Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shopping Spree!

Someone has been shopping up a storm-- big time, and it wasn't me. But it was with my American Express card!

I got the dreaded call this morning from Amex asking if I was in Arizona buying an unusually large amount of electronics equipment on Monday. Definitely not. I was at home in California being a domestic goddess-- and I have the folded laundry and homemade banana bread to prove it. Then they asked if I was at WalMart (apparently, gleefully running through the store yelling charge!) or at two different gas stations trying to fill what appeared to be, an extremely large vehicle today, before returning to Los Angeles, in record time, where I picked up a prescription at the pharmacy and chicken at the supermarket. Those last two, really boring charges, were mine. The WalMart shopping spree, gasoline for the masses, and race back to LA-- not even close.

While I was on the phone with the oh so sweet Amex rep, I learned the genius using my stolen card number also paid his cable, electric and phone bills too, then ordered, what looked to be, a year's supply of "reading material" (wink*ahem*porn*cough) to be sent to the same address as his utilities!

Call me crazy, and maybe a tag bit judgmental, but isn't alerting the credit card company to your home address a little stupid? Clearly this was not a smart thief, then again, is there such a thing-- a smart thief, I mean?

As we talked, I was sweating bullets and frantically rummaging through my wallet looking for my cherished, and too oft used, Gold Card. Phew! It was right were it belonged-- Which made me angry and even more stressed. Someone get me a Xanax stat!

This is the third time this has happened to me! What have I done and where have I gone that resulted in my credit card number being stolen, reproduced into new cards and used? I hear all the news reports about the scanners attached to gas pumps collecting card info, the over-the-shoulder password thieves, and lord help me, bank computers being hacked. Then of course, all the online shopping I do, to avoid leaving the comfort of my own home, raced through my mind. Yikes! This could really put a crink in my shopping-- Not that I shop that much. I'm just sayin'....

The nice Amex lady put my anxiety to rest and told me they would take care of everything. Seriously, it took less then ten minutes and, poof, it was gone-- My American Express Card that is, but a brand new one will be delivered to my home tomorrow with a new number. (Insert big sigh of relief.) The charges are gone too or at least they are not my responsibility.

In these desperate times, would I fell better if I knew the thieves were at work to put food on their table, a roof over their head or even paying medical bills? Maybe. But in this case, not so much. Porn, electronics and a WalMart shopping spree is just plain greed. No one is doing their part to "boost the economy", they're just ripping people and businesses off.

So that makes three stolen card numbers so far with total charges in the near $17,000 range! First was about seven years ago at an expensive jewelry store in California. The second was two years ago by someone in New York City dressing head to toe in Armani, and now the third is a bunch of electronics and porn in Arizona.

What's next?

Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna
PS Thank you American Express. You rock!


  1. Been there. Done that. Got it.

    Annoying? You bet your arse.

    Necessary? Absafreakinlootly NOT!

    But, you know, it's no different than people who put viruses on your computers or do any number of shitty things.

    I'm just glad that you work with a company who has the mechanisms in place to take care of the real customer, while they work to bad these morons.

    Let's face it, though, if they locked people up for being stupid, the roads would be a whole less clogged.

    Glad you're all right and intact. I'll take back all the crap I charged on your card now; you made me feel bad! ;-)


  2. This happened to Greg, but it was his debit card and they took money out of his checking account!! Scary indeed. Just think, as times get more difficult, thieves become more desperate as well! At the office, we installed 5 cameras. You just never know...

    Glad that Amex took care of you. Same thing happened to Dad. They called him about 3 months ago and asked him if he charged a BOAT !!!! A freakin BOAT!!! Yeah, might come in handy for hurricane season - but no, he didn't.

  3. Wow! I am lucky in that I've never had to go through this.

  4. I am also glad that Amex is taking care of it for you.

    It would be nice if they let you know what happened to the thief. You were nice enough to answer their call to stop any more charges.

  5. Same thing happened to me and AMEX was awesome about it.

    Glad you got it taken care of, but it does make you angry. And glad it wasn't your debit card!

