Monday, October 8, 2012

Four Hours

I spent four hours today sorting through my closet in an effort to find three days worth of cool weather clothes to pack for an upcoming trip back East where it's about 25 degrees cooler than it is in Los Angeles.  Three.  Full.  Hours.

It seemed like a simple task when I started, especially since I have a jammed packed closet of clothes, but after trying everything on for an hour and a half, I started from scratch and out on two pair of Spanx--  That helped considerably.

All I need are three daytime outfits (one jeans and two for "nicer" lunches in the city with friends) and three evening outfits (for the theater, a swank dinner and a black tie wedding).  Finding six outfits wore me down!

I realized that when it comes to cold/Fall/rainy/East Coast weather I'm pretty limited in my selection of not only clothes but shoes-- as in closed toe shoes (not sandals), especially for a lot of daytime walking in something other than sneakers.  And as far as clothes go--  Black, black and black are my color only options.

Seriously, everything I own that's remotely warm enough for the trip, other than a couple of white long sleeves tee shirts, is black.

Yawn.  I've really got to work on that.

I was at my wits end, so I Skyped my favorite fashion expert for advice.....

My Great Niece E - age 2 years 4 months.
She suggested I wear an outfit just like hers-- All day, every day.... Glowing magic wand optional.

Dress Happy!

Welcome to  -  Joanna Jenkins


  1. oh, if only we were brave enough to dress like Mini!

    Your packing experience sounds frustrating, indeed. I've had similar ones, traveling back east. And then they'd have a warm spell while I was there....

    Good luck and bon voyage!

  2. Have a fabulous time!

    Aloha from Waikiki,

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. That outfit is adorable! Enjoy your time in cooler temps.

  4. hahaha i hope you which time we need pictures just should dress as makes us happy...i hope you have a great the 30s today...and damp....pretty cold stepping out the house this morning....dress warm....

  5. Oh! The glowing want is a must have for sure!!!
    I have a lot of black too! Sigh!
    Vow..more color for winter!!

  6. Sounds like a great excuse for shopping for some new cooler weather clothes Joanna!

  7. I'm with Christine...go shopping! But....I'd also take the fashionista's advice and bring the outfit as a back-up! Have a wonderful time!

  8. The evening events would be where I would have a hard time finding something to wear....your cute little Minnie may have just the answer. It certainly seems to work for her.

  9. I think you'll be fine. I usually bring one pair of shoes and wear the comfy ones, but you've got some dressing up to do. Don't forget your camera so you can take me "along" after a fashion. :-)

  10. You have to admit, it would make life simple...same precious outfit everywhere you go...No problems, and certainly not three hours of searching for something to wear. One might say that Texas weather is pretty much difficult to dress for...Someday's it's 80's or 90's, other days, it's in the 40's.
    Have fun on your trip and I know that you will look great in whatever you decide upon.

  11. You have to admit, it would make life simple...same precious outfit everywhere you go...No problems, and certainly not three hours of searching for something to wear. One might say that Texas weather is pretty much difficult to dress for...Someday's it's 80's or 90's, other days, it's in the 40's.
    Have fun on your trip and I know that you will look great in whatever you decide upon.

  12. I totally love her, and her advice.
    I live out east, so here ya go:
    Get a cashmere sweater, you can throw it over anything and you are instantly warm. I have several and they are indispensable. They make any outfit "dressed up". It's cold and rainy out here in October, so that means a shoe sort of like a brogue, and a few pairs of beautiful warm wool socks. A slim cut pair of dark wash jeans. Several fitted tank tops in basic black, sea green, white, and gray. One light knit long sleeved pull on black dress and a pair of black pumps. One pair of flannel pj pants, everyone wears those out here. One pair of stud earrings, one gold chain necklace, and a string of pearls. That's about it. If you top everything off with a classic anorak, you should be warm as toast.
    PS-wish you were coming a little further east, sure would love to see you. xo d

  13. Since I was found running the neighborhood last night after Argyle wearing Scottie pajamas, you surely do not want nor need advice on fashion from this disaster!!! Coming over to my side of the world?!?!? I am so happy to hear it!

  14. My problem is finding my winter clothes. Autumn came early, so we are in the frustrating position of needing warm-weather clothes and cool-weather clothes out at the same time, in an old house with tiny closets. And where did I put my autumn clothes? Frustration... But have fun!

