Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Spud's Arrival

At last the phone call came-- "Her water broke!!!" my sister hollered into the phone. "We're on our way to the hospital-- I'll call you later." Click.

I told you HERE that my oldest Nephew's wife was due any minute with their first child we'd all lovlingly been referring to as "Spud" since their first ultrasound. They didn't want to know the sex of the baby until it arrived and "Spud" is the nickname that our future bundle of joy was dubbed.

Sister was so breathless when she called that you'd have thought she was doing Lamaze class breathing. There was an over-the-moon excitement and a slight panic in her voice that she might not make it to the hospital in time because the future parents lived about two hours away.

I know my Big Sister. It would be a very long drive to the hospital. But once she caught her breath, after racing through town like a crazy woman with her husband in the passenger seat holding on for dear life, and blowing through a couple very yellow *cough*probably*actually*red* traffic lights and hit the freeway, she would slow down and come back to her senses. It was about 7 o'clock in the evening and the notion that this baby's labor would probably take a little while would settled in as her odometer (and heart rate) slowed to a respectable speed limit.

Just as they were about to walk through the hospital doors, their cell phone rang and Nephew asked his parents casually "Where are you guys?" After a few brief conversation, he announced they could come meet their new grandchild.


Nephew's Wife already had the baby-- Wow! That was F.A.S.T.

But Nephew stopped there-- He wasn't going to tell them the long awaited baby's sex. "Come upstairs and meet Spud."

At that point, I think my sister sprinted up the hospital's three flights of stairs instead of waiting for the elevator-- And trust me, sprinting is NOT something the women in my family do-- ever. But in record time, my Sis laid eyes on her second grandchild and the waterfall of tears poured down her cheeks.

Nephew and his Wife presented the happy grandparents with a beautiful gift-- Their new baby granddaughter-- Olivia.

There she is-- 36 hours old - 7 pounds 10 ounces

And the angels sang!

A beautiful, healthy, baby girl has blessed our family. Mom did a truly amazing job of delivery and looked like a supermodel through the whole process! Seriously, this first time Mom made childbirth look like a walk in the park. Nephew looked a bit awe struck and thrilled, and my Sister....

....When Sister called me back, I knew it was her, thanks to Caller ID, but she had such a gigantic lump in her throat that I had to wait for her to gather enough air into her lungs to push out any words. The phone was silent for a long moment.... And then her voice-- I will never forget it-- Her voice was so rich and filled with absolute love and amazement that she squealed "It's a girl and she's unbelieveably beautiful!" And then she just sobbed and sobbed with joy. I'm pretty sure Olivia was showered, literally, with her grandmother's tears.

Olivia just a few hours old looking at her Mama.

For our entire family and of course Olivia's Mommy and Daddy, it was love at first sight.

Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor - Joanna Jenkins


  1. Some babies are gorgeous at birth; most aren't. Olivia/Spud definitely is!

  2. Oh goodness; what a precious little miracle. However, she does NOT look like a SPUD to me so perhaps a new nickname is in order!
    congratulations :)

  3. congrats to the parents - I agree with not knowing the gender beforehand. The gender is not very important anyway - it's the health that counts.

  4. congratulations joanna, you are a proud grandaunt with love pours for the precious one. she is a beauty. all praise be to God.

  5. How happy you all must be! She is beautiful!

  6. smiles. and the angels sang for sure...beautiful child!!!

  7. Congratulations, Joanna, on the beautiful new member of your family! I'll bet Olivia will always have the nickname Spud!

  8. I really love the last photo of the baby sucking her thumb. So precious. Congrats to the whole family.

  9. congrats to you and your family Joanna, a happy moment indeed!

  10. How fun! congrats!

    My brother and SIL had their 4th yesterday. They have 3 boys and a girl. Man, that little girl is going to be spoiled!

