Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Doing The "Hollywood Thing"

First things first-- The wonderful PJ of Seens From The Backs Of My Eyelids is having a fabulous GIVEAWAY for her one year blogoversary-- and I mean FABULOUS!!!-- As in multiple gifts including a $75 e-gift certificate from Amazon.com! You can enter once between Wednesday, 2/24 through Sunday, 2/28 so CLICK HERE to enter!

Every now and then I get to do the "Hollywood thing" and attend a movie premiere. In all honestly, some are more fun than others, but even the "duds" are pretty awesome in my book.

It's interesting to rub elbows with celebrities and watch the red carpet "circus" in progress with masses of photographers screaming the stars' names to capture the perfect shot.

I think it's actually pretty intense for the celebrities to be in front of so many cameras at one time, and honestly, it's a little unsettling for us "common folk" to watch from a distance-- There's a real "meat market" feel to it. But I admit, I get a kick out of seeing photographs in magazine that I've seen being taken.

Last week I was invited to a premier screening and party that ranked high on my "cool" scale. It was for a film called The Yellow Handkerchief that opens in limited release Friday, February 26th, then eventually goes wider in the U.S. and overseas. For my Australian friends, I know it opens there around June.

In the interest of full disclosure-- I know someone associated with this film which is how I was invited to the soiree, but I was not asked, nor am I being compensated to say, I LOVED THE MOVIE! I think my regular readers know me well enough to know if I didn't like it, I wouldn't be talking about it at all.

I got to meet the stars William Hurt (beyond nice-- so humble and such a gentleman), Maria Bello (OMG, she's gorgeous), Eddie Redmayne (he's going to be a BIG star) and the lovely Kristen Stewart of "Twilight" fame (she's a sweet young woman who seems a little intimidated by her movie star status).

When you see upcoming photos of Kristen in a stunning black mini dress with large rhinestones around the hem and side seams-- THAT'S the party I was at. Wink, wink. (And Diane, when I saw the dress I immediately thought of you! I looked it up-- She's wearing an Azzaro griffiti dress.)

The thing about this film, which is a love story, is that the performances are subtle and beautiful. And the cinematography is absolutely stunning.

Several times though the movie I thought about my blog friends who are so talented with their cameras and how much they would love seeing Yellow Handkerchief. It's set in southern Louisiana and the colors and images and style of the film are like watching a moving art exhibit.

The other thing I really liked about the movie was that it's a love story wrapped around real life dialogue that didn't include any profanity, nudity or exploding special effects! When was the last time you saw a movie like that? No body count, no F-bombs, no boobs, or butts-- just great dialogue, acting, directing and cinematography.

It's a PG-13 movie that I'll tell my 74 year old mother and my 18 year old grand-daughter to see. These kinds of films don't come along very often and I'm glad this one did.

What kind of movies do you like?
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: © oxygen64 - Fotolia.com
PS Hubby and I are on vacation for a long weekend.
I'll catch up with you next week, xo jj


  1. this sounds like my kind of movie indeed. and it sounds like you had a good time.

  2. I'm simply going to say you lucky dog! Yes it sounds like my kind of movie too. I will have to see if the movie comes this way. BTW did you make it in any of the photos? Enjoy my friend!! xo

  3. Thank you! I love a good movie and this sounds like one I'd like.

    How neat that you went to the premiere.

  4. What an exciting life you have in L.A.! I will be on the look out for the dress, because I get People and Us Weekly and they will be sure to have a photo of Kristin! Thanks so much for sharing your experience.

  5. Rubbing elbows with the stars, eh? Next thing you know, I'll be telling everyone I know that famous person Joanna.

    Yellow Handkerchief sounds like a nice family oriented movie. I'll be keeping my eyes out for when it comes to town.

    I like lots of movie genres, but I favor suspense/thrillers/whodunits.

  6. Wow, I "know" somebody who's talked to stars I've actually heard of!

    To be honest, I don't know that this kind of movie would normally draw my interest. But since you recommend it so highly, I'll keep my eyes open and check it out if it comes my way! (Or, at least recommend it to my mother, lol!)

