Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sundays In My City #8 - Firefighters

Do you know Unknown Mami? She's awesome and she's started a fun Sunday theme inviting you to get out and take pictures of your city to share with the rest of us. Click here for details and her logo and click here to see Unknown Mami's City today.

This is the view of my back yard about a month ago-- the day one of the biggest fires in California history started, by arson, about 30 miles from our home. The sky was blue but we soon realized the "white clouds" were smoke.

The smoke grew so big that it looked like a giant mushroom cloud over the city. This smoke literally goes 20,000 feet UP.

For days and weeks our view looked like this during the day-- Thick with dark smoke. Ash was everywhere and it was hard to breath. The temperatures were usually over 100 degrees.

The fires grew and grew until the smoke covered the entire 180 degree view from our yard. 89 homes were lost in the fire and miles of national forest and neighborhoods were burned.

But as of this past week, the fires are now mostly "contained" and the winds have picked up a little helping to clear away a lot of the smoke. For the first time, in a very long time, we could actually see the HOLLYWOOD sign again through the trees!

And today, I took this picture. The white you see against the beautiful blue sky are actually clouds-- glorious smoke-free clouds!

Even though we were blessed and never in any direct danger, it was a scary time for us. I know a number of people who live much closer to the fires and either had their cars packed to flee or were evacuated. They could have lost their homes but thankfully did not.

Everyone in Los Angeles is so grateful to all the firefighters and first responders who have, and continue to, work to put these fires out. There are no words to express our deep and sincere gratitude.

Today I pay special homage to two brave firefighters who lost their lives while working this blaze which grew to more then 250 square miles. Arnie Quinones and Ted Hall were killed when their fire engine rolled down a hill while they were trying to escape flames on August 30, 2009.

This past week, on August 25, Lori Quinones, wife of the deceased firefighter, Arnie, gave birth to their baby daughter Sophia Grace.

My city-- Los Angeles-- is the City of Angels. I hope the angels watch over Sophia and her mother Lori.

How is your Sunday?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna


  1. Two August's ago, we had the Sleeper Lake Fire, which got within about one mile north of us. It consumed over 20,000 acres of wilderness and fortunately just one hunting cabin. While "our fire" doesn't compare with the raging infernos California and other states have experienced, it still put things into perspective. When people north of us were being evacuated, we could finally understand all the news stories we'd seen about people actually in the line of the fire NOT obeying the evacuation orders..we would have had a hard time leaving if it had come down to it.

    Thanks for sharing the photos and your experience. I hope they catch the arsonist(s) and fry their butts.

  2. First of all, God will bless Lori and Sophia Grace (love that name!) and her daddy will keep a close eye on her from above.

    Thanks for mentioning the fallen heroes. So many mention the fires and forget the faces that fought to protect.

    Are you up to choosing five random words for me, or shall I pick them myself? Picture me, eyes shut, dictionary open, pointing blindly on a page. :)

  3. I love the way you ended this giving tribute to the firefighters.

    Your backyard is very nice...

  4. What a lovely tribute. And your pics are beautiful, even when the subject matter isn't.

    I'll second Pseudonymous High School Teacher: Your yard is beautiful.

  5. I didn't realise that it had been established that this was started deliberately. With a consequence of loss of life and so much devastation it's impossible to fathom why anyone would have done this.

    It must be wonderful - and a big relief - to see clear blue skies and fluffy clouds again.

  6. Amazing tribute! So sad how some people lose their lives, and especially when they never get to see their child. I am glad that I came here this morning. My thoughts are with all of those people who have made sacrifices for us!

  7. I'm so glad your skies are clear again. That was one scary fire!

  8. Such a senseless tragedy. How someone could intentionally start a fire that puts people and their homes in danger boggles my mind. I can't imagine what the families of the two brave firefighters who lost their lives are going through.

  9. I was under the impression that LA skies are smogful but your pictures show how clear the skies are even when there were smokes.

    I regret to hear about the news.

    On a 'shallow' note: I'm fascinated that you could see the Hollywood sign from your home.

  10. Since we moved from southern California a year and a half ago and we have family there, we have been keeping a close eye on the fires there. We have experienced pretty close hand some of the southern California fires throughout the years and I send you a hug. Your loving and respectful mention in your post of the two fire fighters who lost their lives is also a tribute to your caring heart.

  11. That was a lovely post. My thoughts go out to the families.

  12. My husband is currently in school to be a firefighter. I am trying to be supportive and happy, but it also worries me!

  13. That was a lovely post. My thoughts go out to the families.

  14. I didn't realize you were so close to the Station Fire (30 miles in my opinion is too close with how those fires can have the propensity to spread and spread quickly)

    my heart does go out to Lori and her precious little baby; what a sad thing with the loss of those firefighters; truly very brave men


  15. I lived in Redlands for 6 months and never got used to all the smoke filled skies..coming from Oregon that was pretty scarey. Im so amzed how every single year there are all these fires there yet life seems to go on no matter what. I feel so bad for everyone who lost their homes and those who have the ultimate price with their life.
    The firefighters are amazing!

