A million thanks to Eddie Bluelights at Clouds and Silvery Linings for passing on the "Life Is Good" award. Eddie is the Master of Ceremonies for The Sunday Roast, which is weekly must read in my book. Eddie's recent Roast of TechnoBabe is HERE. And THIS POST of Eddie's is my favorite.
Here's the award 411- Eddie asked me 10 questions, I ask 6 other bloggers 10 questions-- All in an attempt to get to know one another better....
Eddie asks....
--Sometimes I think the answer to this is one in the same. I write for myself but I really enjoy the interaction with other bloggers. So, if I write well I'm pleased and if others like what I write I'm flattered. But the bottom line for me is that blogging is a hobby--not a profession. I am never going to support myself financially blogging (boo-hoo) so if I'm not writing for myself I need to move on.
2. How do you make people visit your blogs and to elicit nice comments on your handy work? Do you employ the heavy mob to bully your readers or do you use your gentle wit, charm and good nature. Seriously, what do you consider the best way to interact with your fellow bloggers?
2. How do you make people visit your blogs and to elicit nice comments on your handy work? Do you employ the heavy mob to bully your readers or do you use your gentle wit, charm and good nature. Seriously, what do you consider the best way to interact with your fellow bloggers?
--Just like in real life, you have to be a good friend to make good friends and the same principle applies to blogging. With a hand full of exceptions, if you read, follow and make meaningful comments, most bloggers will do the same for you. Over time you build up a group of "blog friends" that get to know you well (and vice-a-versa) and who stick with you through think and thin-- But the "masses", (like the ones you might gather from offering a big giveaway for example) will usually move on if you don't comment on their blogs.
3. If you were starting your blog again would you do something radically different?
3. If you were starting your blog again would you do something radically different?
--Hindsight is 20/20 Eddie and since I'm a very visual person I'd probably start over with WordPress rather than Blogger. I like the look of the WordPress format better. But, being the old dog that I am, change is hard and I know my way around Blogger so I'll probably stick with it.
4. What is the most significant event in your life to date?
4. What is the most significant event in your life to date?
--Since I can't think of just one, I'd have to say "the most significant" event is yet to come. There have been some doozies over the years-- ranging from great loss to great joy, but I'm pretty sure "the big one" is yet to come. And since my husband is reading over my shoulder, I will mention he's hugely significant in my life.
5. Would any of you like to appear on The Sunday Roast programme? TechnoBabe will tell you it is quite painless. If you would like to be interviewed please email me at eddie.bluelights@gmail.com
5. Would any of you like to appear on The Sunday Roast programme? TechnoBabe will tell you it is quite painless. If you would like to be interviewed please email me at eddie.bluelights@gmail.com
--Come on, you know you want to do it. Email Eddie! (Brian Miller, Unknown Mami, Holly, Beth, Frau, and everyone else-- I'm talking to you!) You'll be glad you did and you'll meet some great bloggers through the exposure. Here's my Sunday Roast. It didn't hurt a bit.
6. What do you like to do in your free time? And will the pretty ladies have dinner with me tonight?
6. What do you like to do in your free time? And will the pretty ladies have dinner with me tonight?
--What free time? If I had any, I'd take cooking classes (preferably in Italy and France), maybe a quilting class-- something I've always wanted to master, read way more books than I do now, and I'd walk everyday along the Pacific Ocean from the Santa Monica Pier to Venice Beach and back.... Ahh, if I only had more time. (Sorry Eddie, no dinner. Hubby is still reading over my shoulder.)
7. If you could go back in time which event would be of interest to you most, and why? This question has stumped me for the past 48 hours so I'm taking a pass and moving on or I'll never finish this post. Sorry...
8. Are you addicted to blogging? Do you think it is addictive? or can you take it or leave it?
7. If you could go back in time which event would be of interest to you most, and why? This question has stumped me for the past 48 hours so I'm taking a pass and moving on or I'll never finish this post. Sorry...
