Monday, March 22, 2010

All Good Things...

Spring is in the air and I've been feeling the love lately so I wanted to share some of my good news with you...

Midwest to Midlands and Carmen at Carmen's Chronicles awarded me the Happy 101 Award. Thank you! I've received this award before but I'm always thrilled to be recognized by my fellow bloggers, especially these two cool women. Please check them out. And as per the Award, here's my original ten happy things and my new condensed version of things that make me happy, in no particular order--
1) Spring 2) Family 3) Chocolate 4) Daffodils 5)Friends 6) Handwritten letters 7) Vacations 8) Fresh sheets on the bed 9) Strawberry Cheesecake 10) All of YOU!
Here are the rules: 1. When you have received this award you must thank the person that awarded you in a new post. 2. Name the 10 things that make you happy. 3. Pass this award onto 10 other bloggers and inform the winners. I pass this on to the first ten commenters, if desired, and anyone else that needs a reminder of what makes them happy.

A big Woo-hoo to Hilary at The Smitten Image for mentioning She What? in her recent Post of the Week feature. Thank you Hilary! POTW is a great way to meet new bloggers with terrific posts. Check her out!


A long overdue thank you to Lenore Locken of Eat, Write, Create. She participated in the amazing One World One Heart blogging giveaway event. I won a fabulous set of greeting cards she created with her photos. Trust me on this, my photo of her photo cards don’t come close to doing them justice. Click on over to see her amazing work. And FYI-- Love, Peace and Chicken Grease is a real restaurant!


The pool and deck repair project is moving along at a fast and swift pace. This construction crew is so well managed and work so well together that I’m almost going to miss them. I say almost because we’re in the jack-hammer-for-8-hours-a-day stage. Oy. But at the end of every day, things are stored neatly, hosed down, and the yellow caution tape securely in place. Two weeks down, three to go!


My sweet niece from Ohio is visiting me this week. She’s an awesome college student who’s hanging out with her old auntie on Spring Break. I’m thrilled to have family from “back home” staying with us. We’re going to take in all the sights and tastes of Los Angeles that we can cram into a few days. It’s her first time here so there’s lots to see. I’ll be missing in action for the week but will catch up with you all soon.

Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna Jenkins

PS It's not too late to participate in Snuggies For Seniors. There's a Giveaway too!

Photo Credit:

Holiday Sign © pixelking -

Pool: Joanna Jenkins

Miss Polly's Soul Cafe: Lenore Locken

Balloons: © Hallgerd -


  1. The pool still has water in it? They are working fast! That's a relief to know that it will finally be done and out of your hair.

    You are going to have so much fun with your niece visiting. There's so much to see and do in the area. Just take the time to relax too.

  2. Congrats on the award and on being featured! You deserve them both!
    Glad they are making progress on the pool.

  3. That shot of the pool reconstruction is fascinating. It looks like some kind of Dali painting :-)

  4. Congrats on yet another award, if anyone deserves it, it's you! You and your niece are gonna have a blast! I can't wait to here all about the trouble you two get into! Heeheeehe!

    Girl your gonna be dippin' in your pool before ya know it. Woohoo!

    Enjoy your day sweetie! :o)

  5. Congrats on the well-deserved awards. Enjoy your time with your niece. Hope the Pool repair is finished soon!

  6. Congrats!

    Good luck with the pool, as a fellow pool owner I feel your pain.

    Have fun with your niece!

  7. Congratulations on your award, Joanna. I love the little girl with the balloons at the top of this post! Enjoy your niece's visit; I know you will. :-)

  8. You rock!! Just sayin' ;)

    that Snuggies thing is pretty wicked cool!

  9. You are a great auntie! I hope you both have a wonderful time trekking all over LA area seeing as much as you can this week.

  10. That pool IS a site!!! It seems strange to see it in that state with water in it! But boy, won't it be nice when it is all done!!??

    Sounds like nice and wonderful things going on in your life! Enjoy!!

  11. Whew! You're a busy girl! We've built one of those ponds, (ours is a bubble rock... all 2,000 lbs of it...) It's in one of my posts under nature.

  12. Oh, have a fabulous time together.

    congrats on all the blog love.

    Looking forward to you wise and lovely words when you get back.

  13. Oh, have fun with your niece! :)

  14. I am fascinated with your pool. what do they do next with it? move it and replant? That is awesome huh? I am afraid I would be a screaming idiot from the jack hammer. Have fun on the touring holiday.

  15. glad to see the progress on the pool..ready for summer right? jackhammer...nice...

  16. I'll be watching either here or on the news to see what adventures you and your niece get yourselves involved in. Congrats on the awards and have a great week.

  17. All of this is so great! I know your niece will have a good time if she's with you.

  18. After all the drudgery with the back yard, I'm sure it's refreshing to have a great crew working on it. You'll be relaxing back there in no time.

    Enjoy time with your niece. Try to act "young and cool" while she's there.

  19. Congratulations on being recognized and awarded, so very well deserved.......:-) Hugs

  20. Great post! Congrats on your award and on being almost half-way done on the pool job! It will be so worth it! Have a blast with your niece and enjoy your time away!

  21. Congrats on the awards! I hope you post about some of the eateries you take your neice to. Yum.

  22. You deserve the awards. Your list of happy things is great. Your #8 makes me horny! :)

    The picture of your pool made my jaw drop. Oh my, I hope the 3 weeks will fly by. Maybe you could take a 3 week vacation?

