Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sundays In My City #54 - Billboards

I'm a proud Sundays In My City participant.

Having spent the better part of my professional career in the advertising business, my eyes always perk up when I see a cleaver creative campaign-- Something that catches my attention and leaves an impression.

Last month hubby and I were in NYC and spotted a few campaigns I liked....

Parking the car is a big relief when I'm driving in Manhattan. There are just too many cars for me to navigate around safely.....

This one for a Self-Storage facility cracked me up....

As for my Sunday in Los Angeles, I'm counting the days til Thanksgiving!

How's your Sunday? - Joanna Jenkins
For more Sundays In My City click HERE.


  1. Much fun the billboards. And I would probably never attempt driving in Manhattan.

    You'll be back IN LA for Thanksgiving Joanna?

  2. Those billboards are wonderful. That last one is hilarious! I just can't imagine driving in New York!

  3. LOL! The last one is superb!
    Freezing cold greetings from my friend's summer/winter house here in Finland (28.4 F) and little bit snow....but it's beautiful and the air is fresh and clean!

  4. What great shots and that storage sign, hilarious and so true :D

  5. After visiting Bombay and Bangkok, New York and Boston driving never seemed as intimidating to me. Of course, I didn't drive in those place. Good grief, Joanna, driving in L. A. isn't a piece of cake, either!!!

  6. My Sunday is dark and drizzly weather wise, but cosy otherwise.;)
    Love all the billboards.;)
    Have a lovely Sunday yourself,

  7. great shots. I love the last one especially.... I think it would prompt some parents to pay the storage fee!

  8. This was a great idea! The storage ad made me laugh.

  9. Oh my goodness. I LOVE that first ad so much. Sensational! : ) What a beautiful reminder.

    I always love your clever takes on the world around you. Your pictures make me smile : ) and your words warm my heart.

    You are a blessing Joanna Jenkins! A true blessing!

  10. JJ
    You always make my day!
    Visit your parents....

  11. ha. loving there signs jj...esp that first one...hope you have a great turkey week...

  12. Those billboards are wonderful. I have about 100 large cartons of priceless drivel stored in my attic and had a moment of "Gee, are my kids visiting me or their stuff?" then remembered that the air conditioner repair person and I are the only ones who ever go up there.

  13. Those are great! The storage one is my favorite!

  14. ha... so cool.
    Have a great Thanksgiving Joanna.

    it's windy and overcast , but quiet and peaceful.
    all good.

  15. Those are awesome signs! I'm counting the days excited for the holidays this year! Have a wonderful week!

  16. Great signs! Driving in NYC is wild. You were brave!

  17. Great eye in catching these signs, Joanna. I need to ask my kids to visit some of their boxes in my basement and maybe take a few with them.

  18. My Sunday is Lovely but whom is the winner?

  19. HA! I like the last one the best!!!

  20. Those were great!

    I see someone left you a very long comment in a language other than English.

  21. Great ads you captured while you were in New York, Joanna. I particularly like the self storage one. Ha.

  22. What fun billboards! Happy Sunday to you and yours...I imagine you are getting pretty excited for Thanksgiving! XX

  23. love the signs :-) i just had a fun few days in nyc, i can't even imagine driving myself around, yet some of the cab rides scare me so much ~ i feel aged, exhausted and happy to be alive when i get out from a crazy ride! it was so good to walk... to wander.

    happy sunday to you!

  24. Oh my goodness those are fantastic sings!

  25. Great signs. I've only driven in NYC once, and needed therapy after :) I'm drinking coffee this morning, watching for signs of snow, counting the days until Thanksgiving also! Have a happy!

  26. I love a great sign--thanks!

  27. Love the signs--especially the parking one.

  28. I so love the last one, so clever. have a great weekend. hugs.

  29. Someone recently posted an ad that said something like "Smart has plans and Stupid has stories". I loved that one!

  30. Hee hee, I love the one about storing at ya parents!

  31. Looks like someone is using your comment section as a billboard.

    I wish billboards were more limited in the countryside. Not too bad in the cities but I would rather look at scenery while driving across the land.

    The last one - yeah your visit to your parents would be much nicer if they didn't have to bitch at you to get your crap out of their house.

  32. Great signs Joanna.
    It's always a relief when we can find a parking space!

    Have a great rest of weekend

  33. Nice Joanna! I love the billboards! There could be a lot of musings and interpretations on the many signs we take in every day!

    I'm sure New York and LA are FULL of interesting signs!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  34. Joanna, thank you so very much for visiting me and for leaving such nice comments about my blog post at Eddie's. You were so sweet to pay me a visit, and I have enjoyed reading your blog in return.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the photos of the advertising you found. Very clever, indeed. I always keep an eye out for amusing signs, and those are some of the best I've seen. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Here's wishing you a wonderful week ahead and a Happy Thanksgiving!


    Sheila :-)

  35. Huh - Sorry I missed you in NYC - I was there last weekend! Thanks for hanging in there with me this year...

  36. Humour sells better than anything in almost all situations. Great billboards.

  37. Everyone needs a laugh while in a traffic jam... Traffic Jam humor. Thanks for sharing!

  38. That yellow one definitely made me chuckle! So clever.

  39. very cool, kinda looks like ny

  40. That parking sign would absolutely bring me in.

  41. Thanks girl for the great chuckle this morn'. I especially got a hoot outta of the last one!

    Oh Sundays!!! I usually load up the car repeatin'..."day of rest, day of rest, day of rest!" Yesterday morn' I cooked corn and dressin' for the full church dinner after AM services. Hubs stuck his head in the door and said he wanted to leave early to transport a pick-up to town...ON A FOOD DAY!!! Arrivin' at church I hopped right into my Pre-Teen Sunday School Class to instruct but one of my pre-school teachers got hit in the eye by a three year old from the Children's Home. Poor thing, had to go home. Teacher, not the kid.

    I then joined song service and then held Kid's Church. Had the dinner, helped clean up and came back to the Ponderosa where the 'farm' stuff starts!

    I truly don't think this is what God meant as a 'day of rest'! Heeehehehe!

    God bless ya and enjoy this week sweetie!!!

  42. Love the billboards! I cannot believe Thanksgiving is here already. xo

  43. great signs...especially the self-storage...and good to add 'siblings, cousins, grandparents' to that.

  44. I like a clever ad, too. And good point about having to visit your parents if you store stuff there.

  45. those are GREAT...that last one is the best and the truth !!!

  46. The last one is hilarious. Happy Thanksgiving!

  47. I'm especially loving that last sign. How come I never find the good signs?!


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