  7. What a fun thing to do! I'll have to look for this movie.

  8. How fun to be part of an event like that. And even more fun that you can share it with us. Thanks for that. :)

  9. Fun, fun, fun, Joanna, and it does sound like a great movie....but, tell us, what did YOU wear?

  10. nice jj. putting it on the "see it" list...

  11. I enjoy character-driven pieces like "Fried Green Tomatoes." This one looks good.

    Just a couple of weeks ago I went to see the opening film at the Santa Barbara Film Festival. They had the whole red carpet thing happening, too. It's definitely a fun thing to do from time to time. Yours sounded like great fun.

  12. Totally impressed!! :-)

  13. How awesome for you! Sounds like fun! I don't go to see many movies, but I like Romantic Comedies....I'm all about happy endings.

  14. That sounds fun!! I love "chick flicks" and also comedies.

  15. wow, Joanna, good for you! Exciting to attend a movie premiere.

  16. Wow, what a great cast! I don't know the one actor, but I love Hurt, Bello and Stewart. How cool that you got to go. This movie will be on my list!

    I like two kinds of movies best...ones that make me think and feel a little differently about something, or ones that are just laugh out loud funny. My least favorites are movies with dumb dialogue, or one man saves the world with guns.

  17. Can I touch you? I mean, really? Really touch you, as in touch your flesh and speak your name and smirk and say, "Joanna loves me. She really really loves me."

    You are so cool.

    Just when I think I know you, I realize I sooo don't. And, believe it or not, that makes you even moreappealing.

    Next time Tiger comes to Ponte Vedra, I'll invite you, IF you invite me to the next Brangelina gig.


  18. You are so fancy! It looks like a great flick.

  19. Aw baby how glamorous! Hope to see you peeking into the background of some of those star pics! And that movie sounds like a must see!

  20. Cool! Sounds like a great movie, too! We're going to see Shutter Island Friday...they filmed part of it at a state hospital near where I used to work. (Kind of creepy place! Bet it will look good on film!)

    You asked what kind of movies we like - I like films that are set in a different era, but it makes you feel like you're there. Whether it's Victorian era, the Depression, the 40's, 50's....I think it takes a certain kind of talent to get all the fine details down.

  21. Being so far away from Hollywood, I forget about red carpet events...only things that happen here or in Palm Springs.

    Sounds like a movie I need to keep an eye out for.

    See you on Thursday!

  22. I agree - movies with boobs, bums, bombs and profanities are so the norm now that those without any of the above instantly grab my attention. I shall keep an eye out for this one.

    Have a fabulous weekend. :)

  23. Sounds like you had a great time and saw a great movie. I'm waiting for those party pics to show up.

  24. Great dialogue and real acting? Sign me up... I like this kind of film.

  25. Can you tell I'm green with envy from here? How great to get to go to a movie premier and meet the stars. I love movies with a good story that has a happy or inspiring ending of course. Have a great long weekend with your hubby!

  26. You little party-goer you! That sounds v v v cool... can you look out for P!nk for me please ;)

  27. It feels very groupie-ish to me but I am tingling to know I'm commenting to someone who met William Hurt. I always thought he would be really nice.

  28. I like that you'd tell your grandmother to see it. I literally have to screen movies anymore before I watch them with my mother, in an effort to keep her from being uncomfortable!!

  29. Oh, you mean it's a real movie with real acting and stuff....

    I'll wait for the opening in my city. Enjoy the vaca.

  30. I need a dress like that for my wild social life of changing diapers. Thanks for thinking of me. :)
    What did YOU wear? details please.

  31. I LOVE the Classics as well with anything produced before the 60's,.. I also as nerdy as it sounds love kid movies~ good lessons we can all use!

  32. Woohoo! Ya mean it's my kinda' movie that won't make me blush or shock my modesty? A movie I can hold my head high and not care if someone from church sees me there??? I want to see this one. Thanks so much for the heads up!!!

    Have a blessed day my friend!!!

