Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Democracy Is...

NBS's Today Show featured a short segment Wednesday highlighting the U.S. Department of State's global video contest on YouTube that coincides with the United Nations' first International Day of Democracy. Called "The Democracy Video Challenge", it asked filmmakers, democracy advocates, and the general public to create video shorts that complete the phrase, 'Democracy is..'.

I believe the performing arts are not just about entertainment; I think they are meant to engage audiences and stimulate conversation. So I searched around and found this LINK to all six of the winning videos (900 were submitted) to see how, and what art forms, were used to express their opinions of democracy. Each are by amateur filmmakers and some are a little hard to hear/understand, but they are all unique and have an interesting perspective and presentation. The filmmakers, all young adults, are from Brazil, United Arab Emirates, Nepal, Poland, Philippines and Zambia.

Below is one of the shorter of the films (just 55 seconds) and I think it does a simple and beautiful job of summing up what Democracy is to me.

How do you answer "Democracy is..."?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna
Photo Credit: © Aloysius Patrimonio -


  1. Democracy to me is the freedom we are blessed with living in the United States that we so take for granted. We have never known what life would be like without it. We have never faced the persecution others face every day just to survive another day, another minute or another second.

    We are a blessed nation and seldom do we say thank you Lord for allowing to live with the abundance he has showered upon us.

    Seldom am I serious, this struck a note in my heart. Ya'll have a freely blessed evening.

  2. I really like this little video. Democracy to me is Freedom - to make your own choices, to speak, to worship, to vote... We are blessed.

  3. The video was simple but yet powerful. I believe that democracy is working together in spite of having differences in culture, faith, ideals and opinions. The keyword is respecting one another.

  4. Do you know why I like that choice of yours? It's because it hasn't been reduced, or better said, polluted by politics. Which I'm beginning to think politics could kill democracy if we don't learn to control it and have it return to its rightful place.

    Soap box just collapsed...time for me to zip it!

  5. That was a great short.

    Democracy is best when it includes all.

  6. That is really cute and to the point.Thanks for passing that on.

  7. I thought the video was very good. One of the key elements of democracy is equality and I believe equality requires tolerance, so I liked that that was in the video. I agree with Nezzy that we need to appreciate how fortunate we are. Thanks for the thoughtful post.

  8. cute short film with a great message...freedom.

  9. thanks for sharing that find of yours. I like that video. I wish more people could practice tolerance.

    I also believe diversity isn't always easy but improves daily life in the end.

  10. A great little video. Thanks for posting it. Ah yes, tolerance. Just imagine how wonderful the world could be if everyone showed tolerance. It's not really all that hard.....

  11. I would rather live in a democracy than under a dictatorship.

  12. Democracy is the ability to embrace ideas and people even though you may not agree with them all the time; is the freedom of thinking and of expression, the freedom to go as far as one's power of understanding and compassion can carry...

    Democracy is, after all, an inalienable right.

  13. Thanks for sharing this. What a great video!

  14. Tolerance - acceptance - democracy
    What a wonderful world we live in!

  15. Sometimes it is easier to say what democracy IS NOT rather than what it truly is. To just say social equality and elective government cannot begin to express the deep deep love of freedom. This is a wonderful post!

  16. Fabulous video!! Love the simplicity in the powerful message.

  17. Thanks for sharing that lovely little video! I don't see how anyone can argue with those sentiments about democracy--unless they're terribly selfish of course.

  18. Democracy is giving everyone a voice.

  19. Tolerance is very important! People can be on opposite sides of an issue and still be good people!

  20. Tolerance! Where have you gone??

  21. There's something to be said about how no one from the U.S. made the top of the list, but I'm not sure what it is. Do we have no idea what Democracy is...?

    And, regarding the 55 second usual, the simplest is the best. It's really not that complicated.

  22. I really like this little video. Democracy to me is Freedom - to make your own choices, to speak, to worship, to vote..
    Make website india


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