Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Music To My Ears

Why is it that after a week out of town in Ohio with family on a quasi vacation, I come back to a mountain of paperwork, a to-do list as long as my arm and more laundry than Martha Stewart could tackle in a month? Vacation seems to multiply everything so much more than when I'm home working away at the chores. How does that happen!

But I'm back... revitalized sort of... and loaded with news, so here goes--

We are in baby countdown mode! My sweet niece, Queen M, is due in just 38 days, give or take, with her little girl. As I've said before, this is the first bundle of joy from the "younger generation" in our family and we are all EXCITED.

Last weekend the Great Aunties-- all four of us, threw her a big baby shower bash that was so stinking fun! All girlie with guests from ages 1 to 85, the food was a mile long salad bar filled with every salad item you could think of and topped off with her favorite CAKE. Yum!
Look how cute she is. Right now, Queen M is literally half my age. Could someone please tell me how that happened!


My baby sister's second daughter Kel is graduating from school next week. Not just any school either! Kel is graduating from high school with honors, then the very next day she receives her Associates Degree in Science from the community college which means she starts at University in the fall as a Junior! She's on her way to being a physical therapist and has a great start on life. We are bursting with pride and love her so much.

Again I ask, when did all that happen? Just yesterday she looked like this....


When I returned to Los Angeles I had a much anticipated package waiting for me in my huge stack of mail. It was a music CD by the husband of my dear blog friend TechnoBabe. (You know her, right? If not, click HERE and stop by and say hi. She's an amazing writer.)

Techno's hubby, James, is a gifted musician who wrote and recorded ALL of the music on the CD himself. Let me tell you-- I am impressed! He is a very gifted artist and I thoroughly enjoy his music.

Having been in the advertising and entertainment business in my previous life, I tend to listen to music and think what it would work well with. Many, many options crossed my mind as I listened to James' music about 20 times so far. I will just say that track 4 would work amazingly well for a James Bond love scene-- and a really fabulously romantic one at that.

This CD was music for my ears for two big reasons. First because it's wonderful and well worth the addition to my music library (hint, hint). And second, because James is bipolar. I know a thing or two about bipolar disorder from loved ones. The work, focus and time it took to make this CD is a huge accomplishment-- especially when you read James' story. Please CLICK HERE to listen to his music and to show him some blog love.


At the moment the house smells like homemade peanut butter chocolate chip cookies for Godson's school field trip to the park tomorrow-- which means some of that laundry I mentioned will have to wait a little longer. But I'll be around in the next few days to catch up on all my fave blogs. I've missed you guys.

What's music to your ears?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: Joanna Jenkins


  1. Love Technobabe.

    And I'm sure that shower was so fun!

  2. Welcome home! Homemade cookies should always trump laundry.

  3. All kinds of great news!! Queen M is precious! She looks so cute pregnant! I can't wait until your great niece enters the world. She is going to be one well loved baby.

    Congratulations to your niece on her graduation and entering into college as a junior. What an amazing accomplishment.

    Peanut butter cookies and the park sounds like fun to me! Enjoy!!

    Oh! I'm off to check out technobabe's hubby's music.

  4. Deb: Thanks for thanking me. In this environment, we sort of feed off each other in a sense. I don't always say something when I visit, but when I do it's because someone said something which needed to be said and they said it well. Enjoy the compliment. It was sincere. Right now, I'm gonna go back and read some more stuff you wrote! ~donkimrey (Which I just did. Is the photography your work as well? The stuff is dazzling, and I wasn't sure whether you are a poet, a photographer, an artist, a philosopher or all of bhe above!)

  5. Look at all the fantastic people in the world b/c of you.

    What a feeling.

  6. Showers are so much fun. Yours looks lovely. Going to a bridal shower on Sat.

    I am about to order James's CD. I've listened to the sampler bits on his widget. Awesome guitarist. Simply awesome.

  7. Welcome home! Oh the chores and laundry will still be there... I too love Techno Babe, visiting her posts is always thought provoking....and she is a lovely person - wish I lived near her (and you!) xoxo

  8. Welcome back... Love a post full of good news like yours is.

    Music to my ears: my children laughing.

  9. The say that no one needs a vacation more than a person who just had one.;))
    Lovely pictures of your family.;) I agree, I keep asking myself the same thing: where does the time go??

  10. Best wishes for the imminent new addition to the family, the mom-to-be looks ravishing. I bet the shower was a huge success.

    Congratulations on all your wonderful and talented loved ones. And welcome home!

    Eleonora xx

  11. Oooh, that precious baby has sooo much love awaiting her, what a close-knit, wonderful family you are! Welcome back hon, we missed 'ya. Hope you are all caught up as I type, enjoying your new CD!

