Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So there I was at the cemetery-- An old friend, June, passed away on April Fool's Day-- She would have found great humor in that so I mention it here-- And she was being buried on Easter Sunday, again another "rising" subject she'd have made a joke about with no disrespect intended.

I arrived early for the funeral to visit another dear friend, "S", buried at the same cemetery a year and a half ago. "S" was a great, great, gal pal and I miss her terribly.

I'd been standing at her grave for a good ten minutes-- On my toes, so my high heels wouldn't sink into the ground. It was windy and I was sad and I started to feel a little wobbly. I blamed it on crying and my shoes so I stepped onto a paved walkway next to her grave. With both feet firmly planted on the sidewalk, I still felt uneasy and I momentarily questioned if I was about to passout.

Hmmm, my head felt fine, but my vision, as I focused on the grave marker, was shaky at best. I continued to wobble but a few moments later felt fine again. I thought it best to slowly make my way to the gathering for June's funeral.

I sat at the back of the Chapel in case I was in fact getting sick and needed to make a hasty retreat. But by the time the funeral started I was beginning to think I had dreamed the whole thing. My eyes focused, the prayers were easy to read, and standing and sitting weren't a problem.

After the service, I stood out in the fresh air and breathed deeply. Since I was feeling fine I dismissed the earlier incident as a heavy heart.

Then I started my car and turned on the radio. Helloooo! Earthquake! Why didn't I think of that? I'd felt a big 7.2 quake centered in northern Mexico that lasted upwards of 40 seconds. I didn't have spaghetti legs, or vision problems, the earth really was moving. Dang, I hate when that happens.

Once I figured things out, I thought of my friend, June, and what a kick she would have gotten out of having an earthquake at her funeral. Her sense of humor was legendary and I'm sure she was looking down at me saying with a wink, "fooled you".

Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: © Vickie - Fotolia.com


  1. Your friend sounded delightful, Joanna.

  2. So hard to lose friends.

    But a gift to be able to smile about them even as they're laid to rest.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  3. Joanna- I'm sorry to hear about your friend. You sure have had your shares lately.
    After reading your post I'm sure your friend got a kick out of the moment. Don't you sometimes they who pass have a way to let us know all is OK? xo

  4. Oh Joanna, I am so sorry about your friend. It sounds with her sense of humor that she would have loved this.
    I have never experienced an earthquake of after effects of one. I need to feel my feet planted firmly on the ground. I wish you health and strength in times of saddness. Sorry you lost your other friend the year before. Thats why we need to make the most out of everything. Hugs to you today.

  5. Your friend sounds like she was quite the card. She would have loved that you approached her passing with a loving sense of humor. Since that earthquake showed up, I'll bet she was the kind of person to shake things up too.

  6. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, June. She sure made a point of letting you know that her sense of humour lives on. It's a lovely thing to remember about a person and of course you always will.

  7. Sorry about your friend. She sounds as if she would have wanted you to laugh with her about all these happenings - and that is exactly what you have done. Lovely tribute to her!

  8. Incredible story, JJ!
    Another earthquake in stride, eh?
    Bless your dear heart!

  9. So trying when life can be so difficult at times and I'm sorry for your loss of two friends recently. Your post was lovely and I'm sure your friends would have thought so too. :) xoxo

  10. I'm sorry to hear about the death of your friend. Thankfully, the earthquake just jolted you and didn't uproot trees and send buildings crashing! Somehow, the shaking always make me feel very mortal

  11. Sounds like the perfect April fools day happening....and earthquake!!!
    I am sorry about the loss of your friends...that is sad to lose those who make our life wonderful!
    Hugging you

  12. Sorry about the loss of another friend. She sounds like fun, and I'm sure she would have told you she caused the earthquake!

  13. Such memories you have of someone that obviously enjoyed life to the fullest with humor! Glad all is well.

  14. Awesome.

    Except I was sure it was June giving you a little shove.

    Oh Joanna. Your posts are the best. I'm so sorry you have lost dear ones. I'm so sorry your heart was heavy. I'm so so sorry you experienced another earthquake. But how wonderful the metaphor of June's funeral on Easter Sunday. All things new, you know...

    And thank God you didn't ruin your heels!

    Much love my chica.

  15. you made me sad, you made me smile...a marvelous tribute to a friend.

  16. What a perfect post for June! I'm sure she was chuckling from above all the while!

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. How fitting that someone with a great sense of humor would be laid to rest on April Fools Day. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a hand in that earthquake, either!

  18. What a wonderful story about a funeral! And there aren't too many times one can say that! I'm sure you felt a huge relief to know the earth did move for your friend!

  19. I sure hope folks can see me in the same positive light when I'm laid to rest. I wonder if I can arrange any weird weather or shooting stars...

    An LA friend of mine described the earthquake as "rolly." I guess you're a real southern Californian now, if you don't even notice an earthquake!