  15. I have a limited wardrobe that consists of long pants for winter and old pants that have been cutoff for summer. T-shirts vs turtlenecks.
    I would be in deep doodles having to come up with six outfits for a trip to the big city!

  16. The different climate does make planning more important but I doubt you'll get much sympathy from the freezing people out east.
    When I saw the picture I thought you found a Halloween costume for your niece.

  17. You are free to come pick through my stuff any time you like. :-)

    Here comes the snow,


  18. With leggings and a sweater, you could make your niece's outfit work for cold.

  19. That girl definitely has the right idea!

  20. I think my closet greatly resembles yours! I hate having to pack for anything, especially if it involves packing for cold weather. (Have fun on your trip!)

  21. Have fun on your trip! And if you carry a glow wand, I sure hope you post pictures of it.

  22. If you DO dress like this little sweetie, you better post photos!!! Have a safe trip (it has been snowing off and on all day here!)

  23. Priceless!!
    Have a great time! And take pictures! :)

  24. Hihi, that sounds like me. And I do not even have to worry about having the right kind of clothes.;) I always set aside a whole day about a week prior to any trip just so I can try out all my clothes and decide which ones to take.;) Then I pack the night before for 3 h. My husband packs in 5 minutes about 30 minuet before we leave.;) And he never forgets anything while I ALWAYS do.;)
    I really like your fashion expert. How cute is she, particularly like her choice of hat.;)

  25. Trying on clothes is very tiring. I feel for you. Hope you find warm clothes to fit all the occasions, and also hope the weather is fairly nice for you. It has been around fifty degrees here lately, wearing snuggly clothes and coats already.

  26. It sounds like you needed to go shopping! I hope you found some clothes that were suitable.

  27. I hope you are having/had a wonderful time. And I approve of your fashion expert.

  28. How cute is your grand niece and I think the outfit would be perfect.

    This is a timely post to read today. I was out with my sister this afternoon and we were talking about the last thing our father ever said to us (as in while on his death bed). He said something very profound to my sister and do you know what he said to me? "You need to start wearing something other than black". True.

    I wore somethign very bright to his funeral - I wasn't quite game to do anything else.

    I am like you, black is so easy and lazy I guess. I just like it and never sure what colours work on me anyway. And as for spanx. These days my spanx even has spanx!

    I hope you are having or had a fabulous time - I love the East Coast. I hope it wasn't too cold either.

  29. I enjoy Spring/Summer clothes so much more than Fall/Winter clothes, so I always have more of the "cooler" variety. Good luck on the packing. Throw on a beautiful shawl and what's under it becomes less important - that's how I roll. :-)

  30. When I moved from my house to come to India, I got rid of nearly everything I owned...mistake one. I was 35 lbs heavier at the time. I should not have given away my next size smaller clothes, especially all my gorgeous cruise cocktail dresses! I lost 25 lbs my first 4 month sojourn here..& now, this five months, I've lost another 10 lbs. I needed to lose every bit of that 35 lbs - & more needs to come off...but I don't have the money for a new wardrobe & I am walking around looking look someone's poor cousin!
    I've had a few things taken up here & have gotten a couple of lovely Indian outfits made...but, all my cold weather clothes are in huge sizes. I get home Nov 16 and will stay six months. Hope I'll make it back to India. Will scour Good Will - maybe some of my donations remain!

  31. awww...she's so cute!!!
    How about accessorizing with some colorful scarves and earrings for your black outfits?! That would ensure that you would have a new look every evening with the same dress!!

  32. This is why I'm glad I'm a guy. I know how to dress well - My Dad was a very well-dressed salesman - but I have the sort of job that goes very well with jeans and/or chinos, sweatshirts and/or polos, and sneakers. I can mix and match all of whatever is handiest each morning. And I own two suits and one pair of dress shoes. Voila! Instant guy wardrobe for all occasions. Just pack a suit, the shoes, and some black socks, one dress shirt (and two ties, if I expect to go out more than once), any random jeans and polos, and I'm done!

  33. Really. I wish I had the nerve to wear this outfit. Why don't grown-ups dress MORE COOL?

  34. LOL! I thought we could wear whatever we wanted when we reach a certain age! You should have gone for the Mini outfit!

  35. I really think the glowing wand is a must. A real must.


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