Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sundays In My City #21 - Soggy!

Do you know Unknown Mami? She's awesome and she created a fun Sunday theme inviting you to get out and take pictures of your city to share with the rest of us. Click here for details and her logo and click here to see Unknown Mami's City TODAY.

You might have heard that it's been raining in Southern California-- A LOT! We aren't in an evacuation area but the storm captured our attention throughout the week and at times the intensity was a little scary. My neighborhood is doing okay and the storm, although it rained buckets, did not do the major damage to burn areas as expected. Phew!

Below is the picture I showed you January 4th. A huge tree had fallen off our backyard and exposed this gorgeous view with the Hollywood sign on the right. We can see for miles and miles...

This is what that same view looked like countless times this past week compliments of the storm. Foggy, dark and pouring rain. The view is completely gone...

When you'd least expect it, the rains would stop and the clouds would part....

The clouds created interesting colors including parts of the mountains looking almost black...

On Friday, the craziest thing happened. I opened our front door and took this picture. It's not snow......

It's hail and it covered everything-- for about 5 minutes, then it was washed away by the rain.

Finally, Saturday morning, the rains stopped and this is the view. Yes, that's snow on the mountains in the distance.
Rain is forecast again next week. That means our sinking deck and pool repair will be put off for at least another week until things dry out. So far so good. Everything is still in place! Yippee!

How's your Sunday?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: Joanna Jenkins


  1. Oh I love rain and storm...but that's some hail you had there! You've taken some beautiful photos of your fabulous outlook. Our skies here are looking similar...but definitely no snow on the hills!

  2. There is sunshine after rain. Beautiful and interesting pictures. The rain sounds scary though in California. And the hail, isn't that something. Can it hurt or damage properties?

  3. Beautiful pictures the transformation in weather. Gorgeous!

  4. Such crazy weather! It's actually raining here as a type this. We never get rain in January!
    The pictures are beautiful!

  5. Great photos, you have a beautiful view, even when it's raining. :)

  6. Luvin' the view!! We didn't get hail in the LBC but my kids did get on a Blow up Boat and Paddle down the street in front of their school.

  7. P.S. isn't LA county funny.. you can see a pic of someones view and street and figure out which neighborhood they live in, hahah.. i bet you could figure out mine too by Sundays in My City!

  8. All your pics are great but that hail storm pic is just amazing! I came into the family room to stir up the fire in the fire place and was lured to the computer. I think maybe it spoke to me...Heeheehe! I have to get ready to go teach my Sunday School and Kids Church. My Sundays are always full, so not a day of rest!

    You have a great day in the Lord dear one!!!

  9. That is like the four seasons in a weekend. The weather has gone a little crazy here too but we would love some rain if you can send some our way!

  10. Is this the weather you write about..or my life?

  11. That last picture is stunning! What a view that you live with. I am glad that the rain has not hurt your pool situation.

  12. Your view is totally amazing! I'm envious!

  13. OH my gosh! I can't believe the changes over the course of time in that view. But holy wow, what a spectacular view it is!!!

  14. I love your pictures of the weather! So many different faces Mama Nature can show, yeah? Each of them beautiful in its own way.

  15. Wow, Mother Nature is having a wild time in your area!
    I wouldn't mind Tudor style houses in my neighborhood, we've got plain old coal miner's houses.
    I'm in agreement with Otin, that last picture is stunning.

  16. Awetastic pics!! If I didn't hate my neighbors and if I liked my city, and if I didn't think where I live was ugly, then I would so do this! :)

    Have a beautiful Sunday~

  17. it is supposed to rain about 3 inches here today. potential for flash floods. but we are still going to have fun. have friends coming over this afternoon.

  18. OMG i love your view! LOVe it! Actually i love this post!

    Hope it gets less rainy for you!

  19. Whoa. What a fabulous view. Any way you look at it.

  20. I love rain and storms. you have a beautiful view. thanks for sharing in simc.

  21. Whoa! What an amazing collection of photos. Your view is stunning. And to see it change through the weather events just astounds me. Good luck with the pool and deck maintaining its status quo through the next week.

  22. I am supposed to by flying out there for Disneyland in 2 weeks. I guess we;ll have to see how the weather is and what we decide to do.

  23. gorgeous view! I have been watching your weather with concern all week. Glad your pool and deck did not slide further. Still, a mess to deal with I am sure. xoxo

  24. Your pictures are gorgeous! I could look at that view all day long.

    Your current weather must remind you a little bit of the midwest, eh? Maybe not in a good way, but it sure does sound like spring time in the midwest tome!!

  25. What a wonderful view in that last photo - worth all the rain, I imagine1

  26. Your blog posts on LA always make me homesick. My nephew lives on the mountain with the Hollywood sign; one side of his street is a steep, rocky embankment. I've been thinking of him with this storm.

  27. The view is just beautiful!!! I cant believe you captured the looks just like snow!!

    Have a great week!

  28. Minnesota has been getting rain too. Except with all the snow piles there's noplace for the rain to go so it's a sloppy mess. Will we ever get Earth's weather patterns normalized?

  29. THe pics are gorgeous..even the hail pic!

    And we are sopping wet in ATL this weekend. Spring, I can't wait to see you!