  20. What a wonderful tribute to your friend, June...to her humor and your love for her. And what a tribute the universe gave to mark her passing.

  21. Sorry for your loss but I'm glad you found some humor in the day to bring a smile about your dear friend.

  22. Great posts. Just catching up with your last few posts. Hope the recent earthquake did not set back your pool and deck progress!! I am sure June was smiling and enjoying all the action at her funeral. Powerful spirit indeed!! Sad as we lose our dear friends. Those voids cannot be filled.

  23. As soon as you described the feeling I thought earthquake. Your friend June sounds like a real firecracker. Aren't you glad you had time with her in this life? Hugs to you, Joanna, I know you care deeply for your friends.

  24. How lucky you were to have a friend like that in your life.

    Such great memories. :)

  25. I'm very sorry for your loss.

    I think your pal was, indeed, having a good chuckle during that earthquake!

  26. I almost thought you were going to say you thought your friend was speaking to you in some unearthly way. Perhaps she was. That was funny. I was quite into it, hanging on every word.

    I was in a quake when I lived in Turkey and that is weird. I was off my equilibrium for a week. I don't know how you all can live with quakes all the time. I was in California after the Northridge? and kept wondering if an overpass was going to fall on me.......

  27. What a wonderful tribute to your jolly June, she sounds like a remarkable woman. I'm so glad you didn't have any health problems there but sorry of the earthquake.
    I'm sure June was havin' a great laugh.

    God bless and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

  28. Sounds like you lost a fun friend--to have those thoughts at her funeral!

  29. What a nice tribute to your friend. You honor her sense of humor all the while grieving her loss. My condolences.

  30. She is missed I know, but the most amazing thing about it all is you could see her wit through it all,.. What a great gift she still is! May your daily life be blessed by her wit to see life on the lighter side, Blessings!

  31. It sounded as if you were ill, the earthquake never occurred to me either! Sorry about your friend.

  32. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. She certainly sounds like she was quite a fun person to have as a friend. I have never felt an earthquake and if I never do I can't say that I will feel like I have missed out.

  33. I am sorry for your loss and I know she is smiling you did her justice with humor. That is great!

  34. Oh, what a great tale! Sounds like your friend would have really appreciated the irony. So sorry you've lost her.

  35. your friend sounds like she was a wonderful soul

    your description of the earthquake feeling is amazing, so vivid

    thanks for visiting my dancer post :)

  36. oh, how comforting , in a soul shaking kind of way.

    sorry for the loss of your friend, really, for both of them. I'm sure you made their lives more treasured.

  37. Sorry about the loss of your friend and also the grief you were feeling for an old friend as well. I was pleased to read of your friend's wonderful sense of humor and how in her way let you know she was with you........:-) Hugs

  38. Ah, very sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you. As far as the ground shake I had a much less dramatic experience recently.

    My ex wife, my daughter's mom, passed away three weeks ago. I've been helping my daughter with the details, which in one case meant a couple of trips to the transfer station to dump some accumulated no-one-wants when cleaning out her apartment.

    On one of those trips the sky was black and it started sprinkling lightly. As I paid I told the cashier I was going to get wet. "This is nothing," she said. "I've seen it really come down out here."

    As I was unloading my truck the sky opened up. I couldn't have gotten wetter if I was standing under the shower at home.

    Just like Rachael. Thought it'd be funny to dump the skies on me as I was throwing away her stuff.

    True or not, my experience. That's what really matters.



  39. Happy to find you!

    I am 50, and I love having found a place where they know what I'm talking about.

    Very pretty background.

  40. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :(

    But, i love your blog, it's great :)

    K xx (from www.thoseblissmoments.blogspot.com)

  41. oooh...what a place to be when a quake hits!! glad it wasn't any stronger!

  42. Your friend sounded like she was a fantastic lady.

  43. My goodness that's a lot to deal with all in one day.

    You have written this beautifully.

    take care
    be well

  44. Hi Joanna, thanks for visiting.
    It's nice that you can see the humour amid your grief.

  45. As the Beatles once said, shake it up, baby! ;-)

  46. I'm glad you can celebrate your friend's humor.

  47. A perfect tribute to a classy woman with a great sense of humor from a friend who shares those same attributes.

    And congrats on Post of the Week!

  48. What a marvelous story, albeit taken from sad circumstances. Very good.

    Congratulations on your POTW from Hilary!

  49. I do believe your friend would have enjoyed the irony!

    POTW? Deserved!

  50. What a wonderful tribute to your friend... A sense of humor can get you through just about anything, and I think that's the best way to remember somone who was funny - through your sense of humor. Where ever she is, I am sure she is smiling. :) Congrats on the POTW!

  51. Your friend sent you a parting present. I love it! I am sorry for your loss Miss Joanne. That must be so difficult.


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