8. Are you addicted to blogging? Do you think it is addictive? or can you take it or leave it?
--I've been blogging since February 2009. When I started I had no idea what I was doing and it took a good 2-3 months to find blogs that really interested me. (Sorry to all the young Mommy Bloggers I stalked in the early days. I say "stalked" because I'm not young and I'm not a mommy so our blogs had absolutely nothing in common and interaction was awkward.) Once I found some like minded bloggers I read, followed and commented on way more blogs than I could handle.... and felt like I needed to everyday to learn about blogging and make meaningful relationships. (Translation-- generate comments.) So I blogged day in and day out for about a year and looking back, consider that totally addicted. Then in January of this year, I ran out of things to say and lost my blog mojo. During that time, I realized it was okay to let time pass between posts, and it was okay not to comment on every single post of every single blog I follow (although I read practically every post, I just comment on the most recent), and most importantly, it's okay to stop following blogs that I didn't feel a connection to. So if that's addicted, I've been clean and sober for 5 months.
9. Which person on planet Earth, past or present, do you admire most, and why?
9. Which person on planet Earth, past or present, do you admire most, and why?
--Hands down this would be my Mom. She is sort of a melting pot of all the great women in her life and in mine. And my Mom, by the way, is my hero.
10. When this life is over do you think it is curtains or do you think there is an after life?
10. When this life is over do you think it is curtains or do you think there is an after life?
--Oh yes, the afterlife is something to look forward to.
Still with me??? (Almost done, really!)
I went back to my earliest posts and found the first five bloggers who commented on my blog back then that are still commenting on my blog today. I'm not sure memes are their favorite thing, but I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for their continued support and inspiration. All are terrific blogs on a variety of topics so please stop by and tell them Joanna sent you.
I pass this award on to....
Lily at Lily's Life
Marisa at Getting Back to Basics
Atila The Mom at Cheaper Than Therapy
Big Pissy at Southern Circle of Hell: Part Deux
Ann at Ann's Rants
And the 6th blog I'd like to pass this award on to is...
Carmen at Carmen's Chronicles because she has a wonderful book of poetry just published that's available on Amazon.com
Here are the "rules" (and I use that term loosely): Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to answer my 10 questions below and pass this on to 6 other bloggers of your choice with 10 NEW questions of your own.
Note: If it's not your thing no problem, but if you participate please let me know so I can put a button up on my blog linking to yours.
My questions:
1) Your life is at the intersertion of What & What?
2) Compared to three years ago, how has the way you communicate changed (In person, phone, email, text) and is it for the better?
3) Is the "price of fame" worth it?
4) What are you wearing?
5) Who does the dinner dishes in your family?
6) How long have you blogged and how often do you post?
7) What's a favorite memory?
8) What's on your "to-do" list?
9) What 3-5 words do you think people would use to describe you?
10) Have you met Hilary at The Smitten Image and seen her Post of the Week feature?
So there you have it! ALL of you are welcome to grab the logo and play along. If not, maybe you could answer this one question....
Do you do memes?
Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins
Aren't you such a sweetie? That's my question #11 and the answer is a resounding "YES!" Thank you for this, Joanna. I avoid doing memes but often enjoy reading what others have to say. Of course I always love reading what you write so this was fun.. and a wonderful surprise for me at the end. Thank you. :)
ReplyDeleteI had been enjoying reading Life Is Good because I enjoy the questions and answers and the new questions. I really like your questions Joanna.
ReplyDeleteAnd I knew of the Sunday Roast because of your Roast and have been following it ever since.
I loved this! I feel the same way you do about the blogging community and relationships that are formed.
ReplyDeleteLove your answers.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award!
Thanks, Joanna, I will work on this on the weekend. I am honored to be included in your list and truly appreciate your mentioning my book of poetry!
ReplyDeleteI was interested in your answer about whether you consider yourself blog addicted, particularly the part regards giving yourself permission to not follow for following sake blogs you feel no connection to (ie, mommy blogs). After thinning down my visits to only those I feel something something in common with, blogging became better manageable and far more enjoyable for me. It is too far easy too allow this place to "run away" with your time, and that's when it can become a bit of a problem!
ReplyDeleteLoved all your answers, and I think it is beautiful that your mum is your hero.
Congratulations on your award.;) Loved your answers, particularly to question 4.
ReplyDeleteI can not believe you have only been blogging for over a year, you seem like such an experienced blogger.;)
Have a great day,
You are a gem, I will wonder over to read your and TechnoBabes roast. Loved learning more, take care,,,you rule...
ReplyDeleteHandled like a true pro, Joanna.
