Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sundays In My City #32 - One Year Later....

Unknown Mami hosts a great Sunday theme inviting YOU to get out and take pictures of your city and/or Sunday to share with the rest of blogland. Click HERE to see Unknown Mami's Sunday in her City today.

I told you about my brother and his bride who skipped off to Las Vegas for a beautiful and romantic wedding-- that my Beloved and I crashed. You can read about it HERE.

On the eve of their one year anniversary, I thought I'd flashback and show you a couple of pics from my Sunday a year ago.

We met up with them here-- At the Wynn, a fab hotel that treated them like a King and Queen....

It's right next door to their sister hotel, Encore, that has lots of delicate mosaics to enjoy....

The Bride was absolutely stunning and the Groom was pretty darn handsome, if I do say so myself....

We rode in a huge stretch limo way out of town to a park with views as far as the eye could see...

No, we didn't make them walk back to the hotel we rode in the limo again. And when we got back to the hotel they were....

Happy One Year Anniversary to my Brother and Sister-in-Law!

How's your Sunday?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: Joanna Jenkins
Be sure to check out the other Sundays In My City participants-- Or better yet, show us YOUR Sunday/City. Click here.


  1. Omg i was just going through my blog to my very first posts and I saw your comment! You were one of my very first friends! How are you?? Look at that Vegas Wedding... definitely not a shabby deal.. they look so cute and thank god Elvis isn't lurking in the corner with their vows!! Congrats to them for making it!!! Nice catching up with you again. You may not even recognize my blog I got a blog makeover and a name change... i was Jane Ug-Lbc

  2. Wonderful pictures! Looks like they had a fabulous time. Congrats to them on their one year anniversary! That is super!!

  3. That would have been lots of fun, Congratulations to them on their first anniversary. nice looking couple. the mosaics on the floor are absolutely to die for. have a great sunday my friend. hugs.

  4. Nice Photos and congrats to them, thats lovely :)

    Hope you are having abeautiful weekend.

    K xx

  5. happy anniversary to them! very cool and also that you got to be such a part of that day. hope you have a wonderful sunday jj!

  6. What great photos! The picture of them on the road is beautiful.
    Happy Anniversary to them.

  7. Oh so romantic and what great pictures! Happy Anniversary to them!

  8. They look like a great couple, and it looks like it was a great trip too. The hotel sure does look like a nice choice.

  9. Happy Anniversary to the still newly weds!!!

    I loved the mosaic work on that floor!

  10. My son got married in Las Vegas about 9 years ago and it was wonderful. Your pics of your brother's wedding are great. I hope they got to go back to Vegas for their anniversary.

  11. Love Vegas. We were there for 3 days last fall. Would love to go again!

    Happy anniversary to the happy couple!

  12. I love weddings, anyone's wedding. Invite meeeeee lol.

    I do hope those mosaic butterflies are on the ceiling and not the floor. I wouldn't want to step on any of them, they are so beautiful!

  13. Ah, what a delightful memory!

  14. Your brother and his bride look like a happy couple. How great that you and your Beloved could be with them on their special day. The photo of them walking out of town with the desert view is outstanding. Happy first anniversary to your brother and sister-in-law.

  15. How thoughtful to remember their day on your blog. I'm not surprised. :)

    (btw...I have a thing for mosaic tile and love the butterflies).

  16. What a great place to get married! Just a beautiful setting, and great photos, too! Congrats to the happy couple, on their first anniversary!

  17. Looks like you all had a lovely time - congrats to you brother and sister-in-law.

  18. Very sweet post on the one year anniversary. Went and read the original post. So lovely! I too ADORE Las Vegas and it is a relatively easy plane trip from ANC. Every time I go I enjoy watching the couples and their guests enjoying their moment all over the city. The Wynn is a fantastic hotel and the shops are to die for. My sis and I had a grand time shopping in the Wynn stores the last time we were there. She bought ruby red stilletos and the salesman was all over my hair.... also the restaurants are wonderful.... Thanks for sharing this beautiful day and happy 1 (or 9) year anniversary!! xoxo

  19. Oh this one made me clap my hands and smile!

    I love you!!!!

  20. Happy Anniversary to your brother and his beautiful wife! I'd say that that was the perfect wedding. I love the outdoor scenery. It's gorgeous!

    Have you recuperated from the extensive coming and goings in the backyard?

  21. What a gorgeous wedding! They both look beautiful.

  22. Happy Anniversary to your Bro and SIL! What a great time and memories for all. Year has flown by don't ya think! Happy Sunday!

  23. Love the mosaics and the joy in everybody's face.

  24. Very special and meaningful. The years go by quickly and I'm sure this is something they'll always fondly remember.

  25. Happy Anniversary to the wonderful couple!

    I am in LOVE with that butterfly mosaic! so beautiful

  26. Happy Anniversary to them!
    Looks like a great time!!

  27. Wonderful photos of their day. So nice that you were able to share it with them. Happy Anniversary to the happy couple!

  28. Happy Anniversary to them!

    Here from SIMC.

  29. It is nice to look back on family events!
    Our sunday? Spent at the beach...BLISS.

  30. nice story with nice pictures.
    doing the ceremony at a park outside of the city sounds like a better idea than getting married on the strip.
    I've only been Las Vegas once and liked it. However with Paris, New York, Venice, and other places all thrown into one place, the strip doesn't seem like a real place.
    all the best to you and your family

  31. Happy anniversary to your brother and SIL - It looks like it was a fab day... I hope they have many, many happy years together :0)

  32. How sweet!

    Yes! Happy happy anniversary and congratulations. They say the first year of marriage is the toughest, but truly? The first year is the best year. It's so exciting and new and if you do it right, each successive year just gets better.

    Take it from another Vegas bride... There is something very magical about being joined in wedlock there. Almost like getting sprinkled with Vegas pixie dust.

    Love you, Joanna.

  33. Hello Joanna, thank you for stopping by.

    Your Sunday last year was fab. What a lovely wedding.

    I love the photos, especially when they are standing on the road in that fantastic scenery. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a great week. xxx

  34. I'm glad that they let you in on the secret so you could be part of their special day. Happy 1st Anniversary to the lucky couple! xo

  35. How did you Mom take the news?? ;-)

    Glad to hear they're still two lovebirds!

  36. If I had to do it all over again, that's what I'd do. How cool!!

  37. Happy anniversary and what a fascinating time. Nice tribute down the short memory lane.

  38. I am so happy that you crashed it--or else, who'd be able to show us those lovely pics!

    happy sunday!

  39. What fun that must have been! I've never been to Vegas and I doubt I ever will go. I hear lots of fun-filled stories about it though.

  40. Here's to many more happy years for the couple on their very special first anniversary!!! What a beautiful Vegas wedding they had.

    I crashed after church services yesterday. Hubs and I popped some popcorn last night and zoned out in front of the television.

    (it had been days since I've seen any adult shows) Heehehe!

    Have a super day!!!

  41. The desert photo is amazing. Something about the hope against the seemingly desolate.

    Congratulations to them!

  42. Very pretty pictures!! Congrats to the happy couple!

  43. Wow you have a lot of followers! :)

  44. Thank you for sharing this joyful event. It made me smile and feel a sense of happiness.


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