Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shout Out

I am a very lucky girl who has received a lot of blog love lately. But I've been a bad girl about saying thank you and passing these awards on in a timely manner.

So without further delay, I would like to sincerely thank four fantastic bloggers for passing The Honest Scrap Award on to me. Lisleman at More Than A Few Clowns Short, Angelcel at AC's Scrapbook, Alix at Casa Hice and Brian Miller at Waystation One are all great bloggers. I'm a Follower and loyal reader of each blog and I highly recommend you check them out for yourself!

The Honest Scrap Award comes with a few rules: First off you need to thank the blogger that awarded you and link back (see above). Next you must list ten things about yourself so here goes....

1. When I met my husband, I thought he was ten years younger than he was and he thought I was ten years older. Age never mattered to either of us and by the time we got around to the "how old are you?" question (about 4 years into our relationship) it didn't matter that I'm 18 years younger than he is.

2. The last time I had an alcoholic beverage was at our wedding reception 16 years ago. I wasn't a very big drinker back in the day but I drank so much champagne that I had a hangover for our entire honeymoon. Seriously! I haven't had a drop of anything since.

3. Thanks to some crazy medications I take for lupus, I've been known to gain 25 pounds in less time than it takes to hiccup. That's why I have a closet of clothes separated in four sizes. The strange thing is that when I gain weight, it packs on proportionately so if I find a pair of jeans that fit, I can literally buy them in four sizes and eventually wear all of them. It's freaky. Of course it takes way longer than a hiccup to take the weight off when I stop taking the meds but eventually it comes off.... after about 1,000 miles on the treadmill.

4. My Passport photo is so bad that when I go through Customs I say "Trick or Treat" to the agent before I show it to him. My Driver's License, on the other hand, is one of the very best photos I've ever taken. Add in the fact that the photo is nearly eight years old, and I look oh so young, and you'll understand why I wish someone would card me or ask for my I.D.

5. A few years ago I had a heart procedure that I was mostly awake for. I could literally see the doc fishing around in my heart with two wire like instruments on the "computer screen". If I had seen that when I was about 13 years old, I'd have been inspired, studied way harder in school, and become a doctor. It was the most fascinating thing I've ever seen.

6. I do not like surprises-- especially surprise parties. I dislike them so much that I nearly made Beloved include "never surprising me with a party" in our marriage vows.

7. I already have my nursing home picked out. Yep, when I'm old and "it's time", I know exactly where I'll be living and who will be caring for me. It's a lovely facility in Ohio with a continuum of care (meaning they can't kick me out if/when I get sick). Planning my (hopefully distant) future like that may be a very Type A/control freak thing to do, but I'm a realist. And I've spent a LOT of time with loved ones in assisted-living facilities so I'd rather make the decision myself.

8) I would love to be two inches taller-- especially if the 2 inches were located between my bottom ribs and my hip bones-- In order words, I'd really like to have a waist.

9) In my younger days, career choices were made based on how early I had to get up. I am not a morning person so any job starting at 7AM, was out of the question.

10) I've started grinding my teeth-- When I'm awake-- Writing blog posts. WTH?

Alix at Casa Hice also gave me a shout out for the "One Lovely Blog" Award. There's no long list of rules of to-dos with this one, I just get to tag my favorite blogs.

Unknown Mami gave me the "Mami Loves Me and You Should Too! Award. I'm a big Mami fan and love her too. She started the wildly popular "Sundays In My City feature that I've participated in for the past 13 weeks (and you can too!).

Since I've never been great with rules and since my Favorite Blog List in my sidebar on the right is a mile long and FILLED with really GREAT BLOGS everyone SHOULD READ, I'm going to direct you to one specific blog that I've found to be really special.

Sassy Pants Freckle Face gifted me with a Tarot Card Reading and I thank her very much for her generosity. I've never had a reading before and didn't know what to expect but our phone conversation was very interesting, caring and surprisingly accurate about things there were absolutely no way Sassy could have known about. You can read about her talent HERE and HERE. If you are interested in knowing more by all means she's open to hearing from you. If this isn't your thing, no problem, just move on.