  6. I have never had that happen, Than You God, but I do know Am Ex is excellant to work with on objectionable charges. I'm so glad they took care of you. You wonder what proof of ID was checked? That's what I hate about self check lines in the big box stores. There is no back up system. Plus a self check out puts some cashier out of a job. It would be xanax time for me too!!

  7. I heart AMEX!! They're the greatest! Once they called us to let us know someone in Israel and some other country in Europe had charged a few dollars within a couple of days of each other on our card and to find out if it was us. I think it was my hubby's card. They told us that many times they start out with small purchases to test the waters and if nothing happens they move on to the big stuff. I'm not sure what the reasoning is for that, but that's what they told us.

    I have also been a victim (twice) of those stupid courtesy checks the banks send to you in the mail that are attached to your credit cards. Somehow the theives got a hold of the checks before they reached me and went on shopping sprees only for me to find out when I opened my monthly statement! Shocker! Those were not AMEX, but they did take care of the charges. Thank goodness.

  8. What a pain! I haven't had that happen. Glad American Express takes good care of you!

  9. That is so pathetic and wrong! Is there nothing safe anymore? I understand that the economy is bad (not even the right word) but taking what isn't their's...that's sad!

    I'm glad that Amex was a big help and wiped away all the charges.

    PS--I'll be in L.A. tomorrow visiting my mom and grandmother. I'm not sure how long I'll be there though and where I'll be. I'm horrible with directions!

  10. It happened to me once, too. The first time is the worst. But now, they just take care of it like it's a common thing. Which, unfortunately, it is!
    Glad you didn't sweat it too much!

  11. A great big DITTO!
    Our Visa/debit card got hit a few years ago, draining our bank account while we were on vacation. The house & rv payments bounced as well as some others. What a freaking nightmare!!
    The bank was great about removing the charges and crediting the overdraft fees back to us.
    But honestly, I'd love to have watched the s.o.b. be prosecuted in a court of law.

  12. Thankfully, I've not experienced this. I rarely charge, but use my debit card for everything. Glad it was taken care of, but scary, nonetheless.

  13. that was a scary thing; so glad AmEx was up with it and caught things before they really got out of control (although this was pretty much coming close to it with some of those charges falsely made). I have no idea how this could happen either; glad it got worked out though!


  14. Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened to you but very relieved that AmEx took care of it instead of jerking you around about it. And paying your bills with a stolen credit card??? What a maroon...

  15. Oh my I stopped for a xanex when you ordered one Stat...I would have a cow if that happened to me...of course they wouldn't get to far on mine...they already are maxed by me.

  16. what a magoo! when the boys in blue show up i imagine they will ask if they can do an address change on the subscription. lol. sorry to hear. had a smash and grab happen on my car once. computer and card stolen. bought gas, smiled at the camera. stupid crooks, yeah. glad amex did you right.

  17. I'm so sorry! At least they took care of the charges. That's just horrible. And, it's another reason that I don't do much banking or bill paying online. I just don't trust it.

    That is one stupid thief! Wow! I could do a lot with $17,000. But, I wouldn't steal it.


  18. this has happened to my husband's mastercard...the gas pump had a sign asking to you to pay inside, where they must've copied the info.

  19. Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you (again!), but am definitely relieved to hear that your credit card company is taking care of it!

    I always joke with my husband that I feel sorry for any id thief who wastes their time trying to steal OUR identities :)

  20. That has only happened to me once but I felt so violated. I am sorry it has happened to you three times!

  21. The first time it happened to me I totally freaked out. It's good that our credit card company picked up on a purchase that seemed out of character for us and alerted us. Someone used our number to purchase airline tickets and as we have never been on a plane in our life it raised suspicions. Like you, my card was still in my purse so there is no way of knowing how they got my number.

  22. I'm so glad that it got resolved before you even got a chance to notice. The part that kills me is that most likely nothing will happen to the culprit.

