Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Ugly Quilt & Last Chance For Giveaway!

I didn't plan it and I sure didn't think it would turn out this way, but I just finished a quilt that is U.G.L.Y.

How ugly you ask?


It started out simple enough. A lap size quilt to have in our bedroom for afternoon naps. Twelve inch long strips of fabric, in four different widths, and EIGHTEEN different colors.

A nice idea but not for the color challenged, which in this case would be moi.

To make matters worse, I realised the 12 inch strips turned into 12 inch blocks. That was disappointing because I thought this was a more "challenging" quilt with more intricate piecing.

Call me guilty as charged because mistakes like that are what happens when you don't read the directions-- A detail I definitely failed to do.

Once I got started I soon realized how color challenged I really am. I sewed and sewed and sewed but all the colors became muddy and unattractive together. So I ripped and ripped and ripped it all out and bought more fabric in brighter colors to add in.

I sewed miles of strips, piecing it all together into a much, much bigger than I ever planned quilt.... Which didn't make it any more attractive. Oh no, no, no it did not. It was just a bigger, uglier, more expensive quilt that would definitely not be going in our bedroom.

I decided to finish the quilt anyway and donate it a charity-- There are lots out there that ask for new quilts. Maybe there is someone that's as color challenged as I am who might like it. Or maybe I can find a charity for color-blind people. *Ahem*

After it was all said and done, I laid the quilt out on the floor to decide how I would bind the edges.

That's when I realized the quilt was now so big that I could actually cut the "Ugly Quilt" in half and make not one, but TWO lap size "Ugly Quilts" out of it thereby allowing two people to each have "Ugly Quilts".

I some how thought if I took the time to make two quilts out of the one they would be half as ugly.

Sadly, that was not the case. Ugly is as Ugly does.

The quilt will stay in the closet and not be donated to a charity. There's something about knowingly donating "ugly" to charity that just doesn't feel right.


This may be an odd question, but have you ever thought about the Hepatitis C virus and how easily the disease can be transmitted? I asked Dr. Douglas Dieterich, M.D. and blogged about it over HERE. Please check it out if you have a minute.


And don't forget my GIVEAWAY ends at Midnight, January 20th. Did you enter? $25 Visa Gift Card and two copies of the book Enjoy Every Sandwich. Click HERE.

Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins


  1. Oh how frustrating for you with the quilt!
    What you need is a color wheel...it would help you out tremendously!

  2. What a lot of work to have it stored in the closet. I think you should still donate it. Everyone has different tastes and I'm sure there are some who would love it!

  3. i would def be all over an ugly quilt...i am sure it is beautiful in its own way...

  4. Everybody's idea of beautiful is different I think someone in need will love it just the same. Have a wonderful day !

  5. Even if it is ugly (to you) it would still be warm. I think you should go ahead and donate it....I doubt if they will say no and run away screaming. :)

  6. You're hilarious...ugly is as ugly does lol :)) Ahhh boy :)

    Oh, and?

    I WANT THAT BOOK!!! :)

  7. Not so ugly, just muted colors. Donate it! I'm joining the chorus of comments. And I read the Hep C post and will certainly be cautious when I get a tat :-)

  8. I like your original idea about donating it. I hope you change your mind. I bet a homeless person, a women's shelter or a family with no heat would love your quilt and think it is as beautiful as a warm sunny day in spring.

    What I can see my friend- it looks great. You have a bit of earth, wind and fire going minus the fire. It just might not have been what you invision, but still beautiful. SueAnn had a great idea about the color wheel. xo

  9. I think you are wrong. That looks like a lovely quilt to me!

  10. I agree with others -- someone may find it quite agreeable,you never know. So, yeah, donate.

  11. Aw. How disappointing. But you made a whole quilt! Holy dang, that takes some time and effort! Not some. A TON.

  12. Oh honey, take those bad boy outta the closet! I was just about to search "Charities for the Color Blind for ya.! Heeehehehe!!!

    Really it's not that bad and no matter how you feel about the colors, when your cold...does it truly matter. Please take them to a crises center or shelter. The half quilts would be just the right size for a child.

    While teachin' I was exposed to one of the Hepatitises, I can't remember which one it was but I had to go through the series of shots to prevent it.

    Have a colorfully blessed day!!!

    (Heehehee, I so lack any self~control!!!)

  13. I think one of the major selling points for a homemade quilt is the oddness of fabric, or disparity of certain colors, or just the plain uniqueness of it. I'd be pleased as punch to have that quilt. And, from the other responses here, it seems so would many others. Maybe you should open a new business - Fugly Quilts!

  14. oh the quilt doesnt' look so bad, remember ...one man's treasure is another's junk...consider donating it since u don't like it. thanks for the hep c info...scary.

  15. it´s not... ahem... that ugly... ;)
    hey woman! you finished it. i´m really impressed! :)
    p.s. you won the giveaway. email me your address, ok :)
    big hugs!