  12. Ooo! A new baby! How exciting! And your niece graduating twice!! Wow! That is super. Wonderful exciting things are happening all around you.
    I visited James's site and it was so inspiring. I purchased his CD and looking forward to getting it. Thanks for the heads up.
    I do know TechnoBabe. She is the coolest!
    Hope your laundry doesn't take over. HA!

  13. Welcome back! It looks like you had a great time. I love the piggy bank! Now I'm off to check out that music.

  14. nice. welcome back jj... technob is the bomb and so is her hubby....congrats on new baby in 38 days, wow.

  15. Oh well I think cookies should always take precedence over housework!

    Good to have you back. :)

  16. Congrats to your nieces! Exciting time in everyones life. I hope you are not too overloaded with the to do lists! Have a wonderful day! Can I have a cookie?

  17. Well, it's official that you are a blog friend of my heart now . I was looking forward to your return, thinking about you, and love that you've filled us in, filled our hearts.

    btw , the comment above addressed to me, blog question # whatever you are at. I'll just copy and paste it to my space??

    I read TechnoBabe, and saw the music link, but haven't listened yet. I will.

  18. All excellent news and your family & friends are blessed to have you in their lives. Off to Techno's blog.

  19. It's always fun to go and be with family for exciting events like the shower for your wonderful niece, and then it is a blessing to get back home, isn't it? So glad your visit went well and you are getting caught up now. I'm sending you a big thank you for the mention of James' music. So glad you like it. Hearing from others how much they appreciate his music helps us to know it isn't just us, the music really is good. I made oatmeal peanut butter cookies for James this week and they turned out great. Wish I could share with you.
    Hugs to you.

  20. So much fun and excitement in your life right now. (except the laundry part) Well the laundry can wait anyway. have fun.

  21. Congratulations, a new baby from any generation is exciting!!!

    I love Techobabe, what a gal. Now about those peanutbutter chocolate chip cookies...if ya got any left, toss a few my way...'K'??? Just sayin......

    Welcome home and have a wonderfully blessed day sweetie!!!

  22. I swear, you are THE best aunt. Ever. Will you adopt me into your family? :-)

  23. UGH!!!! too fast that growing up thing I tell ya!

    Congrats on baby! Yaya!!!!

  24. That's some excitement in your neck of the woods! (Not the laundry--the graduation girl, the new baby on the way, the new music star) Glad you're back and glad you had a blast!

  25. That whole age thing and how does it happen? Yeah...I ask myself that question more and more often these days.

    I'm so glad you had such a spirit lifting, soul revitalizing time away. Welcome back; laundry be damned!

  26. Forget the laundry and enjoy your godson. Great of you to share your enthusiasm for Techonbabe's husband's music. She is the best.

  27. Sounds like life is full of lovely happenings for you right now! Hooray!

  28. Glad you had such a wonderful time. I love TechnoBabe, she is so genuine, I have listened to James music and it is wonderful to. Take care, be well and don't get overwhelmed by aLL those chores. have a great weekend, happy Moms day.

  29. MUSIC TO MY TASTEBUDS IS MORE LIKE IT!!! I can smell those cookies from HERE!!! That is pure torture, ya know??!! The photos are priceless and it does make ya wonder where the time goes and how "kids" get to be the age they are when we haven't aged, right? Thanks for sharing the links to the other sites! I will try to check them out! Glad you made it home safely! (Unless you are out of undies, that laundry CAN wait! The cookies have to take priority!!)

  30. What an exciting time for your family!!!!!

    Bake me some extra cookies, okay?

  31. As they always say, a big workload is job security. It sound like you have a fun summer ahead of you!

  32. Such a wonderful post.....I don't know how the age thing happens, but my baby boy turns 27 next week and that has to be an error.

  33. Welcome home my friend! Don't you feel at times you just need a vacation from a vacation? Momma-to-be looks beautiful! xo

  34. Your niece has that mommy-to-be glow. And your younger niece is just adorable. James is quite a talent on the strings.

  35. Welcome back!! Glad you had a nice vacation...there is always so much to do when you get back!

  36. Who knew that techno babe had a fabulous music producing husband.
    Your week visit sounds like so much fun : ) I am happy for your sweet niece Queen :). She is lovely. I wish her all the very best. I love that you love your family so very much. You always make me smile and inspire me.

    I love the song on Hope Floats called To Make You Feel My Love by Garth Brooks. I could listen to it all night and all day.

  37. I hear ya about vacations! So true, we got back from our vacation over a month ago and I'm still trying to catch up :)
    By the way, I'm new to your blog, lovin it, and just became your newest follower :)


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