Friday, April 9, 2010

Summer Resolutions

Spring is in full bloom and summer is just around the corner. Finally!

But, it seems like every Labor Day weekend I'm asking myself where the summer went. It happens without fail! Before I realize it, Memorial Day, July 4th, the glorious weather, and all things summer have flown by without a moment to enjoy any of it. But this year I'm planing ahead and that's going to change, baby!

This year, I'm making my list of Summer Resolutions and I'm sticking to it-- I'm making plans, organizing my calendar, spending quality time with family and friends, slathering on the sunscreen and ceasing the opportunity to ENJOY the best months of the year!

My Summer Resolutions are simple--

1) Potluck dinners will be on the calendar faster than you can say "pass the potato salad" to connect with friends I don't see nearly as often as I'd like.

2) Plant tomatoes-- My BFF has seedlings for me in her greenhouse and this summer I'm going to nurse those gems into beautiful, ripe fruit that makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

3) Godson and I will fly to Ohio to meet the newest addition to our family-- My sweet niece's baby is due June 19th and I can't wait to get my hands on her.

4) Beloved Husband and I will sneak off for at least two extra long weekends together-- Hopefully one will be in NYC and the other with a spa massage for me and tennis for him.

5) I will find my treadmill again. I know it's here somewhere, under piles of junk, but I WILL find it and use it five days a week like I used to-- Because I want a lot of.....

6) Pool parties! (And this year I'd like to actually swim-- translation: wear a bathing suit.) After the massive repair job we're undertaking on our sinking pool and deck (The construction is moving along swimmingly, by the way.), we will definitely be splish-splashing this summer.

7) Yoga. I'm going to figure it out and find a class or two per week that Beloved and I can take together. Yes, zen is definitely in our future this summer.

8) War and Peace. I've never read but this summer-- Cover to cover by Labor Day.

9) I will remember to cut fresh flowers from the garden and bring them in the house to enjoy. We have huge rose bushes loaded with blooms that will brighten my days.

10) And I will partake in mindless entertainment, like this....

Cuz a girl needs a little fluff in the summer, especially after War and Peace.

What are YOUR Summer Resolutions?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: Joanna Jenkins


  1. Oh, I like that... 'Summer Resolutions'.


    I don't have any that jump to the top of my brain, but that's because most of my ideas are no longer able to jump.


  2. Summer resolutions are so much easier to keep to somehow!

    I'm going to have a wonderful two weeks in the UK catching up with family I haven't seen for two years!

  3. Love all these summer resolutions, good luck.......:-) Hugs

  4. Last summer I resolved that it would be the most boring summer EVER. Well, it was anything BUT!
    So this summer, I have unplugged the cable completely and resolved to focus on my weight-loss and maint. phases....Maybe bike more outside with a around the lake trails...
    And of course, blog!
    Finding the treadmill - that's a funny one, JJ!

  5. Some good resolutions there mate.
    Mine? sheesh.. ages till our Summer comes around again... I have plenty of time to think of some! lol

  6. Great idea! I have found the same thing happening every year. High hopes with lots of plans on Memorial Day and then the days just disappear. I will follow your lead!

  7. Hmmm, have never thought of making summer resolutions but it is a good idea. I'm putting on my thinking cap.

  8. i do like the idea of summer resolutions...and i like yours...mine:

    camping once a month...
    take at least one two day weekend a month...
    live, love, laugh...

  9. I was reading along, nodding in agreement, each resolution better than the last.....until I came to "War and Peace". Oy.

    I hate summer. All summer. I resolve to hate it just as much, if not more, than last summer!


  10. Ah, you described my sentiments exactly. I feel the same way every September. Therefore this year I decided not to travel anywhere and will just enjoy the summer at home. I too have plans on planting tomatoes and even strawberries.;) To bad I have no pool.;)
    Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your best wishes to my sister.;)

  11. Oh, your post reminded me how I haven't finished last summer's reading list and M.F.K Fisher's the Art of Eating is still sitting on a chair behind me (with all my other summer reading) mocking me.

