Saturday, March 6, 2010

Six Word Saturday - #1

Look who's filming in my neighborhood!

Check out Cate at Show My Face to participate and link up to Six Word Saturday.

Will you be watching the Academy Awards on Sunday?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna Jenkins


  1. How exciting! Although I'm sure it's interesting to have all the cameras and crew everywhere.

  2. That is so cool!! And I am definitely watching the awards!! Love seeing the gowns.

  3. Yes I will be watching to see who is wearing what and of course the winners. Hopefully you get to meet some stars. take care.

  4. *No*! That's it. I'd *definitely* be lurking in the bushes! :D

  5. I thought six words was Matty's. Nice one Joanna.

    I think the award will come on Monday morning our time. I'll catch it on repeat.

  6. Oooooooooh, I love me that guy!!

    I'll catch the highlights of the Oscars on the news, it'll be hard not to. smile.

    Have a brilliant weekend - who knows? You might get offered a bit part on the show - woohoo!!

  7. Awesome. I love when Brits do American accents well. Enjoy!

  8. 6 words: I'd love to see him too!

  9. I don't watch TV so no I won't be watching the Academy Awards. I can see any highlights online. I do know the show House as it was on back when I was watching TV and I had a crush on the doctor with the grouchy ways and cane. Have fun with the TV crews in the neighborhood.

  10. I know someone who my just fall over themselves because of that filming, that is pretty cool! :)

    HAve a beautiful Weekend!

    I love the awards!

  11. No, I stopped watching the awards years ago. The filming should be fun.

  12. I'll probably watch some if it; I love the two hosts! and I like to see the gorgeous gowns!

  13. That will be fun for your neighborhood, even though it might will be a bit disruptive. I will watch the awards, sorta. Just posted about what I am going to wear.

  14. Maybe House can fix your pool problem? lol!

  15. I LOVE House!!! And you will laugh at this, but I sometimes watch, hoping a case they diagnose MIGHT help me with my undiagnosed problem!

  16. "House" is filming in your neighborhod, Joanna? I'll snap! ;-)

  17. How fun -- and a great show, that one! JJ -- maybe you can get a role as a background extra? They filmed the Red Dawn remake in our 'hood last year, and my husband and I ended up being in 4 different scenes as b/g extras. So much fun!

    And yes, we'll TiVo the awards and watch them later, as we've got tickets to "Rain" downtown that night.

  18. House, love it. Say hello to that lovely ozzie boy Jesse Spencer!!!

  19. No Academy Award watching for me, although I did have an invite for a party. Since I'll be working I implored them to put up a cardboard cut-out of me in my stead. I wonder why I haven't heard back from them? Meh.

  20. Love House!! I won't be watching the awards, they bore me to death and honestly, I think it's all much ado about nothing.


    Have fun with it! I'd love to be a fly in the bushes!

    Yep, Oscar is a formal holiday around here!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. That's kinda cool. I used to live on Beachwood Drive in Hollywood many, many moons ago.

    I'll be watching the awards and rooting for Meryl Streep. Loved Julie & Julie!

  23. How cool is that? .....and he always has a good supply of Vicadin Heeeheehe! I'll probably watch some of it, Hubby will never make it though the whole thing.

    God bless your day and have a super weekend!!!

  24. what part of Cali are u in? i remember u posting pics around ucla, if so i bet parts of brentwood or palisades could mimic back east... love that show.. i hope it lasts the storylines have been kinda dead... where i live we have csi, ncis filming all the time also 24.

  25. I have never seen an episode. How sad is that?

    And I will be watching!

  26. Oh my gosh, House is one of my very favorite shows. How cool to have them filming in your hood.

  27. I haven't gotten into the House, but filming in the neighborhood must be a fun little diversion for the neighbors. Either that, or a pain in the butt if they are blocking off streets!

    Am I watching the Academy Awards? Yep... already told my husband this morning that we will be ordering Chinese food and to have the wine ready for TV dinners. I think it starts around 5, doesn't it?

    Found your blog through 6WS. Always love finding other 50 something year young bloggers!

  28. Just turned 50 this week! So far, so good. lol. And, no, I won't be watching the Oscars. Never been one for award shows. Not sure why. Anyway, have a great Saturday!

  29. Well, aren't you just the bees knees? Yes, you are!

    I will be watching. Or more correctly, the husband will be watching as he really enjoys those shows and I will probably be at the computer listening until he calls me over to see something cool.

  30. could you sneak some pictures of their operation? the paparazzi does all the time right?
    Do you get a good view from you place?

  31. Oh wow, I'm so jealous! Love House! Will you able to watch any of the shoot?

    I didn't even know the Oscars were on this weekend, so I strongly doubt Miss Chef and I will be working it into our schedule...but you never know.

  32. Look who's filming in my neighborhood. That's a good six words, although you cheated a bit with the picture. Very exciting. I hope you get some pics.

    Six words for me.... lessee

    "Why can't I slow it down?"



  33. Very cool!!!!

    Yes, I always watch the Oscar' least the first hour or so. Longer if I can take it. ;-)

  34. Oh darling you must go along and faint at an appropriate time on a nearby hospital bed....

  35. House??? jealous, i am.

    thanks for stopping by whining and wisdom!

  36. House! Make sure you take lots of walks past the filming...

  37. Wow. Great six words! I think I will be watching : )

  38. Wow! You better go rent a puppy to walk.

  39. That's exciting!

    Yes, we'll watch tonight, but under duress (we'd rather watch Desperate Housewives :(

  40. HOW COOL! I heart Hugh Laurie. Have you read his book? You must. It's great.

  41. I was hoping it would be a show I don't like so I wouldn't be GREEN with envy, but I LOVE House! Not sure I'd want to be his patient, though. He and his team always seem to misdiagnose everyone and nearly kill them with the wrong treatment at least twice before finding out what's really wrong with them. It also seems like all of his patients end up vomiting blood or having rectal bleeding. I'll pass on both!

    I'm not sure who I'd want to sneak a peek at more, House or Wilson. I love Wilson's dry sense of humor!!

    I hope you'll be able to slip into a shot!

  42. Did you track him down? Mmm, Dr House.

    Thanks for playing 6WS!


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