  11. Oh, how exciting! And she truly is - beautiful!

  12. Awwwwwwww sweet pea!! What doll baby..welcome sweet princess!'
    Hugs, Sarah

  13. What a beauty little Olivia is. I hope you get to see her soon.
    I know just how your sister felt. I have been there for the birth of all 7 of my grandchildren and the last was just as exciting as the first.
    Congratulations to all your family.

  14. Oh, I'm trying so hard not to rush my kids into giving me grandkids, especially since none of them are married yet :) But this post had me right there with your sister and I'm sure I heard the angels sing! Congratulations and welcome to the world, beautiful Olivia!

  15. Beautiful darling princess!

    I love when new babies suck their thumbs. What a sweet little girl!


  16. Congrats to all! So when are you going home?!

  17. Makes me want to hug a newborn.

    Gonna have to wait for one of my children to make one... I am past that crazy stage now.

  18. Welcoming a newborn is the best ever! I know how choked up you can get. It's wonderful.

  19. congratulations, sugar! best wishes for all and especially, that gorgeous baby girl! xoxoxox

  20. Congratulations to your nephew and his beautiful wife on the arrival of Olivia. Some day Olivia will be old enough to be grateful to have been blessed to be born into this family.
    Great pictures and I know you are excited about when you will see Olivia in person.

  21. How absolutely gorgeous she is! And that last picture of her sucking her thumb, priceless! Glad it all went so well!!!

  22. She is beautiful! Congrats all around. LOVE that last photo of her sucking her thumb. What a precious angel.

  23. Oh how precious!! Congrats to all!!!

  24. Blessings & congratulations!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral


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    < ° ) } } > <

  25. So adorable, congratulations to everyone.....:-)Hugs

  26. hey jj! half the time i can´t write anything here because of the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes. you did it again!
    happy happy! she´s beautiful!

  27. She is absolutely beautiful!! Congrats to everyone!! And welcome are loved for sure.

  28. What a beautiful little girl! And what a sweet story, you almost had ME with a lump in my throat. Will she still be called Spud?

  29. When I saw her photo with the bow in her hair, I actually said aloud, "Oh my God!" How adorable.

    Any chance that with a name as lovely as Olivia, she will keep her nickname?

  30. awww......she is beautiful! congratulations!

  31. Tears of joy in my coffee this morning! Omg she is a the picture with her sucking her thumb! Congrats to your family such a joyous time.

  32. Congratulations to the entire family! She is a beautiful!

  33. welcome to the world, Olivia! (I have a one-year old grand-niece by the same name.)

    Your great news is making me cry! What a great event. I am expecting my first grandchild - a boy - any time now. I know I will be overwhelmed with joy and tears. Your post brought it all home for me. Wow.


  34. Wonderful - cuteness!
    What a happy baby!

    Love ya!

  35. Absolutley Adorable....
    so, now what happens to the name Spud?
    Congratulations to you all....

  36. Awww... congratulations! She is such a beautiful baby. What a lovely addition to the family.

  37. Awww - congrats! She is gorgeous!

  38. She looks like perfection. Congratulations. Love the "Spud."

  39. Congratulations! Olivia is beautiful! Oh, how well I can relate to your sister's joy! I cried buckets when Little Darling was born. So, do you already have your trip planned to see Olivia?


  40. Oh you made me tear up big time here. She's absolutely beautiful. I'm so happy for your family. Congrats to all.. Welcome, Olivia Spud. ;)

  41. Congratulations on the arrival of Olivia. I think Spud is an excellent nickname for her.

  42. Congrats on the newest member of your family....

  43. Oh jj, you tell it so beautifully, I can't help but feel swept up in the emotion! She is absolutely gorgeous, and what a lucky little girl she is, to be born into such a loving clan.

  44. Oh, So sweet! Glad to see you back with such happy news -- three cheers!

  45. Crying! Congrats to the whole family. Olivia--beautiful name--I hope the nickname SPUD stays (so cute).

  46. It's true, she is UNBELIEVABLY beautiful.

  47. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the nickname, the pics and everything! Wonderfully adorable! Especially love that pic with the cupcake in front of her!



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