Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sundays In My City #55 - It's Official

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On Saturday, even though we had a turkey hangover and were still dizzy from too many carbs on Thanksgiving, Godson and I got a head start on the next set of holidays since Hanukkah is just around the corner.

We started with this and got an instant energy boost *translation*sugar*rush* after sampling the supplies....

And we had one of these as our excuse to have all those candies...

Before long the kitchen started to smell like gingerbread and cinnamon....

And things started to take shape....

In the end we had a multicultural gingerbread house with runny frosting, but we had a great time decorating and eating way too much candy....

For us, the holidays have officially begun!

How's your Sunday?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
For more "Sundays In My City" click HERE.


  1. Ah yes, this brings back memories of helping my kids make them. Eating the decorations is part of the fun.

  2. oh how fun! i need to get all my supplies so i can make one with my son this year. :) :)

  3. How cute is that?
    It is as cute as cute can be!

  4. Oh, what a lovely gingerbread house.;) My aunt was always so proficient making those.;)
    Here the Holiday Season has begun for me as well and we are under tons of snow just to add to that enchanted feeling.;)

  5. What a fun thing to do with him. The house turned out cute!

  6. haha.. i love the multi-cultural gingerbread house! looks like a fun time!

  7. Love the gingerbread house!! Well done! That would put me in the holiday mood too. Don't know if I could handle all the sugar though. Yikes!

  8. nice. love making gingerbread houses....looks like you did a great job with it...tis the season...

  9. How perfect! Have I ever said that I am charmed completely by Godson's amazing mop of hair (seen just to the side there)? Well, I am. I wonder if we ought to make a gingerbread house this year...

  10. You are such a good godmother! I'll bet he had loads of fun!

  11. That looks like so much fun. I never made a gingerbread house. One time the kids got a kit and they put it together and decorated but I think it would be way more fun to make it from scratch. Happy Hanukkah a few days early.

  12. It was always a fantasy of mine to make one of those adorable gingerbread houses ... but I never did. Your godson is one lucky kid! Sounds like you had a great holiday ... Nate is home from Chicago, leaving today. We had a wonderful holiday together!

  13. How fun. I have always wanted to make a Gingerbread house. Did you make it from a kit or scratch?

  14. That is a very cool gingerbread house. Nicely done!

  15. What else can I say than Happy Holidays! :)

  16. You're the best Godmother anyone could ever have!

    Let the Holiday Season begin!

  17. I haven't made a gingerbread house in years, but I remember how fun it was, candy eating and all. A multicultural gingerbread house is a great way to start your holiday season.

  18. We never made gingerbread houses when I was a kid. I think the only time I ever did was at school. Boo. :(

  19. Such fun! I can so see why the kids in your life just love you! Happy Sunday!

  20. WOWie that is one fantastic looking gingerbread house!!! I've never made one myself..I think I need to give it a shot now. : ) Have a wonderful week!

  21. It looks great! I was feeling a little guilty that I haven't gotten one this year... but when I suggested it to the 'kids' (ha, they're not kids any more!!)they were both sorta "meh".

    So I will enjoy yours from a distance. Less fattening that way.

  22. Oh my goodness. That looks just about perfect. I love your gingerbread house. We made ours last year 2 weeks after Christmas...that's just how we like to roll. LATE!

  23. That is a lovely gingerbread house. I particularly like the roof.

  24. Beautiful house! Still haven't made one...I must do it this year! My Sunday was in Sedona AZ

  25. love your multicultural gingerbread house! the candy looks scrumptious.

  26. Ohhh, thanks for reminding me! My 6 year old wanted to make one in the summer, but I told her she had to wait till winter! Great pics, thanks for sharing,
    CJR @ The Mommy Blog

  27. eating the supplies of the gingerbread house probably makes more sense than eating the house since it will be sitting out as decoration for awhile.
    I think one of my in-laws made one once.
    I wonder if there are gingerbread trailers.

  28. YUM! I was in the mood for something sweet, now gingerbread cookies are in my head:)

    I love the thought of doing a "multi-cultural" theme!
    Looks like a great time!

    It REALLY is possible for pictures to make you drool:)
    Happy Day!

  29. I've never made a gingerbread house before, but it sure does look like a LOT of fun. Yum!

  30. Great job.

    I picked a day to go cut the Christmas tree - does that count as starting?

  31. My daughter made one with my grandson last year! So much fun!!! Love how yours looks!

  32. Gorgeous gingerbread house! We cheat by using half of the milk carton as the structure since I figure that nobody is going to want to eat the house anyway. They all just want to pick at the candy!

  33. cute and yummy looking! I spent another day getting over this cold, and it's off to work for me tomorrow :) Have awonderful week!

  34. Oh that looks SO yummy and so much fun! We are taking my oldest to learn how to do these in a couple of weeks, I can't wait!!! It will be our first!

  35. Beautiful little gingerbread house! Evokes so many memories of my own children helping when they were toddlers. And the suger highs... whew!

  36. Looks like fun! I was thinking "I'd like to do that someday, but who's got time?" Then I thought, I can get Miss Chef a kit for Christmas and we can mess around with it Christmas day.

    After all, what fun is Christmas day without new toys to play with, right!?

  37. This is one thing I've never done--and I always think they look so sweet.

  38. There's just nothin' like a great building project, especially when the mortar is lickable! What fun!!!

    Your Godson is blessed to have you in his life. :o)

    Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed week!!!

  39. My girls used to love making these.... even though they are older now we may just have to make one again.

  40. I want some of that multicultural gingerbread house! It just looks too darned good. It small doses! This is one holiday treat I've never made...I'll stick to cookies.

  41. Awesome! We had such a blast last year making our gingerbread house. I need to od one with the wee ones this year soon. Really soon.

  42. ooooh, that looks delish! and hey, what better way to follow up Thanksgiving carbs than with more holiday carbs? we'll behave after new year's. LOL

  43. Wow - that is a fabulous-looking gingerbread house! Do you eat it after Christmas?

  44. That looks so yummy and colourful. :)

  45. I'm on a sugar high just looking at all the wonderful sweets! I'm glad you and the gs started off the season in the right direction. xo

  46. Great job! This is one holiday tradition that I've never done with my kids when they were little and I don't know why...perhaps I was saving it as something to do with my future their house...why get all the sticky fingers over my kitchen...ha ha or should I say Ho Ho Ho!

  47. Wow. The fact that you actually baked the gingerbread to make the gingerbread houses...I am SO impressed! *High Five*

  48. I have never made a gingerbread house but it looks wonderful. At Thanksgiving, I did have the fabulous news that I will be a grandmother in July ( for the first time ) - my son who married in May - maybe I'll live long enough ( though I'm already 66 ) for a few gingerbread houses!

  49. What an awesome way to spend time together.


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