The fifth grade was when I decided I wanted to be a famous "window dresser" in New York City. Actually I wanted to be a famous bulletin board designer for school classrooms in my hometown but my teacher, Mrs. Fischer, suggested I stretch my career goals slightly higher.
Of course the fact that I always volunteered to "design" the classroom bulletin board and spoke with a slight French accent when I worked on them earned me the reputation as a bit of an over-the-top brown nose, but I figured that was the price of fame.
Fast forward to real life and "window dresser" wasn't a listing in the Help Wanted section of the newspaper so I moved on.
Eventually, I got into the advertising business in a roundabout way via a friend of a friend who knew a guy that had an entry level position available. It was a cool job for a real NYC publisher of a food magazine and the whole "creative process" kicked back in.
No, it was nothing like Mad Men. After all, I'm significantly younger than that era. It was the 80s-- *ahem* very early 80s. Honest.
Since then I've come to viewing advertisements with a different eye than perhaps those not in the business. I'm more critical and always wondering who the target audience is. But lately, say the last ten years, I've come to wonder who the heck the advertiser is too.
It seems advertisers are trying to be so cleaver and hip and cool that the brand name isn't mentioned until the end of the commercial or only in tiny type, if at all. Target stores has mastered this technique with their wildly successful bull's eye logo but most others-- not so much.
During Wednesday night's Men's Snowboard Finals on the Olympics I saw this ad and it cracked me up. But after watching it I couldn't remember what product was being hocked, so I looked it up on YouTube and soon found that not only was it not a new ad, it was also very popular-- Which told me the company was targeting younger males with their message (snowboarders), not middle-aged women (trying to stay awake late enough to see who won the gold metal).
Regardless, I loved this ad and although it would never motivate me to buy the product for "my man", I thought you might get a laugh out of it too.
What's made you laugh lately?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna Jenkins
I've seen this ad on about 4 different blogs today. It's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI can't be the first, no way! Cute ad! I've never seen it either. I did have a gig as a window dresser in a mall when I was fresh out of college!
ReplyDeleteThis was my first viewing of that commercial and that delicious Old Spice man!!! I am in love, officially!!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't get the video to play, but I will try again later. I often don't remember what the product or sponsor is after seeing a commercial I like. I got my most recent laugh at the antics of my dog, but I often get the best laughs from my own foibles.
ReplyDeleteI love it! It's cute and clever, but not a great ad. He is pretty hunky to look at.
ReplyDeleteI've been watching ads lately.. and sadly find that most ads targeting women our age are for osteoporosis, leaky bladders and or constipation.. oh arthritis too!
I saw this on Facebook, and it still cracks me up. BTW, if you want the video to fit go back to edit post and where you see the html for the video there are two places where it gives the width and height. Right at the beginning of the code and right at the end. Change the width to 430 in both places and it will fit perfectly.
ReplyDeleteGreat ad! I laughed when I saw it last night. I laughed just now when I read you spoke with a French accent while designing bulletin boards!
ReplyDeleteI have never seen that advert... probably won't see it here either!
ReplyDeleteWhat a scrummy man! don't tell Stew I said that!
And Old Spice is actually ikky... I make Stew wear Joop... cos I love it! Too bad if he doesn't eh? (he does luckily)
I was yelling at the tv last night saying, "I don't need you, I gotta a man...my man don't need Old Spice, I love his smell!" It made Boo smile and I got a little angry agression out all the while watching the commercial. Hope it comes on again tonight so I can yell again! LOL
ReplyDeleteOld Spice, wow, isn't that what everybody's father or grandfather used? Like, in 1962?
ReplyDeleteAnd, um...my man? Huh? What man?!? LOL.
you know...i use old spice...so your man could smell like me too...smiles.
ReplyDeleteHe is a gorgeous piece of eye candy!
ReplyDeleteWell no wonder you couldn't remember the product. Like who would be looking at his hand? ;) I'm curious to know what search term you used to find him...
ReplyDeleteI watched the snowboard competition but somehow missed this spicy, little...I mean, big man. Funny.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh.....I love this ad!!!
ReplyDeleteOh I love the ad, and yes sometimes I sit there wondering what the heck was that about. The 80's were good years Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteHeck the 60's were great years and Old Spice was big. That and English Leather. LOL!! My dad used Old Spice. It always smelled so nice on him. The ad was terrific. But they need to view some Target ads. Those are great!
haha! i´ve never seen this. i´m with you- sometimes i almost prefer to watch the commercials than the actual program. and love the clios- :) p.s. i "dressed" windows for ralph lauren- it´s not as "glamorous" as it seems...:) happy weekend dear!
ReplyDeleteWow - some real creative work.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is full of creative things, and I just love it!