  23. That's incredible! I'm glad I don't have credit cards....

  24. What about the word "thief" gives you the impression that food is being put on the table?

    Reminds me of a few years ago when I received a handwritten envelope from Brooklyn, NY from a store vendor who was returning the drivers license I left in their store several days before. He went on to apologized for my credit card being declined the following day. Problem is.... I wasn't in Brooklyn and hadn't been for years. Then the drivers license slipped out of the envelope... my name and address (luckily NOT my drivers license number) and the photo of a Puerto Rican gal. My name was also misspelled. I called the three credit bureaus immediately and put a fraud alert on my files. I got it in time and had no adverse credit problems, but realized that no one is immune from this kind of theft.

    Glad you got your sitch straightened out without a lot of pain and anguish. It boggles the mind, doesn't it?

  25. That STINKS!! But so glad you got it straightened out.

    I love opening my computer and finding a new posts by you - even if it's a topic like this - love your writing and your posts!

  26. I had a similar happening and decided someone knew me and knew I had a ___card who they called and said I needed another card and the co. sent it to them then realized they should not have. duh

  27. I'm thinking about taking my own Amex to Hawaii, a spree at Target, Prada, and Chanel, followed by some more traveling...always wanted to see Paris...and then back home to of course, fill the mini van up with gas. Oh..and Starbucks. A latte in every state.

    If I do this, will Amex think my card was stoen?
    Better go pack...
    can I get you anything in Spain?

  28. Thats why I like using my AMX because they really protect you. Sucks there are loser out there that rob everyone blind.

  29. wow! at least amex pulled through for you. so much for a quiet day at home in domestic bliss... besos!

  30. Sounds like you need to read up on how to protect your Credit Card number! How awful for you too...

  31. Scary story. Things like this freak me out. So glad the card company caught it soon and took caare of it for you.

  32. Unbelievably scary! And three times? I would definitely need Xanax! Nothing is safe anymore. It's a crapshoot. But here's what I do - I don't focus on what could happen. I focus on what is. If not, I would have slit both my wrists after 9/11. AMEX rocks! I'm glad they took care of it for you. I'm extra glad they called you about the odd charges!

  33. Oh my goodness. I can only imagine how invasive that feels!!!!!

  34. I'm sorry to hear this. But I do have to tell a story. Funniest tale of fraud I've heard. My best friend sees his credit card statement and someone had spent £750 on Lego! Lego?! That's either one HUGE castle or lots of tiny kits!

  35. Oh Joanna, that's a scary and funny story! Stupid crook. I have a debit card and very little money, so I feel sorry for anyone who tries to steal my identity. I check my bank balance every day to make sure my pennies are intact.
    btw, you are one of my favorite bloggers. I love reading your comments, even on other people's blogs. You have a very kind heart, and that is why I like you. xo

  36. Diane.... Thanks honey, I love you and your blog too!!! xo

    And I love all the rest of you guys and gals too! Thanks a million for your support. This credit card and ATM fraud stuff is scary and unsettling. But, sadly, these are the times we live in. I have been VERY tuned into my card use these past few days-- You should have seen me checking out the gas pump this morning. The cashier in the little booth actually-- over the loud speaker-- asked what I was doing. Embarrassing.

    Keep those cards and letters coming. I love hearing from you!

  37. This has happened twice to us. Recently was last year. We can't prove it, but the timing and the questions etc... we think it was the cleaning service we were using. Here I am downstairs on a walker a vac pac stuck to my stomach and the gal was upstairs cleaning for 4 hours! Mind you it is only my husband and I and wasn't moving much those days. My husband came home for lunch to check on me went upstairs saw things moved from one room to the next... Called the service saying the rooms weren't cleaned just things moved around. A day later cell fone bill, electric, comedy club in the city, dinner etc all courtesy of moi! Hmmm... here I was thinking she was being friendly coming down to the family room introducing herself asking my name and how to say my last name after a few hours of cleaning! LOL...

  38. Happened to me too with MC - not to the same amount of dough though!! Someone did some post Christmas shopping in Iowa at a WalMart and I live in Canada and never shop at WalMart. That's why MC computer picked it up right away. Now I have a chip protected card. Still, we always let them know now when we leave for and return from our trips. Just so frustrating!!! Glad you were not held liable for the charges!


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