  16. Thanks so much for your visit J. The quilty doesn’t look ugly in the pics but I’ll take your word for it. On these cold California nights someone would treasure it I am sure...cheers to you for giving it to a worthy cause.

  17. This made me laugh. I hearby dub her (the quilt) "Holly Hobby."

  18. anyone that knows anything KNOWS how much time goes into a quilt, I'll go with browns and muted colors. and donating it sounds like a beautiful/great thing!

  19. I'm with the group that no quilt is ugly. It was made with love and good intentions. I think you should donate it too. Or give it to a friend. Or cuddle up with it. It's warm and cozy and took hours to make. I would cherish it. I'm sure your recipient will too.

  20. I want that quilt, JJ! It is a piece of artwork AND I could see how much of a treasure it would be to have it here in my home and on my bed. You are way too hard on yourself. What you think as ugly isn't always ugly but artistic and creative.

  21. the close up of it isn't bad at all....are you sure it's really that ugly ?

    i've done the same thing while painting....where all the colors become mud :(

    i know your frustration !

  22. I agree with the others who find it attractive. Really! Could it be my monitor?? I don't think so. I think you should definitely take it out of the closet and put it to good use somewhere!

  23. Please girl, it didn't look that bad. And there are folks out there who would appreciate a warm quilt, ugly or pretty. Give it away and feel good about it!! =)

    My birthday is the 24th so it sure would be nice to win the giveaway on the 20th. Wink, wink.

  24. oh darlin don't donate it...someone like me might come along and start embroidering on it and sewing sparklies on it quite convinced in the beginning that they can pretty it up...and many dollars and hours later realise that...well...it's still not quite right....
    just kiddin honey...bet you take it out in six months or so and think...whoooah it's not that bad...
    just looked again at the quilt...red...that's what it needs...a red edge...a red backing...see...a rescuer...can't help myself...

  25. It's not ugly - it's colourful!

  26. Personally I love the colors, just the fact that it is homemade, it is beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to have it. hugs to you.

  27. I think you're being awfully hard on yourself Joanna, it's not ugly and if you feel you are color challenged I'd suggest going to your local quilt shop and have them help you pick a pattern, then colors to really make it pop. The ladies always enjoy helping and can really put things together that you might not have even looked twice out. High Five for giving it your all and I would definitely donate it if you don't like it!!

  28. That is an amazing amount of work for one 'ugly' quilt. Give it some time, and perhaps take it to a fabric store for a suggestion from 'someone who knows' for a color to edge and back it that might help. OR, just finish it off and take it to a mission or somewhere who will make sure it gets to someone who really needs a warm blanket.

    I think it grows on you, but maybe next time, try using fewer colors.

  29. I beg to differ with your opinion that the quilt is ugly. It is very distinctive and would be perfect in an Arts and Crafts house.

  30. I'd still donate it There are people out there who value warmth over style. (And besides, I don't really think it's ugly.)

  31. I have an UGLY blanket, only mine is crocheted. It will be passed on to one of my daughters as a testament of sheer willpower to continue on with something that you know is not turning out very well at all. Because of the different types of yarn, it has shrunk in some places and stretched in others. It's a real masterpiece.

  32. Don't be so hard on yourself, and the quilt. It may not be your taste, but you should definitely finish it (or donate to a quilt guild for SOMEONE to finish it) and get it to a charity to distribute. I have seen much uglier quilts than that, and they are very much cherished by the recipients....

  33. I used to be jealous of those of you who can quilt. Maybe I will just start being content with my ineptitude now. ;)

  34. OMG! you have made the quilt that I am in the process of cutting strips for!.....what to do? You would laugh if you could see how many piles of blue strips I have next to my desk. I vote for using your "Ugly Quilts" as a giveaway, you might just be surprised.....now, back to my own ugly quilt....smiles

  35. colorblind. love quilts. and yours is so wonderful!

  36. you are so talented that you can even quilt!!

  37. Even if you think it's ugly, it's probably still warm. That makes it a beautiful quilt in some people's eyes!

  38. I'm chiming in with what so many of the others have said. Regardless of how you feel about its appearance, it will still warm someone who needs its comfort. That will make it beautiful.

  39. I know this shouldn't make me giggle, but ... it totally does. And the quilt? Trust me, it's needed somewhere. Whether it's a PADS site for homeless where they are always short blankets or a domestic violence shelter or other needs. There are people who just need warm. Or worst case... give it to an animal shelter for their dogs to lie on in their cages. They're definitely color blind, right? :)

  40. I wonder why you think the quilt was ugly and now two smaller ones that you think are still ugly. I like the colors and the design. I would not use the word ugly at all. More like artsy and colorful.

  41. Whatever you said I know "they" are not ugly. I am impressed you quilt :)

    The article about hepatitis C is useful. Thank you JJ.


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