And please know that I pass these awards on to ALL OF YOU so feel free to grab the logo and include them on your blog. I feel really blessed to have found you and your blogs over the past nearly 11 months and value your friendship, generosity and readership. A million thanks!

Have a great weekend!
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna

Photo Credit: © Karen Roach -


  1. Very interesting! We share something! I also wish for another 2 inches! hahahaha!

    You are so deserving of all awards that you get!

  2. Ohhhh...weight gain due to medical issues suck. Been there done that. I hate it. It's so hard to keep my weight down.

    Congrats on the award!

  3. I am laughing so hard I nearly fell on the floor at Otin's comment above. Thank you! It's a great way to start things off! Hahahahahahaha

  4. Congratulations YOU! Congratulations ALL!!! So fun to learn more about you!!! Cheers, Janine XO

  5. I'm so with you, Joanna, on hating surprises. I don't even like to be startled. I haven't quite firmed up a long term care facility, but I do know which one I would like it to be. Congratulations on the awards, you definitely deserve them.

  6. Congrats on all your blog awards!! That is so cool! I just started reading your I have much to catch up on.
    Love your list on things about you. I would like to be a few inches taller myself!!

  7. Hi Joanna,

    This is a composite comment. You've obviously got plenty-o-mojo! Look at your awards, look at your followers, look at your comments!

    You're a great writer, and seem to have tons of energy for other bloggers. And you have more followers than some people (cough cough) who've done this twice as long or much much longer!

    Congrats! Feel proud. Feel confident. Enjoy.

  8. congrats on the awards! Well deserved!

  9. Congratulations on all the lovely awards! I love your list of ten things because I learned more about you! Have a great weekend yourself!

  10. SO interesting! That heart one would totally freak me out. And I definitely think you need to post your passport photo.

  11. You are so gorgeous....two inches more or're perfect just the way you are!

    But how did it take 4 years to find out how old you both were? It just never came up?

    Congratulations on the awards! You are deserving of them and many more.

  12. well deserved my friend...they would have to knock me out for the surgery, no way i am watching...cute that it took you that long on the really doesnt matter does it...hope you have a great friday!

  13. Well we coming up to the season of thanking (really all year around is the best) and sharing thanks with bloggers is nice.
    I was surprised by #9 since I thought A types were early risers. Everyone is a special mix I think.
    #4 reminds of when I carded people at a beer tent I was working. The women loved being carded.

  14. Great list and definitely more detailed than mine! ;-)

  15. Congrats on all the blog love!

    Well deserved! :)

  16. Congrats on all the well deserved awards! I loved reading the ten things about yourself, especially the fact that you have picked our your nursing home. As someone who works in one, I think that's a great idea!

  17. My hubby is 26 years older than me! I have a stepson who is 2 years my senior!!! It's kinda funny when we all go out.

    And the lupus thing really sucks. It seems to have attacked my dad's side of the family and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't like me!!! I'm so sorry that you have to live with that.

    Congrats on your awards! They are much deserved!!!

  18. It doesn't surprise me that so many people care about you. Your genuine personality really shows. Congratulations on receiving so much recognition. Thanks for sharing 10 parts of who you are.

  19. Knock, knock...just dropping by to visit your bloghome; I enjoyed my visit!

  20. love the honest things about you. Interesting that you don't like surprise parties. wonder if it's a type A thing.

  21. At least the weight gain is proportional so you can plan ahead.

  22. Congratulations for the awards! So well deserved. Thank you for the generosity with which you share some of the blogging (and some of the more personal) secrets. With every one of your posts, I learn so much. The fun and easy way--a BIG plus.

  23. Interesting list; I, too, love my drivers license photo. It's 12 years old, so people always look at me weird when I show them.

  24. I had a comment in mind and then I read Otin's and by the time I stopped laughing...well.. now what WAS I going to say?

