Friday, June 24, 2011


Don't forget to enter my BFF Julia Roberts GIVEAWAY to win a $25 Fandango Movie Ticket Gift Certificate and a Larry Crowne Prize Package-- Two sets of prizes are up for grabs. Giveaway ends Monday, June 27th at midnight PT. CLICK HERE TO ENTER!


We're on "baby watch" in our family-- My oldest nephew's wife is very pregnant and their first little one is taking his or her time making an entrance into the world. Already measuring in at 7 pounds 5 ounces according to the doc, and a few days late, we all jump every time the phone rings in hopes of their trip to the delivery room.

My nephew was a very cute kid as you can see from his kindergarten graduation photo taken about 25 years ago....

He grew to be a very handsome guy with a "quieter" fashion sense.

The expectant parents want to be surprised about their baby's sex and don't know what the Stork is planning for them. As a result, since their first ultrasound they've referred to their future child as "Spud" because it reminded Nephew of a little potato. The name's stuck with our family and I'm pretty sure, regardless of the sex or actual name, this kiddo will be "Spud" forevermore.

That's a lot like what happen to my brother. When he was born he was named after our father but Mom and our grandparents always referred to him as "A Chip Off The Old Block" and to this day we all still call him "Chip" or, on rare (teenage) occasions "Blockhead".

I never had a nickname growing up. Did you?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins


  1. I love "Spud"! We called our first baby "Packy" (after Pac Man) while she was inutero. And we didn't know her gender either.

    I never had a nickname growing up...unless the names bullies gave me count. My nicknames started in my 20's.

  2. Hope that baby watch ends soon! Our daughter is expecting and they are calling their baby bean sprout, or bean, or sprouty...
    My real name is Maribeth, but I've usually just been called the shortened version - Mari.

  3. Nope...I never really had a nickname either!!
    "Spud" cracks me up!!
    Hope baby watch ends soon as well!
    Good luck to the new parents

  4. not growing up...though i did make all the teachers use my middle initial...they all called me Brian T...and still do any time i see them...

  5. One of my patients called me "Short Round!"
    But not anymore!

  6. I never had one until I was 21 when a friend nicknamed me Bean and it stuck. I love Spud!! :-)

  7. Oh YAY for baby watches! When I was pregnant with our 4th, #1 announced (upon seeing the ultrasound) that the baby looked like a goober (a peanut), and to this day, 12-1/2 years later, we call him Goober (tho not in public).

  8. No nickname but I love that Chip one for your brother...cute story. I hope your nephew and wife have a healthy Spud...too cute!

  9. Your nephew is so cute, soon he'll be Dad. My nickname was Intan or Diamond because I was the first child and first grandchild. Spud is adorable, can't wait to meet him/her too:)

  10. I never had a nickname growing up, but "Jan" is not easily shortened. I added my first initial to my name to make it more interesting, but I did that. Hopefully we will be seeing baby pictures, or at least an update on here soon. I know what you mean about baby watch putting everybody on edge! :-)

  11. What exciting times for your family! That precious little guy is not going to be a daddy.

    My dad used to call me Butterball Penelope because I was a plump baby. To this day, I think it would have been fun to be called Penelope instead of Lisa. Minus the Butterball part.

  12. I know several kids who have been stuck with that pre-birth nickname. My brother was called "Squinty" for years because his eyes were all squinty when he was born.
    Jeanie is actually a nickname for me, but it is what I have always been called.
    I hope you hear baby news very soon.

  13. We had baby watch yesterday....our niece had her first child around noon yesterday...A baby girl weighing in at 9lbs 1oz. Big baby girl!
    You have a cute little fellow there...Hope all goes well with the baby...

  14. Spud is a great name! Love it. I didn't really have a nickname, but my sister was called Hot Lips.

  15. This is getting exciting, a new baby in the family and even more fun to keep the suspense and not learn the sex of the baby. That was how we did it back in the day and hey, it worked great. I nicknamed my kids.

  16. Heh Heh

    Aloha from Waikiki :)

    Comfort Spiral




  17. My dad called me Punkin, and the whole family called me a shorter version of my real name (if that even counts as a nickname), like Jo for Joanna. Did anyone call you Jo, or Anna?

  18. Hmmmmmmm if I had one, I don't remember and it never stuck, lol. Love "Spud" and I wish them the best! Surprises are fun but I bet it's got to be incredibly hard NOT to find out these days!

  19. What a great picture and thankfully no more plaid sport coats, haha. Can't wait to hear what the baby is, now exciting and I love that they call it spud, to cute!!

  20. Congratulations to your nephew and his wife. I hope her delivery is quick and easy.

  21. Spud is a great name. Exciting times and I bet you jump for joy each time the phone rings.

    My name being Joanne, when I was born and my parents brought me home and lay me down in my crib my Dad said welcome home JoJo. So, that name has stuck with me for decades. Ususally close friends and family refer to me as JoJo.

  22. I love the Blazer!!! I'd wear it today... yes, my fashion sense is lacking, but I'd still rock it!!

    Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family!

  23. Hope the new baby comes soon; how exciting! I love the nickname "spud." My little brother used to call me "beppie aboo," it was his version of my name Beth.

  24. I never had any good nicknames by that. BUT if it's going to be spud, I certainly hope it's a boy! I don't see a girl Spud as working out as well ;) Good luck with the new baby!

  25. Spud is great, I was always Maddog that is not so great... but then if I had been 'Spud' I may not have liked that either ;)

  26. I hope you have the new addition to your family today. I like the nicknames, Spud and Chip and how they will or have explained how the names were picked for them. :-)

  27. HAHAHA! Spud, or Blockhead. Too funny! It reminds me of my husband who's nickname for the last 24 years has been D.B. for Doll Babe. However, when I'm irritated with him it can double for Dumb Butt.
    No, I don't really remember having a nickname growing up.


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