Wonderful ad! I'm actually fascinated by advertising, nerdy enough to notice the audience profile that advertisers reckon certain programmes have. I'm also starting to notice particular advertising 'stables' (for want of a better word). If I like an ad and I look up who made it, it is usually the work of the same companies. There are the ads I like but whose product escapes me - there's one for Ford cars over here where birds can't fly and I had to make a point, after about the 8th viewing, of noting what the product was. And then there are the ads where it seems apparent that some wacky backy has definitely figured in there somewhere because they're so completely off the wall and everyone complains that they don't get them (but, of course, they *are* talking about them so I guess it is a case of 'mission accomplished'!
ReplyDeleteIt's an industry I would have loved to be involved in but I know that temperamentally I would have turned to mush in 5 minutes!
I'm on a horse, hahahaha. I loved this ad the first time I saw it, and I made Cute Hubby watch it too.
ReplyDeleteI think some advertising is connected with politics too, as are the sit-coms. It's all about brain washing the public. So glad I don't watch t.v.
geesh, is that for real? and to think my hubby wore that... back then the commercials were of a dude on a boat sailing back to port to see his honey...lol... i know u remember that one!.
ReplyDeleteThis ad is typical of the fast talking sales hype. Sometimes a picture is worth all those words though. For me, I like my hubby's natural scent. Is that love or what!!
ReplyDeleteWhat has made me laugh~
My middle daughter called me into her room in tears becuase she is afraid to grow because,....She thinks she won't be able to still play with her barbies,...
She makes my heart light!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Oh that is funny!
ReplyDeleteMy kids make me laugh - every single day. So much joy.
This is a darn funny ad! I confess, as much as I may enjoy certain ad campaigns (Budweiser, Miller, McDonalds, MetLife), their entertainment factor does not mean I'll go spend money on their products/services.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this ad! What a hoot! I hadn't seen it before, so it made my day.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't seen this one before -- it's hilarious! Thanks for cracking me up again today, my friend! And I enjoyed learning more about your ad career, too. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteAlmost everything cracks me up. I tend to find humor in most situations...I'm just funny that way! Heeeheeh!
ReplyDeleteThe commercials, I'm sayin'. Most leave me hanging awhile wondering what the heck is bein' advertised. I crack up at those M&M characters every time.
Have a fun day and a blessed weekend!!!
Ben and I saw that ad! We sat in silence for a few seconds, then we looked at each other and just CRACKED UP. I thought that was one of the funniest ads I have seen in a LONG time.
ReplyDeleteBut no, it didn't make me want to buy anything. So I guess it's just a really funny failure?
I just love that you were a brown nose in school! I was teacher's pet in third grade. She would always use my handwriting work as an example for the rest of the class. I thought I was so cool!
ReplyDeleteThe Old Spice commercial is hilarious! I bought Old Spice deodorant for my husband once, and I have to say that I think the horse at the end of the commercial smells better than that deodorant. It's so strong smelling.
I've never been in advertising, but the company that puzzles me is Dannon. A while ago, their ads showed a woman sucking yogurt right out of the container in the store (without paying for it, I might add) and now they have Heidi Klum licking out the inside of an empty yogurt container. It doesn't make me want to buy their product, it just makes me want to change the channel when their commercials air.
Love the advert JJ - so true!
ReplyDeleteI have to say that when I was studying sociology it soon made me very critical and suspicious of the media and advertising in general. I am often left confused by the 'clever' adverts.
And I didn't laugh but I smiled at something today. It sounds weird but I went to our secretary's funeral today and when the priest was saying his tribute he said 'Julie loved a gossip, then work and then another gossip'. I smirked because it was so true!
I recall some post of yours in the past that mentioned ads or marketing.
ReplyDeleteOne of my engineering positions put me in quite a number of marketing meetings. Now I know not to stereotype but you know the name of my blog - a few clowns short - well those marketing meetings fit the phrase.
Love funny ads because basically ads interrupt what you want to do and if they are funny then at least you get something for your time.
I plan to post some memories of those marketing meetings soon.
You had some lofty career dreams - bulletin board designer!! Never knew anyone in that field. Never knew anyone who did windows either but that doesn't mean much. Loved the post - gave me a good laugh.
ReplyDeleteThat's a clever and very easy on the eye ad you got there! It's such an interesting area...oh advertising that is!?...nothing's accidental is it...the color...the setting...all the little details...all ready to hook into our subconscious!
ReplyDeleteThe antic of my houseful of cats make me laugh on a daily basis. There is so much fun in the little package called Kitty!
ReplyDeleteMy man smells pretty good, like molasses. I still think the commercial is funny.
ReplyDeleteFunny you should mention this commercial. I haven't watched a lot of the Olympics and my brain ALWAYS turns off when the commercials come on. I do not pay attention to them. However for some reason, when this commercial that I'd never seen before came on the other day, I was mesmerized and it kept getting better and better like it was picking up comic speed and the ending? Superb. I totally cracked up and commented on it immediately to my hubby next to me. He thought it was funny too. I don't have anything insightful to say about it, only that I share your enjoyment of it.