ReplyDeleteThanks for participating abd your answers are very thought provoking. I am enjoying your questions as well!
Thanks for the plug for the Sunday Roast! I am thinking of introducing a blogging consciption rule so everyone is 'called nup' to write a roast LOL.
I am so pleased I met you, my special blogging buddy.
No doubt I will think of other things to say after I post this comment. Hugs ~ Eddie
Handled like a true pro, Joanna.
ReplyDeleteThanks for participating abd your answers are very thought provoking. I am enjoying your questions as well!
Thanks for the plug for the Sunday Roast! I am thinking of introducing a blogging consciption rule so everyone is 'called nup' to write a roast LOL.
I am so pleased I met you, my special blogging buddy.
No doubt I will think of other things to say after I post this comment. Hugs ~ Eddie
love it jj...see now eddie is gettiing people to gang up on me...smiles. my roast is coming, i have only had it coming from 8 months since david asked me...lol.
ReplyDeleteand I know if you stopped blogging I'd miss you.
The answer I liked best was that the most significant event in your life is yet to come!
Kudos to you! I always love reading your posts...you are my link to "home" and because of you, I get to visit often. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on your questions. This is a wonderful idea, and I also like it because there is no immediately deadline.
I loved your answer about addiction to blogs. I'm there. And, now I plan to concentrate on the blogs that are more relevant with my current life.
Well done Joanna!! Loved the free time answer!! LOL! We need extra days in our week and extra hours in our days!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHugging you
This was fun reading--I think I approach my writing the same way--it's for me AND readers.
ReplyDeleteI so adore your posts about people you love, so seeing your mom as an answer did not surprise me in the least.
this has got to be one of the best memes around, sugar! i loved your answers and your questions! and yes, i do memes! xoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteh Joanna I really enjoyed reading this post. great answers.
ReplyDeleteYou are a good blog friend, Joanna, and your answers are great for letting us know you better. I was given this award by Technobabe and I am working on the answers to her questions now.
ReplyDeleteI loved your answers!
ReplyDeleteI've been away for a while and I'm so happy to be back reading your blog again!
Good interview, enjoyed your answers. I was thinking that once you read certain bloggers - over time you "get" (kinda sorta) what they will and will not participate in. I for one am not a poster of awards. My regular readers "get" that, hooray! I (probably irrationally) think those awards link up to other stuff. That may not be true but I think so anyway. And also I do not like those answer these 10 questions posts...I say this very carefully and respectfully! Anyway, hope your Thursday is a good one Joanna!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I love memes. And I like your questions at the end of this post.
ReplyDeleteI have always written primarily for myself and only joined blogs that I feel a connection to. Otherwise, I could see that baby getting totally out of hand. There are only so many hours in the day and I can't change that. I recently joined your blog and I've been enjoying your posts! Keep up the excellent work!
Congrats on your much deserved award! Loved your answers and questions. I didn't realize that we were supposed to ask our own questions, so thanks for the heads up. Like Brian,I am still working on my roast, too, from when David asked me! lol Cheers!
ReplyDeleteSweet answers!
I so miss walking along the beach! And I am trying to talk Honey into moving to Santa Monica after the kiddos are gone!!! Fingers crossed!!
ReplyDeletegood stuff - This wordpress question has come up a few times recently. I've never used it and maybe I should try but Blogger did add new background and other features a few months ago. I was happy with changing mine.
ReplyDeleteYour blog addiction answer is great and you should add it to that blog Q&A thing you did.
Hi Joanna, you rocked the questions out of the 'sphere! I get a lump in my throat when you say how much you admire your mom. I find it interesting that you are drawn to WordPress format. The quilting classes sound great. Maybe you will be able to do that soon. I know you are one very busy woman. You passed the award on to some great blogs and you gave them fun and interesting questions. I am not a fan of every other post being an award thingy, but I personally do like to hear the answers and get to know bloggers in a different way than reading their posts.
ReplyDeleteit's so sweet, getting to know you better. ...and change is hard, for this "old dog" too. lol
Well, I am certainly happy that I met you through a pan giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI loved your answers and your questions as well and agree with your philosophy about making blogger friends.