  33. How exciting for you to be able to go to openings!! And that dress sounds amazing! How fun for you to being rubbing elbows. Sounds like a great film! I will look for it.
    I like all kinds of movies; from sci-fy to romantic.

  34. Wow! Lucky you! I lvoe William Hurt..I remember Body Hea! It was hot!

    I love comedies most! Anything with John Travolta, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Richard Gere.....

  35. The movie looks like a down to earth love story. I like the cast. Thanks for the review. And you are right, we know you well enough to know if you recommend something it is good.

  36. How thrilling! I've never met anyone who has done this--thanks for sharing your experience with a fellow movie buff!

  37. How thrilling! I've never met anyone who has done this--thanks for sharing your experience with a fellow movie buff!

  38. I'm jealous, it sounds like wonderful fun.
    Movies: I love them, black and whites, romances, foreign flicks, almost anything except horror and extreme violence.

  39. That sounds so amazingly fun!

    I don't mind sex or profanity if it's truly necessary to keep the integrity of the story but I think it's often used as a cheap way to grab attention.

  40. No profanity?? What can they say??? ;)

    We're a Pixar family around here. That's about all I ever see these days.

  41. How fun! I had no idea you were so important:)

  42. Looking forward to seeing it! I want to know what you wore.

  43. Impressive that Stewart can move from Twilight to a movie that requires an accent! :) This movie looks good! I am putting it on my list of movies to see!

  44. Is this movie a book? I probably won't be able to see it but maybe I could read it??!! It sounds wonderful! And I totally envy you that evening...except for the dressing up style part...you know me; Yooper fashion rules!

    Have a fun vacation!

  45. I will watch for the film and recall your glamorous life when I watch it :).

  46. Have something for you! Pop by to see me,


  47. this movie looks fantastic....I can't wait to see it !

  48. just wondering - have you ever seen yourself in the background of some red carpet picture that was published?
    I would guess the smart celebrities know the importance of their fans would be very nice to them.

  49. I hope you are having a fabulous vacation, Joanna.

  50. And now I've actually read the post,
    and aside from the "wow , you got to do that"
    I am absolutely going to trust your judgement and look forward to this movie.
    Thank you.

  51. I always thought William Hurt would be just like you described -humble, gentlemanly and sweet. He does it for me. Sounds like a wonderful film and I look forward to watching it in June. I shall think of you and let you know. Takes a while to get to us doesn't it? Is this the one that you sent us details about for market research? I couldn't access it online at the time but great to see the trailer.

    So you have to tell us, what did you wear? You are no doubt used to the glamor of it and the machinations of the business. I am familiar with the industry but I am telling you now that I would embarrass all and sundry if I ever got anywhere near George Clooney on the red carpet because I fear I would grab him around the ankles and not let go, lol. So better you than me at these premiers. I would be banned.

    So what kind of films do I like? I have an eclectic taste when it comes to films but I like true stories with happy endings preferably. Something with a lesson. Or a love story - anything that makes me go, awww...oooooohhh or ahhhhhh. I am a very uncomplicated soul. I am not into anything that makes me go eeeeekkk or yukkkk unless it's a documentary. I often read stories I think would make great films but often they are already done. I read a story the other day about the death of Irena Sendler the woman who saved 2500 babies during the Holocaust by smuggling them out in a toybox. I never heard of her even though she was nominated for a Noble Prace prize. I would love to watch a movie about her. Then again they probably have done one about her or at least a telemovie. That's the kind of inspirational story I love but I bet its not box office material. Mmmm and now I have written a blog size comment....sorry.

  52. I am so sold on this film. I will absolutely look for it. (I am also glad to hear that William Hurt is as I imagined him!)

    Myself, I am a movie lover in general -- I love quiet, emotional indies and big Hollywood blockbusters as long as the story is told. I like escaping into a story or laughing until I hurt or crying my eyes out.

    I'm so jealous of you to get to do the Hollywood thing, I'm glad that you had a good time.

  53. Well i am so glad you're telling us about it otherwise i would never know about it. mind you my girls might...i will look forward to watching with them....those are the kinds of movies i like...omg...i guess just girly movies lol.


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