Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shamless Self Promotion

Please check out today's More.com . It features a story I submitted to them called "I've Become My Grandmother". It's a post from my blog in May, but since it only received 12 comments, I submitted it to More.com to see what they thought about it.

Low and behold, they picked it up and it's featured HERE in their "Passions" section!

Please take a look and, if you enjoyed it, please click the I LIKE IT button at the bottom of the article. If you really like it, please sign in and leave a comment.

And, if YOU are interested in submitting an article to More.com, all you have to do is "Join". See the "Share Your Story" button in the bottom right corner of their main page to get started. There's no pay, of course, but it's a hoot to see your name on the computer screen of a magazine's website.

A million thanks!
Welcome to The Fifty Factor.com - Joanna


  1. I'm so excited for you! I'll read it later today. Yippee!!!

  2. What great article. It brought a tear to my eye since I'm becoming my grandmother too.
    Congrats and well done!

  3. I'm proud as punch for you. Congratulations on a job well done. Have a wonderfully blessed day!!! Does it get any better than this???

  4. Congrats! great story I used to read the obits all the time. Always bothered me when someone young passes and they don't say why. Not that its my business but I always wonder.

  5. Okay so I'm still stuck on how getting 12 comments was a bad thing for you. I get 12 comments on good days.
    But anyways, congrats! I will have to read that post soon. And comment here again about it.

  6. On my way, sistah. Be back with a review an a jiffy.

  7. Loved the article! I live in a small town. That is just what you do.....after turning 50 something!

  8. very cool. off to check it out...ironically you already have 10 on this one...smiles.

  9. Hooray for you - I'm going over to check it out now!

  10. This was very sweet and your Grandma would be so proud of you.

  11. That was so beautiful -- so glad you were published by More and allowed your new followers to read the post. From the minute I found your posts the other week I was drawn to your writing. When I grow up (ok I am older than you) I want to blog just like you. In the meantime I am going to keep trying to find my blog voice.

    PS this was an especially tough summer for me - I had four funerals in three weeks even my mom thinks that is excessive for someone in their 50's

  12. Nicely done. It's a touching sentiment and I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.

  13. that´s fantastic! i´m going now!! besos!

  14. Beautifully written, Joanna. Congrats on your new "celebrity" status!

  15. What a beautiful piece and congrats to your recognition.

    I enjoy reading your blog, but hope more pieces will be published.

  16. So congratulations on the More publication. I can't wait to read it.

  17. Joanna,

    I thoroughly enjoyed your article. It was personable and from the heart. Your writing talent shows.

    No shameless promotion here.....you should be proud of your writing skills.

  18. I dunno how I fell off your blog..but I'm BAAAAAAAAACK!

    Thank you for stoppin in and prayin for us.


  19. THANKS A MILLION TIMES OVER EVERYONE. I appreciate your support and good wishes.

    All of you are great writers. I hope you consider submitting stories to More.com too. I actually submitted three stories and two were accepted, but this is the first one they've "featured" so I'm excited.

    Thanks for sharing the excitement with me!!!

    xo Joanna

  20. Loved it and let MORE know I liked it;-) Also, read and checked "like it" on high school Reunion article!You're a great writer Joanna..can't tell you how many times you've made me cry...and you always make me think! Thank you for your work!!

  21. Am I the only one that thought it was a little sad? Congrats on being featured!

  22. That sounds awesome. I'm going to check your article out...just as soon as I eat my pizza!

  23. yeah, I'm with ymK - 12 comments for me is a BIG day, but soooo cool! Between us, we'll keep MORE magazine rollin.'


  24. It was pretty easy to get a login for More.com - they have a nice website and I did like your story.

  25. So very proud of you! You are an excellent writer...one that writes directly from the heart. More is also a great publication so knowing that your writing has been accepted just confirms it further for me...you are good!!!

  26. I clicked 'like it', then found out I was already a member somehow, just had to do some updates. Great story as usual.

  27. Yes, checkin those obits here too! Nice article and not surprised they picked it up.

  28. Here I am again... pulling up the rear...

    But darling. Really. You DO realize we are the same person, right? I have been following in my Grammy's footsteps for eons, reading obituaries and being generally obsessed with all things morose.

    My grandmother had the added benefit of being BEST FRIENDS with not one, not two, but THREE funeral homes. They literally fought over her. And wouldn't you know, I was on my honeymoon (Tampa, I think) when we got the news and had to hightail it back home to catch a funeral flight.

    Still... to this day... I comb the obits. Larry always looks at me in his puzzled way, but I adhere to them. Why? You got me. Blame Grandma.

  29. Congratulations....that was a beautiful story and so telling about small town life. Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful woman to emulate.

  30. Lovely story honey. Of course I clicked "Liked it".

    Even though I follow you, it's not showing up on blogs I follow, strange. I can't wait for the day that Blogspot gets all of the kinks out.

  31. I LOVED it :)) Congratulations. Brilliant... :)))

  32. Though for some reason I couldn't comment....

  33. Hey, well done on the article! Yes I clicked to say I liked it - of course. It's a sad truth that this is one of the things that's thrown at us more and as we age but with good friends around like you it does make it easier to deal with. Knowing that someone is thinking of you, especially with a little something they made themselves, is very comforting. Grandma set a very good example. :)

    I'm glad you pointed me in the direction of more.com. I can see there will be plenty to keep me browsing there and I've already discovered another blogger whom I'll definitely be following.

  34. I'm off to read it, I think it is fair to say I love it already, since I enjoy your writing!! xoxo


Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I really appreciate it.