Friday, July 2, 2010

In A Rut

"June Gloom" is the term used by weather gurus in Southern California for the gray skies that kick off our summer. In actuality, the gloom spills into July too but the month of June officially gets stuck with the gloomy title.

I'm fairly close to the Pacific Ocean so in addition to the constant gray haze, we get a bit of damp fog, along with the usual LA smog and dirty air too. It all adds up to decent temperatures but gloomy days..... Kinda like how I've been feeling lately.

I can't blame it all on June because the gloom has been knocking on my door for a while now. No one thing is bringing me down, but I'm in a rut that is getting deeper and deeper as time goes by despite some really joyful events in my life. Even on the rare sunny afternoons, when the gloomy gray skies burns off before the sun sets, I'm still "in the pits" as we used to say back in the 70s.

For nearly a year I've been reading Christine Forest's blog-- Doctor Forest that is. She's a successful LA psychiatrist with an easy way of explaining things that often leaves me feeling encouraged with ideas and a fresh outlook.

Today I discovered Christine is offering a free e-course titled "A Six Point Self-Guide to Healing and Happiness". It's a weekly newsletter with no strings attached and I signed up for it. I thought some of you might find it of interest too so I'm sharing the link.

Note: I was not asked to promote this program nor am I being compensated in any way. It's just that after reading Dr. Christine's blog for nearly a year, I'm confident she will provide useful and helpful information-- And maybe I'll pull myself out of this rut before summer's over.

An introduction to her course is HERE and will give you a good idea of what to expect. The e-newsletter link is in her right sidebar.

Happy weekend everyone. I hope the skies are blue and sunny in your world.

Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: © jeancliclac -


  1. I think it's so kind of you to share this with others even though you're "in the pits". They say reaching outside of yourself helps. I experience the blues from time to time, so I thank you for this. I'm going to go check it out now. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I really like her blog. As a social worker, I find her posts really helpful, professionally, and for me personlly.

  3. I think we all experience bouts of the blues from time to time, for a variety of reasons.
    I hope blue skies appear to chase your blues away! :)

  4. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth--so be careful!

  5. Looks like you and I are paddling the same boat these days. Perhaps I'll sign up the e-course also and maybe we can carry each other until the gloom lifts a bit. Big, huge, gigantic hug to you, my friend. And thanks so much for your words on my blog yesterday. It means a lot.

  6. I'm sorry Joanna. I hope this class gives you the boost you need. I'll keep you in my thoughts.


  7. sorry to hear you got the blues...does not come out in your writing...but glad you found a resource to help...smiles.

  8. Do you find that blues are more profound because of the state that California is in? I know that when I hear the news and all that is going on here, it really causes me to take some time to step away from it and breathe deeply.

    I will check out her blog. It sounds like it might benefit me as well.

    Take care, Joanna!

  9. I know what you're saying. Maybe it's just a down period in your emotional/mental cycle. I get that once in awhile, and during those times I have to give more positive self-talk than usual. You sound like you're doing healthy things to combat the blues, Dr. Forest, being one of them. I always like to make sure I'm laughing a lot during periods like that, and doing extra special things for myself like buying myself flowers and treating myself to things I really enjoy. Little things seem to go a long way.

    Hope you are feeling brighter soon. I'll check out Dr. Forest's blog. Sounds like a good resource.

  10. I think your blues are of a seasonal affect! You need some bright, sunny days that continue for more than one day. I too hope this class helps. And that you are on top of the world before too long.
    Take care dear one

  11. Hello Joanna,

    I am sorry to hear you are down in the pits. Been there myself. I am going to forward the links you gave us to my mother. Since she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, she has been fighting depression. She tries to keep positive but with so many down days due to the cancer and treatments, she is having a hard time.

    Thank you for sharing this with us. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Warm regards,

  12. I'm hopping over there right now! No wait, I want to send you a big hug first!

    I remember the month of June. I would be attending summer school, and the mornings would always suck because they were so cool, and you had to dress in layers so you could peel off during the day.
    The beach air would always friz my hair!

