Monday, September 27, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

Time and again, I've been reminded to pray for very specific things, not general stuff like "let it snow", "warm summer days", or for "some rain". When looking to the heavens, if I've made general requests like this in the past, I've been rewarded with airport-closing blizzards, a leaking roof from non-stop sideways rain that literally pulled up the shingles on my house, and gawd awful record breaking high temperatures.

It was 113 degrees in my neck of the woods today-- The hottest it's ever been-- EVER, not just on THIS day-- but EVER in Los Angeles-- Since temperatures started being recorded in 1877.

Yeah, yeah, yeah it's my fault. I've been complaining about how cold it's been all summer in LA and praying for a little warm weather. And I got it-- "warmth" so high that when I'm an older woman I'll be able to quote exactly where I was and what I was going on this sweltering hot day to my great-grandchildren.

I spent the day driving around in my car with the air conditioning on full blast, trying to cool off. I'm not kidding either. I drove around in circles to stay out of the heat. A half a tank of gas later, I was still hot.

Sure, there are hotter places in parts of this country, and the world for that matter, that sees 113 degrees on a regular basis, but me-- sitting here in my NON-air conditioned house-- not so much. By the way, at 7:31pm, it's still 93 degrees outside which means it's about 105 in my house.

Growing up in Ohio, I learned about the "windchill factor" which usually meant the 20 degree snow days with howling wind actually felt more like minus 15 degrees as I walked to school. Those days were so cold that the wind stung my legs to the point of feeling like they were on fire-- Kinda like they felt today in Southern California.

The 50-something years are not kind to me on especially hot days. Taking into consideration my shifting hormones, it might be 113 degrees outside but inside-- my body-- the "menopause factor" is somewhere between the depths of the desert and the top of my head blowing off louder than the whistle of a boiling tea kettle.

It's not pretty. Just ask my husband-- He'll tell you the heat from the "menopause factor" is connected to the "watch-what-you-say-or-she'll-bite-your-head-off factor" which is in close proximity to the "bitch factor" and for that, there is no switch to turn off. You just have to ride out the storm.

So today, and if weather forecasters are correct, for the rest of the week too, you'll be able to find me in my car, air conditioner at full force as I make the rounds in Los Angeles praying, very specifically, for balmy weather in my world.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and kind words about my two sweet bake sale buddies working to raise money for Lupus International. We are all VERY touched by your thoughtfulness and greatly appreciate all your support and best wishes.


How's the heat in your neighborhood?
Welcome to - Joanna
Photo Credit: © Terry Morris -


  1. Ugh, it was like 86 today. And for Utah, this time of year, that is warm!

  2. It has been warm lately. I usually complain about how hot it is until the first day of winter, then I whine about why it can't be warmer. I feel like a politician. Fall is the perfect kind of weather.

  3. Time to enjoy your pool, don't you think?

    Hope you ride out the storm in one piece... ;-)

  4. Does this mean you took a break from all that baking? I hope so! :) That is really really hot. I cannot even imagine it. Except of course for menopausal hot which I can all too well relate to. Being from Minnesota I can easily imagine cold. :)

    Today we reached about 70 and that's warmer then what it's been here as of late. I am loving it. :) I hope it cools off for you soon! :) If not, I hope they are playing really good songs on the radio for you to listen to while you are driving around. :)

  5. Ugh! 113? No thanks!

    We went from high 90's last week to 70's today. I actually had the heat on in my car, wore a sweater, and...I hate to admit this...Crocs with socks.

    I have no shame.

    Your prayers reminded me a cute church sign here in Tennessee last winter: "If you are the one praying for snow, please stop."

  6. Don't forget that evaporation is cooling, so take a spritzer bottle of cool water with you. Or maybe a cheaper alternative than driving around would be to sit with you feet in some water in the breeze of a fan with a spritzer handy. Drink, drink, drink plenty of cool beverages. Iced tea or water is good. Good luck!