    Big hugs and love,

  23. Your poor pool! It looks so... vulnerable like that!

  24. WOW that is some major work on the pool, but will be worth it and just in time for summer. Have fun with your niece!! xo

  25. Yes, I know Carmen. She's just amazing; in fact, I too have given her a few awards!

    Congratulations on receiving the award.

    Wish you A Happy Spring!!

    Wednesday Wallpaper - Abandoned House in Greenery


  26. What a lovely, refreshing post. So full of optimism.;)
    Love all your 10 things. Congratulations on your awards and on the POTW, sorry to have missed that post as I was on a blog break.
    The pool looks lovely, I wish I had one.;)
    Have a lovely day,

  27. Congrats on the award and you sound like a busy lady ready to enjoy spring! Your list sounds much like mine would if I made one.....enjoy your day Joanna!

  28. Congrats on your award. You deserve all the awards, JJ!

    That pool project looks so major! Jack hammering? I'd be finding errands to run during the day! ;)

    Enjoy time with your niece!

  29. oooh jack-hammer hell......but it will be worth it in the end, makes me hanker after my LA daze, many years ok, congrats on award!!

  30. Congrats on your awards!!

    The pool work looks scary! I'm glad you're finally getting it done, though.

    Have fun with your niece! I hope there will be a photo tour of all the great places you visit together.

  31. Enjoy your niece!! And your pool space looks so sad! Glad things are moving along well though!! And congrats on your award!!

  32. That picture of your pool is jaw dropping! Holy cow!
    Daffodils. Such a fine thing from a tiny onion-like bulb.

  33. OMG! The pool! Looks like Haiti after the quake! But thank goodness you're making progress. It looks like things are being well executed. Hope they get the renovations complete on schedule.

    Congrats on your Post of the Week honor. Hils has a good eye for talent, and you my dear, reign supreme.

    Love you Joanna.

  34. Congrats on you award. Mmm...fresh sheets and daffodils! My favorites.

    Your deck project looks huge.

  35. oh yes...fresh sheets on the bed...
    and the's going to be fabulous...enjoy your time making memories with your love to you...

  36. not to sound like I'm knocking LA but will the extreme traffic be the first thing your Ohio niece discovers there?

    Pool - maybe you mentioned this already but they didn't drain it before working on it. That seems odd to me but then I've only have swam in them.

    share some pics from your time together.

  37. Enjoy your time with your niece, Joanna! From the look of the pool, it's a good time to go out and show her the city!

  38. Yippee for spring I say as we are on our way to winter in a few months. Brrr just thinking about it. I love your condensed list of what makes you happy. Have a fab time with the rellies, JJ. xoxo

  39. What a cheerful line-up here. Happy Spring! And you MUST be one cool aunt for your niece to spend spring break with you. You deserve a special award for that, too, you know...

  40. So happy your pool will soon stop sliding!

    Have a lovely time with your niece.

  41. I have an award for you dear one!! Come on over and pick it up!

  42. Yes, congratulations on the awards.

    Meanwhile, about the pool I say, "God in heaven, can that happen???" while resolving not to show this post to my husband. He'd hover near our pool nonstop, measuring for possible movement.


  43. Enjoy your niece.

    I'm so glad to hear that you are happy with the work being done on your property.

  44. Hope you have a great time with the niece! I can't wait to see what the pool looks like when it's done!

  45. Congrats on your award!

    I also love chocolate.

  46. Hola Joanna!

    Swing by the Casa and pick up a little something in your honor, chica.

  47. It's such a good practice to stop from the fast paced daily activities and appreciate the beauty around us and all the things we need to be greatful for. Thank you for reminding me of this exercise.

  48. You are very popular and very busy, it seems. I hope that you are enjoying yourself.

  49. Glad the pool sitchiation is looking up.

    Congrats on the awards, and happy spring, Joanna!

  50. You have been reelin' 'em in! :)

  51. this is a jam packed post and congratulations on all of it ;)
    award, pool, family fun....

    enjoy everything being on the up

    x Robyn

  52. hey joanna! have a great a great week! see you when you get back:)

  53. Oh hon what fun!! Have a wonderful week..old Auntie..giggle snort!!
    I left you a special award on my blog hon...I hope you come by and snag it:)
    Hugs and love, Sarah

  54. Hey, thanks for the shout-out! I'm so glad you like your cards :-)

  55. oooo I'd have to put chocolate first even if it is in no particular order :0))

  56. Congrats on the awards! I hope your pool is fixed soon and the whole "jackhammer stage" of the repair doesn't last much longer!

  57. More awards?! So deserving of them JJ! And I can't believe how quick and neat your builders are...what are you paying them in, gold bullion? haha.
    You sound so happy in your blog post, it's lovely to hear and I hope that your niece has a great time with her kick-ass aunt! :)
    I'm just in Hong Kong airport right now...waiting to head over to Phuket, Thailand. After the AMAZING weekend I've had, I'll need to relax! :D

  58. I hope you had a great week with your niece. What a wonderful way to make some memories.

  59. Congratulations!!
    Hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends

    Lola xx

  60. You are one of my MOST FAVORITE bloggers. I just love this post. I love that you are always thinking of others and being kind. You are a gem! : )


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