    There's a lot going on this weekend to distract you. Hope you get out and enjoy some of it.

  13. Joanna I have a friend who is in a rut staying home because we think her self esteem is tied to having her own career/job. Everyone's needs are different, just thinking.

  14. This couldn't come at a better time for me, I used to find self help positivity very benificial, but that was waaaay back in the days when I had some luxury of time to apply it with. I'm sorry you are in the doldrums (hugs), guess it comes around to all of us, doesn't it?

    I'm trotting over there, to this site, right now! x

  15. I hope it is not The Mist!

    Wish you a grand weekend even if it is behind a fog. And I'll check out Dr Christine's program.

  16. I lived in SoCal for most of my life and I remember June Gloom very well. Personally, I wasn't affected by it, but I had several friends who were. Odd how different people react to gray skies. I was talking with my son (he lives in Redondo Beach) just a few hours ago. He was working on a new tiki carving and complaining how hot it was. Before our conversation ended he was excited because a marine layer was coming in and cooling things off a bit. I could hear a definite change in his attitude.

    When I first moved here recently, to a town where I don't know anyone, I found myself in the pits also. I know it can be tough, so I won't try to pretend its easy to climb out, but it sounds like you've got a handle on it. Sending good thoughts your way! Hugs

  17. I'm not wise enough to give you any advice, Joanna, and anything I can think to say just sounds too trite. I know you have had a tough year in some ways. I hope Dr. Forest's e-course, along with the moon, the stars and the alignment of the universe can help to bring you to a better place.

  18. I used to live in San Francisco and June was really hard for me, especially coming from Texas. It's hard for people who don't live on the Pacific to understand how depressing June can be. Hope that the sun shines for you in July -- especially over that beautiful pool of yours.

  19. I wish I had some wise words to offer Joanna. I know a lot of people that go through things like that...and I feel very fortunate that I am not one of them. I try very hard to keep myself in the moment and not look back and not look ahead and that kind of keeps me in a happy state of mind. I'm going to check out the doctors blog. It sounds interesting. Feel better my friend. :)

  20. I assumed that the sky is always blue and sunny in California! We have many gray/gloomy days here in Appalachia though it's worse in the Fall and Winter.

    Thanks so much for sharing that link with your readers. I'm going to check it out.

    I hope your mood is sunny again soon!

  21. I assumed that the sky is always blue and sunny in California! We have many gray/gloomy days here in Appalachia though it's worse in the Fall and Winter.

    Thanks so much for sharing that link with your readers. I'm going to check it out.

    I hope your mood is sunny again soon!

  22. My you have light in your heart,... have an amazing holiday

  23. Joanna, those gray day do not help at all.....sorry to hear your in the dumps...I hope the sun shines for you and in you. A BIG hug, take care. I will check out the link thanks. happy 4th of July.

  24. One of my mantras: This, too, shall pass. Sorry you have to be going through this - I know it well! Hugs and sending happy thoughts your way!
    OX P.S. I've signed up for Christine's online workshop too - am really looking forward to it, and more words of wisdom from her!

  25. Sorry to hear you've got the blues. I think the foggy weather would do that to me too. It's been raining here a lot, so that gets me down. Hope your spirits lift soon.

  26. Thanks for sharing.. Hope she can help you find your inner blue skies again.

  27. Right on cue it was warm and beautiful today so I hope your June Gloom has passed too. Do feel in the pink soon. :) xoxo

  28. Well, you've mentioned the loss of several dear friends since I've been reading your blog. That can't help but have a profound effect upon you. That coupled with the stress of the 'sliding pool' and I'm actually not at all surprised to hear that you've been struggling a bit.

    Sometimes we all need a little help to unravel that tight ball of string that tends to knot up inside of us over time. It sounds as though Christine's course could be just what's needed.

    I want to thank you for being so honest here and for sharing the link to this course. (I've just signed up). I hope very much that it brings you inner peace and happiness. In the meantime, you know that we're all here for you.

    Big hugs. x

  29. Dr. PJ wants to make sure that you are eating properly, getting enough rest, getting outdoors for 15 to 30 minutes of daylight every day and getting a bit of exercise each day too.