  7. I am so sorry it is too hot for you. As I understand the heat in California is also of the dry kind, a heat I am not so fond off.
    I do love heat though, the humid kind. I am sending you fresh breeze from our Danish autumn, and please send me a bit of your heat.;)

  8. remember the air conditioned movie theaters: a great matinee movie may be in your near future!

  9. I almost feel guilty admitting that it was 82 degrees here BUT you know that in La Quinta, it was more than likely 120 so I'm feeling good that I'm here instead.

    Stay cool and go see a movie or spend time in the library.

  10. Gosh, where might you reside lovely lady? I was wilting at 107 today. Can you believe it? I am waiting for the usual loonies to rub 2 sticks together and so we can rise to the smell of brush fires. You know it's coming. spit. spit. spit.

  11. Oh Goodness, I have a small air conditioner in my house, ten days ago it froze, today was a beautiful comfortable know in the heat my legs swell and I can get that bitch factor going on without the menopause...i hope it cools down soon for you. hugs my friend.

  12. I almost hate to tell you this but it's really cooled off here. Right now it's 48 degrees.
    Thanks for being willing to suffer for a laugh, cause you gave me several with this post!
    Hope today is better!

  13. its been raining for days...2 inches i am paddling around praying for a dove with an olive branch...smiles. stay cool jj!

  14. I've spent my summer with my head in the freezer... =) Finally cooling off here, I'll blow some cool stuff your way.

  15. It was 31 yesterday morning and 36 this morning and only getting up to the 50's the rest of this week. Possibly in the 20's for lows this weekend! Time to get out the long underwear!

  16. Joanna, when I hit 60, it seemed that no matter what the actual weather in my neighborhood, my body indicated it was at least 20 degrees hotter so I spend most of my summer days indoors with the AC set on 75... so I know something of what you speak except the part without the AC. I'd definitely be living in the pool!

  17. We are having record heat for this time of year too, but not that hot. Sounds to me like it may be time for some shopping in an air conditioned mall.

  18. and today it was 50f here with a wind chill factor of 35f. Polar extremes

  19. Over the weekend, Hubby and I went to look to upgrade my ancient Caddy and looked at some newer models.

    They actually have heated and cooled seats! I don't care so much about the heated ones, but cooled?

    Yeah baby! I gotta get me one of those!

  20. When I told Cute Hubby how hot it was in L.A., he said something about "them" manipulating the weather. It's unseasonably warm here too, but I remember one Thanksgiving that was t-shirt weather. Maybe mother nature is menopausal too. Who knows?
    Whatever, being too hot isn't any fun. Reading this post makes me relate to you on yet another level, a really basic one. I hated my hot flashes. Hugs. xo d

  21. Are you considering air conditioning in your house now? Hubby and I were talking about the heat in LA and we were enjoying the 50F temp this morning here. I know it gets cold here but cold is easier to bundle up. Good thing your car has good A/C so you could drive around in the worst of the heat. Take care, Joanna, and aren't you glad you did all that baking before the temp got that high?

  22. did you realize you were going to get weather reports from around the world when you wrote this?

    It's cool here.

    If someone could make a menopause weather forecaster, it would be a big seller. I've been having "interesting" discussions about the heat/cooling while driving with my wife.

  23. wow, 113! i don't think i could take it in my hormonally challenged hot all the time anyway body...
    hope it cools down for you soon (in more ways than one) :)

  24. Wow! That truly is hot! I sure hope you get some relief soon. It was 61 degrees at 10 this morning when I left for the gym. Quite a difference!

  25. Oh dear, I've literally just read about this over at the LA Times site. Poor California - baked to a crisp - and poor Joanna! It's of no use now but can I suggest at least one air conditioned room in your house? I had an air conditioning unit installed in our bedroom a few years ago because I can't bear being hot at night in the summer and it's been a godsend, both in the summer and for the hormonally challenged (me). :)

  26. I had heard about your heat wave from another California blog friend. 113 degrees is tooooo hot! We had one of the hottest summers on record in our neck of the woods and still, we only topped 100 once or twice.

    Maybe this would be a good week to visit the family in Ohio? If they're having weather like we are here in Michigan, it's in the 50's and rainy. In fact, I turned the heat on a little while ago because my feet won't warm up!

