Saturday, February 9, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be careful what you wish for is the theme of a fabulous new book, In Blog We Trust, by Michael Infinito also know in Blogland as The Wizardry Of Otin.

It's about a young wife named Carrie Parker who posts a comment on a mysterious blog in response to the post "Tell Us How We Can Improve Your Life".  In a moment of frustration during a heated fight with her husband, Carrie posts a few unkind words about him in the comment section-- actually she says she wishes he was dead-- but she didn't mean it literally.  The next morning when Carrie realizes her "wish came true" and her husband was dead, the book takes off as she races to solve the mystery of this blog before anyone else is killed.  

I'm not usually a murder/mystery/thriller book reader but I was immediately drawn into this fast-paced read for many different reasons and found it hard to put down.  The idea that a blog was involved was a fresh storyline I hadn't heard before.  And, the twists and turns to the plot, as Carrie hunts down other commenters on the mystery blog, is intriguing,  

I'm not going to tell you more because you really should BUY this book at Amazon or Barnes & Noble and read it for yourself.  (It's available on Nook, Kindle and Smashwords too!) It's a good read worth checking out.  And, you'll be able to say you read the book because I wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood comes knocking on Otin's door for screenplay rights!

Happy reading!
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
PS  I as not compensated for this review nor was I asked to write it.  I just really liked the book and wanted to support a fellow blogger.


  1. mike is a cool guy...and a fabulous writer...i am happy that his books are starting to come out...really nice review jj

  2. What an amazing review. I am so honored that you thought so much of my book! I am speechless.....

  3. Sounds a good read to me . . . . but thankfully I wish only for positive and nice things . . . but alas they never seem to come true LOL

    Must get the book for Mrs Bluelights and I.

  4. Sounds like a great premise--a combination thriller and mystery.

  5. Catchy name and plot line.
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm definitely taking a look at this one. I do like murder, mystery, thriller books, and I'm intrigued!

  7. I love a good book! I will add this to my list right this second. Thank you for sharing about it : ).

  8. I never read anymore... I should! There are some great books out there...

  9. That does sound like a keeper. The blog in the story line probably appeals to most of us. I may just check it out. Thanks.

  10. ohhhhh, this sounds like one i would like. i'll finish the three other books staring at me first and then i'll go and find this one :)

    happy weekend !

  11. Very nice of you to review a fellow blogger's book. The plot sounds like one that the "Twilight Zone" would have used if they had blogs back then. I still remember a cool one about a camera that took pictures of the future.

  12. thanks for the review -- it sounds good. So, then I went to his web page, and then read his guest blogger Lisa about why she's a writer, and was able to see her new book. I'll just keep adding to my list! I keep it on my iphone so when I'm at the library I can remember what the heck I want to read next.

  13. That sounds really good!! The blog part intrigues me, too!

  14. wow this one sounds suspenseful and scary!

  15. Oh I am looking that one up! I love a good mystery, and this is an interesting take on it.

  16. I just went over to the Kindle store and read about it. Thanks for the tip, Joanna! I'll definitely check it out. :-)

  17. Sounds like a fabulous book and one I'd enjoy reading - thanks for the tip. I've not read this author before and I love to read a variety. Thanks JJ and big Hugs!!

  18. I'm always on the lookout for good books. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Nice of you to write a post about Mike's book. I hope it is a success story for him, he certainly put a lot of time and effort into writing it and his other books.

  20. Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments!
    JJ, you're the best!

  21. I hope Hollywood does come knocking and we can all say we knew him when (well, kinda, in the blogosphere).

  22. Looking forward to checking it out. It sounds like a great read.

  23. This book sounds interesting; thanks for the tip!

  24. Just what I need, another interesting distraction. Thanks for the tip. Dianne

  25. I always like reviews from someone I know. So many times I've bought books that have been so dull. My experience has made me shy away from reading fiction. Maybe I'll this one a try. :)

  26. That does sound intriguing...

  27. I love to read and really enjoy getting other's opinion of books before I red them.
    Thanks for the review!

  28. Sounds like a great read!

  29. it does sound like a very interesting book. My reading these days is pretty much limited to unabridged books on tape. Only when I'm in India, do I usually take a book in hand to read. In Jaipur. this last five months, I could rarely find an English-speaking TV channel, other than Comedy Central. Even my Bollywood movies didn't have English subtitle!

  30. I've been reading (and reviewing!) so many books lately. I'm always surprised by the ones that I didn't think I would enjoy that I actually end up loving! I'll have to put this on my mental checklist :)

  31. Wow that sounds like a book I'd like!
    I only ever wish to win LOTTO!
    Oh and to be slim again! lol

  32. Not really a suspense/thriller reader, but I find the premise of this book kind of intriguing.

  33. This sounds great and right up my alley. The fact it is about blogging too is a positive. I have been toying with the whole problem of not really being yourself online, I always self censor for fear of insulting someone. The more family members that read my blog (although they never comment) grows now my daughter's boyfriend is reading it to find out more about her. Yikes, it is all a bit of a worry! That is why I am starting another blog, totally anonymous next time round, lol.

    I hope life is well for you over there.

  34. totally my kind of book...thanks for sharing!

  35. I am so happy he's getting published.


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