixties to be pretty good.

  23. Congrats on your interview! I'm glad you're enjoying the vacation.

  24. Loved your interview, Joanna and can't wait to get to know you. I think that fifty is nifty! Have a fun vacation!

  25. Congratulations on a very nice interview. It's cool to hear a little more something about our fellow bloggers.


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