Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Really, Really, Really????

CNN's Anderson Cooper is cuter than cute and his sense of humor is firmly in place with this recent editorial. He made me laugh out loud-- Really, really, really hard.

But something tells me we haven't heard the last from Mr. Trump. Ugh.

Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins


  1. This was great. Thanks for sharing and now I will be able to rest better knowing that Trump won't be our president at least for awhile. I can't stand him.

  2. LOL hon...thank you for posting this...OMG was blowing coffee out my nose! Seriously..what an idiot! Sigh...seriously..I am sick of him already.
    Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  3. I love Cooper. I am slightly sad Trump isn't running because that would be a blog dream come true for me.

  4. anderson is great...have you ever read his book on katrina? good stuff...and yeah i imagine trump has much more to say...

  5. Thanks for posting something I wouldn't get to see otherwise. I think Anderson was having a hard time keeping a straight face don't you?

  6. Oh, how I needed that! Hilarious.

  7. The guy knows PR but why people believed he was serious about getting elected just baffles me.
    I don't know if our former governor Blagojevich will end up in the slammer. If Blago gets off then Trump and him should team up. Both of them have big hair and big egos. They should go to some remote island and be really really important.

  8. good one Joanna, will have to share, thanks.

  9. The media jumped on Trump b/c they thought he was entertaining. But he gives me the creeps; I have to turn the channel whenever he comes on. If I never hear about him again, it'll be too soon.

  10. f-ing hilarious! thanks, sugar! xoxoxo

  11. I saw this when it was on and I loved it. Thanks for sharing it, Joanna. I love the way Anderson Cooper presented it.
    I am not a Trump fan.

  12. Cooper is my hero!

    This is so funny, I just strangled on my cola. Well, to say the least, and I mean LEAST. . .

    At the LEAST, Donald T. has one fan, himself.

    Where is it written again, "the greatest shall become the least and the least shall become the greatest?"

    I digress. I think he just became the least.

  13. Well, it's been a good week... and now I figure it's been a GREAT week! This was so... special. I didn't know how much I would miss Trump. Maybe he's just funnin' with us. He'll never go away. :-)

  14. Yeah, Anderson!

  15. Holy cow. Good delivery, but Trump just makes me cringe.

  16. LOL...I think some of my vodka tonic just came out my nose...lol...I love Anderson Cooper!

  17. Hilarious - my brother-in-law's clone did a fabulous job -- as he always does.

  18. Fav line: "Humility, thy name is Trump."

    Trump THAT!!!

    I missed this when it aired, thanks so much for posting. And yes, Anderson is the cutest thing ever. Well, except for maybe Johnny Depp.

  19. I have never seen that bloke before.
    And I'm glad Trump is not running now, he's a ..... ???? Bald wanna be President.

  20. I love Anderson Cooper, Trump on the other hand I am not much of a fan...too full of himself and thinks he is all that and a bag of chips...yeah anderson.

  21. I ADORE his understatement! Thanks for sharing this good chuckle.

  22. What a great laugh! My favorite
    "Humility thy name is Trump"

  23. I love Anderson, poor old Trump made such a fool of himself...Hugs

  24. This was hilarious - I love the CNN guy's irony...

  25. I'm sad knowing Trump won't be running for president, it would have made for such an interesting campaign cycle. However, it's uplifting knowing someone like Anderson Cooper gets it.

  26. Anderson Cooper for President!

    I'd love to get a polling of people who think this piece is just what we all need to hear. Like my former brother-in-law, who thinks the Feds can read the money in his pocket.

  27. It just kills me how Trump is always ready to 'take the credit'!

    I love Anderson and the clip. Heeheehhee! Thanks Joanna!

    God bless and have a marvelous day sweeite! :o)

  28. Anderson is terrific...a professional and not so one-sided as so many are on talk tv. Love him!

  29. I couldn't see past his hair to take him seriously. What a joke!

  30. Anderson Cooper is charming and hilarious! Trump is a vulgar, delusional jackass. :)

  31. I know we haven't heard the last of Donald Trump; he needs attention like I need air.

  32. Hahaha...I had no idea that Mr. T was prone to coming out with this stuff. 'I would take the oil. ...I would take the oil' (well at least it's honest)! As a President he would definitely have carried a high entertainment factor. :D

  33. I think Mr. Trump likes to get the last word.

  34. The thought that anyone would vote for Trump was terrifying. I'm so glad we won't have to worry about that, though!!

  35. This was hilarious, but what really scares me are those Americans who were seriously going to vote for him!!!! There's also a bunch who would vote for Palin! Arrrghhh....

  36. Thanks, Anderson Cooper! But I'm wondering...who was voting for Trump in those polls? And who are they going to be voting for now? I shudder to think...

  37. There are way too many people who are so stupid. And who are able to get wayyyy too much attention. Nonetheless, it's funny as all getout. :)

  38. he's a sweetie...i love him. i really wish he'd take the place of regis and co-host with kelly....but i doubt he'll be the permanent replacement :(

  39. In my best dreams ever, Anderson and I are the closest friends. And sometimes he's not gay.

    "You heard me. I will take the oil." - lol, really??? Who is this man?? I HaaaaaaaaaaaTE him!!! Such a disgusting man.

    Anderson did a great job of describing him and his wonderfulness (ha!).

  40. oh dear...hopefully trumpy will fade away...unfortunately money seems to talk in usa politics...

  41. Trump is a clown, a cartoon of a politician ... and I can't fathom how or why he got as far with his recent "stunts" as he has. Money talks, I know, but geeeeez. What a time for politicians, eh? And I haven't even started on Arnold :-)

  42. Anderson Cooper is a witty guy.

  43. Whaaaaaat, he's not running for President?? Sheesh, how can he let us all down like that? (Wink)

  44. i really admire Anderson for his humanitarian efforts. It's not all about ratings all the time. one love.

    sending lots of love and light your way

  45. REALLY! Freakin' hilarious! I can't believe I hadn't seen that before! I LOVE Anderson Cooper, too.
    PS I'm pretty much a die-hard republican from Texas, yet... I'd like to try to describe how sick it made me to think of The Hair Hump running for president.
    I'm sorry, I've been struggling with what to say and I can't do justice to it.


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