Thursday, August 5, 2010

We Have A Winner!

A big congratulations to Eva Gallant of
Wrestling With Retirement-- She's the winner of my $80 Giveaway. Happy shopping Eva! The Gift Certificate should be in your email box shortly. And thanks to every one who entered-- 468 entries total! I really appreciate your readership and support.

Eva is terrific. And, I'm happy to say we've been reading each other's blog for longer than I can remember. Stop by and say hello. I'm sure you'll find an interesting story and a good laugh while you're there.

And one note about the wonderful They have tons and tons of a wide variety of great merchandise to choose from. I've shopped with them a few times and found it to be a positive experience.

But-- select your merchandise for their giveaways very carefully because CSN Gift Certificate merchandise is NOT returnable.

As far as Giveaways in general go, what's your experience with them? For them? Against them? Win some? Lose some? Pros? Cons? Let it rip--

Do tell!
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: © Scott Maxwell -


  1. I almost never enter them.

    Occasionally I have one on my blog, but I don't advertise it or see it as a way to get new readers... I do it to reward my regulars for sticking with me.

    Just sent out a set of tie dyed pillowcases this week, actually. From the giveaway I did just before my surgery.

  2. Woo Hoo! Thank you, thank you!

  3. Congrats to Eva! What a great thing to win. I think giveaways are great!

  4. Congrats Eva!! Woohoo!! I have entered giveaways and even won some. Some of the giveaways want you to jump through too many hoops! A couple times I won and never received the item. Sigh!! All in all; I think giveaways are fun and they should be simple to enter.

  5. I usually just move one when I see a giveaway because most of them say you get this point for facebook and this point for twitter and I don't do either of them. There are plenty of people who use both and are interested in the giveaways. I understand the logic behind most giveaways to collect more readers but I wonder if those giveaways produce more regular readers. You on the other hand, Joanna, have a stand up blog and a good name in blogland so people love you with our without giveaways.

  6. First, Congrats Eva! Couldn't happen to a sweet lady.

    I've hosted a few giveaways, but I only ever entered one. The reason is I don't need more stuff. Those I've hosted have awarde e-gift certificates as a prize so as not to have to deal with shipping.

  7. I'd rather host a giveaway than enter one...not sure why. A lot of giveaway prizes are less interesting to me as I know they are to others. I've only hosted one myself, but have ideas for others. I see giveaways as a way to thank and connect with my readers in "real life," so my prizes will generally be something related to my blog.

  8. Congrats to Eva!

    I don't enter giveaways on someone's blog that I've never visited just because I heard about the giveaway through the grapevine. I think that's cheesy. So, if the reason a blogger does a giveaway is to get new viewers, it backfires with me. The way I find new blogs is through exploration, such as others blogrolls, not from giveaways. Hence, my yesterday's post about Blog Hopping. I truly enjoy finding new blogs of interest and what better way to find them than having other bloggers recommending them, especially if they have posted a super post!

  9. Congrats Eva! JJ have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Congratulations to sweet Eva! What can I say, I'm a lucky lady. I've won more in the last year than I could count, some I didn't even realize I entered.

    God bless ya and have a wonderful weekend sweetie. We're off to Branson for that getaway I talked about last November. Stuff happens 'round the Ponderosa...ya just gotta roll with the punches! Heeehehe!!!

  11. I rarely enter giveaways and only do so if I am really interested in getting the gift. I don't enter them if there are too many rules to entering and also don't go to a blog I don't read just for the giveaway. so like others, it does not draw me to a new blog. I've never won anything so I can't report on whether it was received.

  12. Congrats to Eva .. and have a great weekend JJ!

  13. Congratulations Eva! Happy Shopping!

    As for giveaways, I am okay with them. I only enter giveaways on blogs I read and, if it is something I really like. Although I have entered some and have hosted some, that is not what my blog is about. With the exception of my last giveaway which was hosted by CSN, all my giveaways have been financed solely by me. Also, my giveaways were done to celebrate a special occasion. I typically do not care for giveaways which I have to jump through hoops to enter. I added a few extra hoops in my last giveaway but it did not sit well with me so any other giveaways I have will be kept simple – just leave a comment. I do not want readers to follow me solely on the chance they may win a giveaway, I want them to follow me because they like what they read/see in my random blog! Likewise, I do not follow blogs because of giveaways, but because I like the author and the content of the blog. As for items I have won, yes, I have received all of them. I won a CSN giveaway last month but have not used my certificate yet but have had a pleasant experience working with CSN in both winning and hosting a giveaway.

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend Joanna!

    ~ Tracy

  14. Whoooot congrats to the lucky winner!!!
    I really enjoy doing giveaways..honestly more because it is just fun to give a treat to someone! I love meeting new folks and it is always a bonus to have folks see my new work. So I guess overall I have had wonderful experiences doing giveaways! Maybe I should do another soon!! Hmmmmm...
    Hugs hon, Sarah

  15. I don't enter contests or giveaways except in support of my blog friends. I won a book not long ago. It arrived in the mail all the way from Australia, which was exciting, and the book was good, too. :-)

  16. Yeehaw Eva!!!

    I love entering. I have won three different giveaways and loved every goodie.


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