I can tell that you are the genuine article. :)
How thankful I am for this opportunity to stop by and say hello and that I've missed visiting here. You are always a breath of fresh air with your openness and honesty. God willing I will be back again soon! XX Lori
ReplyDeletegood meme, enjoyed reading that
ReplyDeleteMy answer to #8 would be very similar to yours. I love blogging but it doesn't rule my life now.
ReplyDeleteYes, I do memes. I tried to stop doing them but when I see a prompt that I like I jump on it. Or I save it for later.
Those were really good answers to Eddie's questions.I enjoyed reading them.
ReplyDeleteMaggie X
Nuts in May
Those are very interesting thoughts on blogging. I've never done a meme on my blog. Maybe I will someday, but I prefer interviewing others. I have a lot to say about a lot of things, but about myself -- not so much. Maybe inside the loud mouth of this redhead actually beats the heart of a shy person...?
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question, Joanna, I am a total meme whore. Awards, not so much, but memes, bring 'em on!
ReplyDeleteAwesome answers and questions! You've been such a good and sweet bloggy friend, Joanna. I hope you know how much I appreciate you!
ReplyDeleteHugs and love,
I love reading interviews like this one! And yes, I adore Hilary's site.
ReplyDeleteYou're a great sport, and I like the way you chose your "victims." :)
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking, lately, about whether or not I could blog now and then; not sure I could. I'm kind of an all-or-nothing kind of girl.
BTW, if you're looking for an easy way to change the look of your blog, check out the new Blogger Design feature. It's really easy, and I re-did my cooking blog in about a minute!
Your Sunday Roast was great!! Definitely learn something new! I think I would have started on wordpress too, and now I can't figure out how to switch over without a hitch. Several people I know have, but I guess I'm not that good yet!!
ReplyDeleteNoooooo!! Nooooo!!! (running away screaming)
i loved reading this....and wait, was that beth up above me ?
ReplyDeletei always love stopping here....i need to do it more often....call me a slacker, but that's what summer does to me !
happy weekend !!!!!
say "hi!" to your husband for me:) happy weekend joanna!
ReplyDeleteYes, some interesting insights into blogging,why do we do it and how much should we do it.
ReplyDeleteI too was addicted to commenting on other blogs and it took my vacation to pull myself out of that habit. It is really unrealistic that we would connect with a hundred blogs, just as it's unrealistic to connect with a hundred actual people in a crowded room. The friends I have made a precious!
ReplyDeleteI definitely blog for myself. My posts are too spread around in content for anyone to ever sponsor me and although I love my readers, it's the part about being able to create something and do it every single day that challenges me.
Keep up the wonderful blog you have here!
I love all this and Mr Eddie has a special place in my heart... as does Ms Techno :))
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the award. More so, thanks for thinking of me and reading my blog.
What a lovely post, Joanna! I loved learning more about you! You are such a delightful lady! And so thoughtful of others! Congratulations on the award...so well deserved! ~Janine XO
ReplyDeleteI love your answers and the questions you asked the others. so common sense, so comforting that the obvious things in real life work just as well in the blog world. We don't have to twist who we are. We can be ourselves and it will be OK. I like your underlying message.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your q & a's. I haven't done meme's in a long time. But they are fun to read.
ReplyDelete♥ Joy
Congrats on your award Joanna and thank you for thinking of me. I am working on answering your great questions now and I will let you know when I post them. I haven't seen the Sunday Roast yet but I will be checking them out from now on. Have a great day Joanna!!!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy getting to know more about you.
ReplyDeleteI think I am finally finding a balance with blogging. I am not letting it consume every spare and not so spare moment of my time. I enjoy it immensely, but it needed to be put in perspective.
I still rarely, "unfollow" blogs because I can't stand the idea of hurting someone's feelings, but now I don't feel like I have to read every single post out there. I have a folder with my favorites and I visit them as often as I can and then I do a sort of random pop-ins with the rest and I always, always try to visit people that are kind enough to leave me comments.
Great interview, JJ. It's so much fun learning new things about one another. And of course....going to check out the other blogs!
ReplyDeleteOh I finally got to see this post. Thank you very much for the mention by the way - although I have been a bit of a recalitrant blogger in more recent times and not visiting any blogs.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great interview and your answers show the essence of who you are. A very lovely person.
As for memes, well maybe I have done one I think. I will have to give some thought to your great questions though.
Congratulations on both your award and your loyal following!