  16. great post. my grandfather was a fireman...i will never forget the way he was treated with honor when he passed away. there is a special place in my heart for firefighters. i am glad you were never in danger...scary stuff.

  17. Firefighters are so awesome! We have one in our neighborhood, a very considerate single dad.

    PS what is the lastest with your pool saga?

  18. You can't by fire fighters and police enough money, in my book. I will keep them all in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Very touching post. I spent the first 40 years of my life in Southern California. It was never a pretty sight to see flames or smoke.

    Your tribute to the fallen firemen was wonderful. I pray that their families are surrounded by God's loving arms during this difficult time.

  20. Having seen our skies darkened for a couple of days, 1000 miles east of Los Angeles, by smoke from the fires it is hard to imagine what you were seeing there. Thanks for the pictures and thank you for your tribute to the firefighters.

  21. Powerful stuff - I hope you remain safe.

  22. Yes they are watching.

    What an amazing post. Thanks for honoring those who make such a difference for so many.

  23. Beautiful tribute, Joanna. I had no idea about the fires and the firefighters who lost their lives. Words escape me right now....
    My thoughts are with the families who lost their loved ones.


  24. My heart goes out to ya'll every time I hear about fires in California. What a lovely tribute to those who put their lives on the line everyday. Tears whelped up when I read of this little bundle entering this world without her daddy. I will keep them in my prayers.

    God bless and have a wonderful evening!!!

  25. Oh wow, I thought the smoke was clouds too! Great shots!

  26. wow you do live close to that fire. thank goodness you are ok and didn't have to leave your home. You have a great view.

  27. This post broke my heart. Oh that poor mother and daughter.

  28. I didn't know of those sacrifices, our society owes much to people like that. Have they found the murderous arsonists?

    I witnessed a forest fire in Montana once. They are powerful and spread so quickly in the right (wrong?) conditions.

  29. Thank you for a very touching post. So sad for those who lost their homes, even more for those who lost their lives.

  30. The fires were unbelievable and to know that so many firefighters risked their lives, is beyond courageous. My heart goes out to the families that the firefighters have left behind.

    My Sunday has been beyond crazy with the two year old and potty training.

  31. Grateful that you had no issues. Sad for those to have lost their lives over the stupidity of one Human Being.

    And, the angels Must watch out over one so new and named such a beautiful name.

  32. now they are in my thoughts too. hugs!

  33. I agree firefighters are amazing people and and my thoughts are with the families of those brave men who lost their lives defending others.

    By the way what is that huge tree in your backyard - it reminds me of our gum trees. It just looks awfully familiar to me. As does the black sky unfortunately. Glad you are ok as well.

  34. I also think Sophia Grace will not only have the City of Angels watching over her, but a very special one too. These moments have to be so scary- I'm glad you and your home are OK. My heart goes out to those that lost their homes. xoxo

  35. What a horrible thing to experience, I'm glad y'all were safe! Blessings to the survivors and new Sophia!

  36. so glad those were real clouds you saw yesterday! Fires, everything about them, are truly terrifying :)

  37. I'm glad you are safe and the skies are clear again. My heart goes out to Lori and Sophia. Blessings and Hugs.

  38. So pleased you're safe and yes those firefighters are just precious people...sending love to those who've been tragically effected...

  39. I hadn't heard that any firefighters died. How very sad for their families. I'm glad you were safe.

  40. What a huge sacrifice.

    Beautiful tribute.

  41. Oh Joanna what a touching story. I cannot imagine going to work in such a high risk job every day in the service of others knowing full well what the consequences could be. God bless those brave souls who live to try to make the world a better place. I pray the angels watch over their families as well.

    That must have been such an unsettling time for you guys. I am glad you are safe. Thanks for sharing your story!

  42. It always saddens me when I hear of a firefighter (or other emergency workers) losing their life while working to serve/protect others. Being married to a volunteer firefighter, it always makes me a nervous wreck when he makes those run, especially since this is "hobby", not his profession.

  43. Fires are terrifying.

    And how very sad to hear of the two firemen who lost their lives.

  44. Thanks everyone for stopping by. SUndays in My City is a fun feature to participate in. If you are interested in joining, see the link above at Unknown Mami. It's as simple as one photo out your front door or a group of photos showing you city or a place you've visited!

    Keep those cards and letters coming! I love hearing from you. xo

  45. Joanna, somehow my blogroll didn't update for this post and I'm now just seeing it.

    How awful! We have wildfires a lot during the drought season in Florida and the smoke can be suffocating! Glad you were never in real danger. God bless the souls of the firefighters who lost their lives, and watch over those who they left behind. What a fitting tribute! You have a wonderful heart!

    PS: Can you really see the Hollywood sign from your backyard? How cool is that?


Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I really appreciate it.