Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sundays In My City #49 - Treats

I've complained a lot this summer about the cooler than usual temperatures in my Los Angeles neighborhood, so it's just my luck that the four days I plan to bake treats and sweets for my young friend's bake sale, the temperatures would crank up to some of the hottest of the year. Oh well, the ovens might be fired up but it's for a great cause and at least I can finally break out the summer clothes.

My kitchen counter looks like this....

Actually it's what it looked like late Saturday night after I cleaned up from making 6 loaves of banana nut bread, 24 banana chocolate chip muffins, 47 giant oatmeal raisin cookies, a big trays of chocolate fudge and 87 gingersnap cookies..... And I'm just getting started.

I'll be baking Sunday through Tuesday-- Some lemon bundt cakes, brownies, maybe a couple of apple pies, lots more cookies and whatever else I can think of.

You can meet my bake sale friends HERE. They're a couple of awesome 8 year olds!


I am very late in sending blog love and a big thank you to three really wonderful women-- The amazing Se'lah from the Necessary Room hosted a beautiful and generous "Gift of Jewels" pen pal project bringing 70 bloggers from 13 countries together to exchange cards/"jewels" with one another. It was a joyful project that introduced me to Connie of Loose Lemons from North Carolina-- I sent my "jewels" to her, and Suvarna of Rapt In Light from Vancouver BC, Canada, who sent two beautiful "jewels" to me. This was a really special opportunity to reach out to bloggers "in real life" and I loved it. Thanks ladies!


Continued prayers and hugs to Unknown Mami. Check out more of her Sundays In My City participants HERE.

How's your Sunday?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins


  1. Wow, you are a busy bee. For those banana chocolate chip muffins, I would brave the heat. It's been hot up here in SF as well. Keep cool and enjoy your baking.

  2. Your "sweet" efforts are for a great cause Joanna. Wish I could be there to help sample a few of those delights.

  3. Wow - that is a lot of baking! I can almost smell the deliciousness of your kitchen from here...

  4. oooh what a busy lady you are! I'm sure the smell in your house is sweet :)
    Happy Sunday and a good week ahead!

  5. You certainly have been really busy. Hope you have a great sale.

    Have a beautiful week. xxx

  6. Hope your sale is very successful. From what you are adding, I would say it is going to be!!!!! Everything sounds so yummy!!
    And your helpers...adorable!!!

  7. nice. i know they appreciated your support...i need to drop my GOJ post...thanks for the reminder..hope you have an incredible sunday!

  8. Oooo, a baking marathon! I love it! Good for you for braving the heat for a good cause.

  9. You did great! Your young friends will really appreciate all those baked goods.

  10. It makes me tired just looking at your counter!! You are a wonderful woman to go all of this!

    It is 31 degrees here this a.m.! Maybe I should be baking!

  11. i love that photo of your chaotic, ingredient-covered counter.

  12. I love oatmeal cookies...haven't made them in a long time...Now I may have to! I did make an apple pie last night which will be going in the oven today.

  13. Joanna you are such an over achiever. that's one massive bake sale. Your counter reminds me of why I don't bake much....

  14. God bless your beautiful heart and hard work to do all of this. I pray that you have a wonderful day of baking today and the next couple of days too. XX

  15. It looks like there will be a very successful bake sale coming up. What a mammoth and wonderful thing you are doing, Joanna.

  16. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the warmer temperatures and baking.;)

  17. I always love a baking frenzy. I bet your house smells incredible! Good luck on the bake sale.

    Kristin - The Goat
    from SIMC

  18. That is a great way to participate in a project to benefit people striving for their best lives while dealing with Lupus. It is such a worthy cause and if I lived near there I would certainly bake too.

  19. I love eating baked goods ; -) I used to bake a lot as a teenager, but after I moved to Hawaii not so much. The humidity over here changes something for the chemistry of it all and I never adapted.

  20. Wow you totally rock! you baked some seriously yummie goods : )

  21. I host a cookie exchange every Christmas, and I just bought a magazine with Christmas cookie recipes. I can't wait to try them all out!

  22. Wow you are making enough stuff to feed an army! And it all sounds so delicious. I imagine the bake sale will be a big success.

  23. This one is a busy work, baking for that long.

    I hope you have fun. happy Sunday :)

  24. Joanna, I'm so glad you liked the jewels, and thanks for your supportive comments. holy hannah that's a lot of baking, i'd like to go to that one! Hope it goes well.

  25. Your darn right its hot out here!!! I've been inside with the air on. Hope all is well with you. I didn't blog much this summer. Have fun with your bake sale!

  26. I hope your 'fall' arrives soon and eases up the heat factor for you.

  27. Hey, you've got flour on your nose!

    Good luck, Joanna. I wish I could sample some of the goodies you're baking!

  28. that's a lot of baking!

  29. You go girl, a lady on a mission for a great cause!!! I taught my Pre-teen Sunday School Class and the led Kid's Church. Little Angel is not doin' well, they found a gray mass on the last MRI. {{{SIGH}}}

    Take care, God bless and bake, baby, bake!!! :o)

  30. Your labors will not be in vain and I know the bake sale will be a huge success.
    ♥ Joy

  31. What a wonderful thing to do, wish I were closer I would love to do my shopping at your bake sale, it is such a good cause......:-) Hugs

  32. You are a baking superstar! I'm sorry the weather is not ideal for baking.

  33. Impressive - wish I were there to get something at the bake sale.

  34. i am available to be a taster. : ) yum!

  35. That's a LOT of baking, JJ! Yes, it was 100 on the Monterey Bay yesterday -- I"ll bet more than that in LA. If I lived down there I'd be at that bake sale for sure! Lemon bundt cake is one of my favs.....hmmm....if the weather cools.....

  36. What a wonderful cause! You have SUCH a big, kind heart.

  37. Hope you had a nice time baking. My mother in Ireland always used to bake on Sundays, I remember.

    Thanks for stopping by mine - Happy SIMC

  38. Hi Joanna
    I have a little something for you at my place. Hugs Eddie

  39. Your kitchen must smell fabulous! What a task! Kudos to you for being able to bake like that!

  40. I've been so behind lately...
    but you always inspire,
    you do.
    thank you for that.

  41. It made me smile form ear to ear thinking of you baking all those goodies for the girls to sell. What a great team you all make.

  42. Well done to you. And so good to read about the big success it all was too!


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