  30. Your pictures of your changing view are really good, Joanna. I am in Puerto Vallarta and the waves here are bigger than I have ever seen and they say it is related to the weather along the California coast. I'm glad your pool is holding.

  31. Those are some huge hail stones! Glad to hear your pool hasn't sunk any more.

  32. Oh my goodness! That is so beautiful Joanna! I loved looking at your view as the week progressed! I can not even believe you had hail. Wow. I am glad you are safe and the sun is shining at this point! God bless you!

  33. I really like the comparison between the picture. Like a before and after shot of nature.
    Those icy hail stones look like diamonds - you can always dream right.

  34. Oh I miss So. Cal sometimes. Thanks for these glimpses!

  35. YIKES, my first thought was: wonder if they still have a pool in their back yard! Glad to know it's still there.
    Lovely photos... especially the one with the snow on the hills.

  36. Beautiful pictures, even the gray rainy ones. I heard you all had snow on the mountains. What a crazy weather season we're all having, isn't it?

  37. You sound encouraged that the rains haven't swept away your back yard. All the crazy weather patterns across the country are keeping us all alert and in my case I am enjoying it. You have an amazing view regardless of the weather. Thanks for sharing it in your cool pictures.

  38. I so look forward to your Sundays in your city. The amazing thing to me is that the air is sooooo clear right now, when the fog lifts. This rain has really scrubbed LA's atmosphere.



  39. As pictures tell more than a thousand words, you did such a good job to capture the unique phenomena of rainy days and hail in Los Angeles. This is for the rest of the world to know how spoiled we are, having 325 days of sunshine a year.

  40. Glad to hear you are okay. The pictures are great of the same shot at different times.

    We are still getting rain today up here in northern California. All day yesterday, last night and so far today. Don't see an end in sight yet.

  41. Hi Joanna! Oh my gosh I heard it was rainy this week, but I'd been so swamped I never checked it out.

    Love the one where the view is totally gone! wow. And snow?? Is it supposed to snow where you are?

    Then again it snowed in Florida, so....

  42. I'm glad you're safe in the middle of the torrential downpours there. We have rain here this weekend! But I fear it will be ice tomorrow...

  43. I can't get over the size of those hailstones. And what a spectacular view you have. Just gorgeous!

  44. My Sunday is dreary and bleary but brightened by your pics!

  45. The second picture looks like it's black and white!

  46. I love your photos! I was born & raised in LA. I know those views so well. Thank you for sharing them. It's like a trip home.

  47. What a view! Gorgeous!

    It's been raining here like crazy all day. Thank goodness it is too warm for this to be snow.

  48. Oh honey, all I can say about that view is "Gasp!"

    Yeah, one of my Californian friends on Twitter had bricks raining in her yard - they were being blown right off the building next door.

  49. You only need a dose of thick fog and a few gales you have 'the full set'!

    Bad weather sometimes comes with the compensation of good photo opportunities - I love your images of the mountains in shadow and then when they are snow capped. Lovely.

    I know you rather desperately need rain there but I hope things calm down a little. I imagine what's happening now is causing a lot of worry and heartache.

  50. What great have a fantabulous view!

    At least next weeks storm won't be so bad and won't last as long!

  51. Wow! Amazing. Especially for CA! The sky looks gray here for about 6-8 months of the year..

    I know the ground where you are can't handle the rain and I hope it relents!

  52. Really? Rain is expected again?

    I love it so I won't complain.

    I also love the snow capped mountains.

    Sorry the work on the sinking pool won't be taken care of until the weather behaves.

  53. Wow! Beautiful beautiful pics! Love your mountains! I SO could have entered this meme this week! lol Never heard of it til just now!

  54. I am so glad to hear that your pool and deck are still "hanging" in there.
    Your photos are amazing!

  55. I'm glad with all the rain that nothing has slipped or slid out back for you!

    The view from your backyard is heavenly and I love the differences the weather makes in it!

    Rain is my favorite weather; it is not the favorite weather of my bone, but I adore it. Ordinarily, I wouldn't do well in LA, but this past week would've suited me just fine. ;)

  56. I totally enjoy a good storm... but enough is enough.

  57. Wow -- hail in southern Cali? OK, I am trying really, really hard to feel sorry for you out there with those pretty green lawns in the view across the street ... we're still wintry here in Michigan, although it's warmed up to the high 30s today :-)

    Do you live near Pasadena? Love the homes across the street from you. Reminds me a bit of my neighborhood -- in summer time! :-)

  58. Wow.. you sure do get the full weather range

  59. Great pics and beautiful views! We have periods of rain like that, here in Louisiana, that seem to go on and on. Wishing you sunny skies and a dry week!

  60. You take some gorgeous shots, my dear! I love the shifting sky.

  61. Wow I love your pictures!! Do you mind me asking what city you live in?

  62. We're dealing with the same thing up here in NorCal, ugh. I usually like the rain but I have been craving sunshine!

  63. The picture of the mountains is breathtaking! Wow, to see that out your door has to be incredible.

    I love the changing pictures showing all the different weather. Very neat.

  64. wow look at that awesome view you you're not missing that tree too much!


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