  27. is it okay if your troubles made me smile ,
    because you are funny , and as I creep near fifty I so don't want to be any where in those temps.

  28. wow, sorry it hear about the unseasonable heat there Joanna. We're cooling down in Canada, in the fall season.

  29. I remember Robin Williams as the DJ in Good Morning Vietnam. What's the weather like? It's hot - it's damn hot!

  30. I live where we experience both extremes....heat index and wind chill........both are terrible things when the weather is extreme.

  31. Oh man that is just too hot! And of course add in hot flushes ... I would be super grumpy too!

  32. Hmm... Indeed, be careful what you wish... Here was raining for few days and was not so fun to walk in the rain...

  33. thank goodness our heat wave (which lasted all summer) finally broke last night! Although I have to admit - 113...that's pretty bad, especially with no A/C. Hope it breaks soon!

  34. Ironically--and I know you don't want to hear this--we finally got a break from months of day-after-day temps in the high 90s. I know, 113 is worlds hotter, but: I feel your pain. Or, at least part of it.

    I had no idea there were un-air-conditioned houses in LA. Sounds like it's time to do a movie marathon at the theater!

  35. Although we did not reach 113 in NC, we did have some days where the heat index was up to 115 and many many nights where it was still over 90 at midnight. I have no AC because it broke. I feel your pain!

  36. I heard about your heat....yuk! It's cooling off here and I am lovn' it! My favorite time of year.

  37. Ohhhh that is not fun. Here's hoping it moderates soon. 113 is brutal! Do they do cooling centers in libraries and such by you? That's where I head - well, that or a movie theater! :) Good luck!

  38. I feel for you. We've had 80 degree weather around here. And adding hot flashes to that has not been a cup of tea for me. I can't imagine 113. Hope you can stay cool and the weather gets its act together.

  39. Its still quite cool here in Australia, but summer is on it's way! FINALLY!

    Hope you are having truly wonderful day, and thankyou for your continous support on my blog, it makes my day :)

    With much love,

    K xx

  40. Sorry Joanne, I love the summer. The hotter, the better. And yes, I know all too well about the menopause factor. I've gotten very good at staying out of the way around here.

  41. its actually starting to cool down unfortunately

  42. I'll send you cool days, crisp nights, and crystal blue skies! With nary a cloud to be seen!
    Autumn only lasts a few weeks here in Dallas.
    But it's crazy wonderful when it's here!

  43. I am so glad I didn't decide to visit CA. The last time I was there was 2 years ago and it was soo hot then.....I felt terrible. Living in the south we have central air and we keep it Very Cold. So being in CA where my family have limited air conditioning and with hot flashes it was very very HOT. So I do know what you are going through..a little bit any way.
    I understand it's raining maybe it will cool off soon!

  44. I heard about the hot weather--ugh! Here in Seattle, we had some muggy days, much cooler today and pleasant. Tonight it's cold. Stay cool!

  45. On the second official day of autumn, the temp was 97...and this is small state on the east coast.

    This week it seems to be heading down to the high 70's and low 80's.

    Boy do I hate summer. Have I mentioned that I hate summer? I really hate it. Seriously.

  46. Wow - that is hot... I have to say I am thrilled we are finally having cooler weather. 85 for a high here today.

  47. Not bad here today. Warm, but with a cooler breeze than we've had in a long time. Fall is on its way, and that gives me hope.

  48. now that is HOT. wishing you cooler breezes.

    one love.

  49. Oh that does sound excessively hot for sure.. even for me.. and I love the heat. I hope you're enjoying fresher days by now.

  50. do you miss ohio...a little bit ?
    i can't stand that much with fall...and the highs in the 70's and evenings in the 50's.....that's living :)

    but come winter....i'll have that "bitch factor"you spoke of....

  51. I am so worn out with the heat. Stop praying already! Oh wait, you aren't praying for Oklahoma. I do remember growing up in LA and laying in bed at night absolutely miserable from the heat.

    Let's pray for perfect weather... whatever that might be.


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