    Then too, you had some unhappiness early in the year. That can loom for quite a while in spite of the good things that followed. Be kind to yourself.

  30. Hi Joanna...
    We all fall down sometimes and I guess the trick is not to stay there.

    From my perspective happiness is a fleeting emotion like all emotions and we can hurt ourselves by trying to hang onto any one of them for longer than need be.

    Go with the flow and look forward to blue skies and enjoy the gray days..... when you can.

    I meditate daily using Holosync to spring clean my mind which in turn assists me to enjoy my life more.

    big love to you and thank you for sharing.

    be well x Robyn

    PS... thank you also for all your encouragement and support with my street art project... You are much appreciated :)

  31. (((((Joanna))))) I am sorry that you are feeling this way. But I appreciate your honesty and sharing about it. I will go check out this womans blog. Thank you. XX

  32. Sorry about how you're feeling. Though, I am glad you found a place to help lessen your troubles. I'll check it out. Thanks!

  33. Hi Joanna, For me, to be feeling down and even depressed, if I am able to realize it and then to express it it is the beginning of the healing. That's what I hear in your post. You aren't pulling the covers over your head. You are recognizing unhealthy tendencies and you are working to overcome the negative energy and turn it into positive and be healthy. You have mentioned Christine's blog previously and I forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. I hope you know how dear you are to so many of us who read your blog. You have become real to us and we want the best for you.

  34. Can't wait to check out the blog!!Hopefully July will be a better month for you. June was a little hard on me and I feel better now.

  35. Joanna... you can't be down in the dumps! Seriously... you are just the most wonderful blogger, I love your blog... and hearing all your stories.
    If you are really sad... go to the Dr and get some pills! They work, they help get you on a good even keel again... and I'm talking from experience.
    You don't have to suffer and be miserable... there is help out there.

  36. You are all the best! A million thanks for your comments and support. They mean the world to me. I feel like the sun is shining brightly on my blog and I am blessed.

    Have a great weekend,
    xo jj

  37. hey is it too gloomy out to go float around in that pool you fixed?

    Sunny days are good but I actually enjoy a rainy day. I think I could live in Seattle. Rolling fog is neat too.

  38. Feel better. This too shall pass. xoxoxoxox

  39. I will have to check her out. I'm sorry you're in a rut. I have been too.

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I'm still trying to find some balance. Thanks for your constant support and comments.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Hugs and love,

  40. Glad to hear someone else has days like mine. We are about to build an ARK.

  41. I hate it when someone tells me "I can't be down in the dumps". It is a shame-based statement. No wonder people are afraid to say they are depressed..hoping for some sort of understanding. I don't necessarily mean you J!

    I was in the dumps on and off for years. Finally was diagnosed with clinical depression and Prozac changed my life in 1990. I still get down..but it doesn't last long. It isn't caused by an's just something I cannot help or wish my self out of.

    I've been in ruts too..and switching routines up a bit always helps! Being out in nature helps.

    I think the online deal sounds it!

    xxxx, Mel

  42. Joanna,

    As a reader, I would say that you really haven't processed the emotions you've been going through lately. I am slow at this stuff. It takes me awhile to adjust to grief, or change, or stress, or whatever.

    I'm touched that you are sharing this, and hope this course provides some insight or path to help you get out of the slumps, or at least understand why you are feeling less than excited by the day to day .

  43. I can completely relate to the 'in the pits' feelings. I really hope the course helps you, Joanna. I think it is great that you are talking about it and encouraging others to take part. That kind of thing is extremely beneficial. Look after yourself.

  44. Hi Joanna, its winter here so gloomy and dark as well. I have just come out of a long period of feeling in the pits. And the one thing I know is that light always follows the darkness. Eventually. I worked at it and I think this is a great link you have posted. We need the help of others. I think depression or being out of sorts, is more common then we think and I agree with Christine - sense of purpose is a big deal for most of us. Thank you for the link and sharing it with all your readers. Many of us I know, can empathise with what you are going through. And we care. Look after yourself.


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