    Oh yes. The heart procedure and your not being freaked out watching, very impressive.

  25. After days of being surrounded by whiners who think they know everything (except why they're failing), your blog is so very refreshing. Sorry to bitch but I'm trying so hard not to be bitter.... and failing...

  26. Love your post! Don't like surprises, wish I had a waist. Yep, I'm with you on those. :-)

  27. I love this '10 things list', it's such a quick way to learn a bit more about people. I had to giggle at number 4 - 'trick or treat'. I'm not so sure the burly guys at US immigration would appreciate the joke but I *am* tempted to try it next time! :) Why *are* passport photos so often crummy?!

  28. Congrats on all your awards! I love your list>I wish I was 2 inches taler too!

  29. haha! love number 9. thank you for brightening my morning! besos!

  30. #5 was scary - even to read about!
    I'm totally with you on #6.
    Chef Stu is 15 years older than me. You're right, age isn't an issue.

    Loved this.

  31. So much bloggy love - and fascinating facts I really didn't know about you. I could never have had the nerve to see the doctor rooting around in my heart!

  32. JJ! Congrats on all your awards, totally deserved. A fab blog.

    I did laugh at your number 1, and I'm with you on Number 2. I prefer a nice cuppa!

    Why do passport photos always look so hideous? I bet, even Kate Moss looks a sight on her photo.

    Love RMxx

  33. Love your honesty Joanna particularly about the passport photo...I once told a NYC immigration guy that I was an extra in E.T. He didn't laugh lol

  34. Congratulations Sista' Type~A...'nough said. We know. Thanks for sharing more of you with us, I enjoyed reading your list.

    Have a full day filled with many blessings, beautiful gal!!!!

  35. You are fearless, Joanna. Not many of us would be able to watch a screen of a surgical procedure on our own body, much less of someone else's body.

  36. When I gain and lose weight, it is proportional as well...

  37. I'm wishing I could get 2 inches back! I was once 5' 4" and at my last Dr appt, I was down to 5' 1-1/2 inches. As I shrink, my belly protrudes more and more so I don't even have a lap anymore.

  38. Congratulations on all the award Joanna, very well deserved. I am still laughing at otins comment. take care, be well.

  39. Those were great and I am still on the floor over Otin's first comment.
    I am working on catching up with my awards which reminds me..... off to post.

  40. I had NO idea about that lupus side effect. Mr. D and I had similar issues when we first met--good thing we were confused about age because it could have been a deal breaker.

  41. Holy smokes, woman! You're going to need a new trophy case soon if this keeps up.

    Loved your Honest Scrap. You totally rocked it, sistah.

  42. Congratulations on all of your awards Joanna! The #5 on your honest scrap though, would have made me pass out. I'm glad you have a healthy heart!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hugs and love,

  43. you. are. hilarious.
    and well deserving of all life's riches and rewards!

  44. Congrats on your awards! You deserve them! I don't like surprises and I grind my teeth a lot. (I think it's stress related.)

  45. Congrats on your wonderful awards, your blog is truly deserving. :)

    I like your thoughts on no. 7. That really makes a lot of sense, even if it's not the most enjoyable thing in the world to plan. Thanks for the insight.

  46. I wait for my dial up to get me to you becuase you are so entertaining! If I wished for another two inches, it would most likely appear on my hips and I'm already a healthy pear shape!!

  47. Congrats on all your new awards, all so deserving!

  48. I just loved getting to know you better...we'd have a good time together...I know we would !

    and the teeth too ! hence the braces...arghhhh

  49. Congratulations! Truly well deserved.

  50. Oh...kudos on the awards! The best apart is finding out more about the lady behind them. I'm so laughing at the DH and your ages...seriously 18 years? Consider yourself lucky to have a good drivers license photo. I've yet to see a good one!

  51. Congratulations for all your awards! Nice tips also! Your posts are entertaining! Keep up the good work!


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