    After a sigh, I realized my only resolution right now is to learn to forgive myself. Acceptance and not listening to the negative people in my life who hurt me is what I'm working on.

    The potluck dinner is awesome. I have my food pantry dinner once a month and can't imagine not having it. I also re-connected with someone from Facebook yesterday after 27 years. It was amazing to see her.

    Friends and people I love, so key to me. However, I will admit, reading War & Peace is something that is on my to-do list as well.

  12. Sheesh....summer resolutions?? I am just now focusing on New Years!! LOL!!
    Let's see...hmmmmmmmmm!!!
    Well definitely enjoy it more...go outside as much as possible with sunscreen of course.
    Plant a garden near the front door is in order!!
    Plant a row of trees in the front is also a must!
    And take some weekends to just go with my darling and photograph!!
    Thanks for the idea.

  13. I resolve to not make any more resolutions. I finally have my little hippie life the way I like it. I get up to coffee ready, coffee aroma my first sensor of the day. I look out the back door and watch rabbits and squirrels play and find leftover food and I throw down more bird seed and cut apples and throw those out there. That is our entertainment during breakfast. The pace is set for the rest of the day. Calm and go with the flow. We exercise every day and eat healthy meals. Did you know when you get to be our age you don't need to eat as much as you did when you were younger? Most days we eat two meals and then some fruit in the evening.
    I like your summer resolutions, Joanna, and I wish you a splendid summer splashing, swimming, yoga, gardening, reading, filling your home inside with flowers and love.

  14. Since I'm a teacher, I always make summer resolutions. It's like my New Years. One of these summers, I hope to actually keep them.

  15. Good luck with your resolutions!

    My top one - keep the vegetable garden and back yard maintained...I tend to "forget" about this certain corner of the yard. Next, read more, exercise regularly, take more photographs, go hiking and go to the beach...haven't been in years! (At least not during the summer) Blueberry & strawberry picking, and get into canning more - so far I've only made some fruit preserves.

    That makes my heart happy! I do not have any planned,.. yet that is!

  17. This is the one of the best ideas I've ever heard! Waaaaay better than New Year's Resolutions.

    My list would be very similar to yours. The treadmill, especially. We'll be opening our pool soon, I need to get in better shape. I'll remind you and you remind me, okay?!

  18. Your resolutions sound amazing JJ - can't wait to read them as you tick them off one by one. Great stuff! I'm jealous!
    This summer my only resolution, I guess, would be to make sure my heart is on its way to mending :) After that we'll take it from there xx

  19. Summer resolutions - what a great idea! Summer does go by way too fast. I may have to try some of these.

  20. Great resolutions! You are going to have a great summer.

    Mine is to have the biggest veggie garden I have ever grown and share at least half of everything we grow.

  21. My summer resolution is to live more organicly, throw out all unnecessary stuff and tackle our eyesore of a laundry room.

  22. I can't wait till that movie comes out! Sounds like you are planning an ambitious, yet relaxing summer. Now when do we come for the potluck and the SATC premier?

  23. I am with you! I want to do more picnics and go to the water park, and go camping, etc. It does always seem to go by so fast.

  24. I just suggested to myself yesterday that I need to get reacquainted with the treadmill. Thanks for the reminder. I love summer and it always goes by too fast. Your resolutions will make yours a memorable one.

  25. Summer resolutions...what a fabulous idea! Will have to start organizing my thoughts...but, pot lucks will definitely be close to the top of my list..a great way to stay in touch with those dear to us! I just may have to steal your idea (with proper credits, of course) and come up with a blog list of my own! ox

  26. Aren't you the smart one!! I love the idea of Summer Resolutions!! I always make a summer to do list. I like the idea of a Summer Fun List!!! Thank you for a great idea!!

  27. I love that you have Summer Resolutions! I have similar ones (except for the whole War and Peace/Sex in the City thing. Actually- that would be a cool movie title: Sex in the City 4 - War and Peace! ha!)

    Oh, and the treadmill. Blech.

  28. Hmmm...I'll have to give this one some thought. I've never done summer resolutions before, but yours sound very enjoyable!!

  29. Love the trailer! Thank you for giving me a little sumpn sumpn to look forward to!

  30. You're so right. Summers do fly by and before we know it, the cold winter is back again. I like your thinking, and if I know you, your list will be complete by the end of summer.

  31. I work steadfast and full throttle to get my yard picture perfect for my big forth of July bash! I was just delivered a big old dumptruck load of mulch to dress up my flower beds. I try to swim every afternoon and spend time with the grandkiddos. Hubs and I will take the boat out on the lake and do some fishing. I live for summer. I loved reading your summer lists.

    God bless your weekend, sweetie!!!

  32. I don't really have resolutions per se. I have a very long to do list, though. I plan to clean as much as possible and reorganize some storage bins and closets around here. And also to take some longer trips to do some photography. I'll be lucky to get half of it done, but I'm going to give it the old college try.

  33. Your resolutions sound marvelous! One summer past, we had a potluck every weekend and rotated houses. We had so much fun! We've dropped off, but those are memories we all speak of and you will too! Think of the food you'll have!

  34. I love the idea of summer resolutions. Pot luck dinners! Trips! The only thing you plan that does not appeal to me is to read War and Peace. By the time I was able to finish that book I would have forgotten what the first part of the book was about!
    Lindsey Petersen

  35. I vote for more pool parties and Yoga.


  36. Summer Resolutions!

    Awesome idea!!!! :)

  37. I totally love the idea of summer resolutions. Seems to make a lot more sense.

    um...I will have to think about this. We are building a new house so I will probably just try to not lose my mind entirely. And try writing coherent sentences.


  38. wish you the best with the list.
    "War and Peace" seriously you are going to tackle that?
    Well I hope you can still fit in some blogging during all that activity.
    Hey I remember that filming of TV show on your street. Any more to share with us on that?

  39. Now, that is a list worth keeping!

  40. It sounds like a great list. War and Peace is a big undertaking with all those other plans.

  41. You're going to read War & Peace? There's a challenge!

  42. Much of the same for me. Got my first veggies underway on the kitchen windowsill - basil seedings are a-popping as we speak, chard following close behind. And then there will be lunches on the terrace, and more lunches and ... well basically to be outside enjoying the sun as much as possible. :)

  43. OMG - NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
    We have to make New Years Resolutions AND summer resolutions??? No way - I'm too commitment-phobic for that.

  44. Oh, Joanne, I think you're on to something here... summer resolutions make so much more sense than New Years resolutions!

    I don't have any in mind - but I intend to have a lovely time thinking some up!!!

  45. You are right! Summer flies by in the blink of an eye.. so many plans, so little time. Glad you will get some pool time at your own pool this summer, hooray! Congratulations on the new baby for your niece. So sweet..

    I CAN'T WAIT for SITC 2!!!

  46. Hey, wait?? You live in Southern California. Isn't the weather nice most of the year?

  47. i think i need to make a list for myself....your list is fabulous !

    and the mindless movie hubby actually cringed and said, "please don't tell me you're going to watch this one".....of course i am even though it doesn't look as good as the original {first one}

  48. I love fluff! It candy for my brain.

  49. You have a GOOD list! Pot luck parties are on my list, too. And fresh cut flowers, fresh grown tomatoes, slumber parties for the boys, nights at the ballpark and nights at the drive-in.

  50. Been wondering about the pool. whether it was at the end of the canyon or not. glad to hear you can use it finally. It is nice you are so organized and put on a list no less. Happy Summer

  51. I love your goals. Love them so much. You inspire me all the time.

  52. Now that sounds an amazing list. I have tried the yoga thing and for the life of my I just cannot get into it. Maybe one day.

    Have lots of summer fun and enjoy!


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