This Sunday, like most Sundays, I'm feeling pretty homesick. My family lives across the country and although I get to see them 4 or 5 times a year, it's not nearly enough. I'm waiting for the Spring thaw before I make travel plans home again, but with the insane winter this year, it seems like a very long time to wait.

Back home this guy, showing off his first missing tooth, has been pulling at my heartstrings a lot lately. I'd show you the picture of us taken the day he was born 28 years ago but, frankly, I look like a poodle and can't bring myself to scan it into my computer. (Take my word for it, it was a hideously bad perm.)
CS was the first of the new generation in our family-- My nephew, the oldest child of my big sister. I can still remember the excitement and anticipation of his arrival like it was yesterday, which is why it's hard for me to believe he's about to become a father himself. His beautiful wife ES is due in June with their first.
He loved being a big brother when his two sisters were born and I know he'll be a fantastic dad.

I am missing him and my family so much. It's been more than 30 years since I moved away from Ohio to live in the "big city". I used to say I spent the first half of my life trying to get out of our small town, and the second half trying to get back. But the last time I said that, the guy I was speaking to thought I was actually 60-something, NOT 52-- So I make a point of clarifying myself. (*ahem*grrrr*ouch*)
There is something about Sundays that make me melancholy even when I'm surrounded by loved ones-- Maybe it's remembering we always had big family dinners together, maybe it's because Sundays in Los Angeles come with more time to myself to feel how far away we are, or maybe just because-- But Sunday is the toughest homesick day of the week.
Hope you're spending Sunday with your family and friends.
Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins
I know it's hard to be so far away from your family. Almost 11 years ago, my mom and I moved (via u-haul) from upstate NY to Seattle, just to live near family.
ReplyDeleteI'm not spending time with my grandchildren today, but we all went to Emerald City Comicon together yesterday. Hugs to you, Joanna. I'll pray for the spring thaw.
My brother and his cute kids live in Texas. They have a blog and post pictures, but it makes me miss them even more!
ReplyDeleteI have heard a lot of people talk about Sundays being the hardest day in regard to the kind of thing you are talking about...at least you have the thaw and a new baby to look forward.
ReplyDeleteI am resting up today after time with some family last night...
baby sitting my 5 year old grandson and his 2 year old sister who is just learning to throw a good temper tantrum.
I really sympathize with you, Joanna. My son is in New Mexico and my daughter back in Chicago. It's very hard to be so separated.
ReplyDeleteI'll need have my hubby read this post because, honestly, I think he could have written it. He says the exact same thing about England.
ReplyDeleteI do share your feelings about small town vs. large city. I grew up in small towns and wanted to get away, but now I yearn to move back to one.
Amen. I'm glad to have my husband home with me on Sundays because it IS a sad day of the week--everyone else is with family.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry....take care of you! ....smiles.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel - so far away, but hold the memories close and cherish the times of a big family day. Great post!
ReplyDeleteIt's always hard being away from family. I loved your photos.
ReplyDeleteI was just looking at flight costs last night to visit my nephew on the other side of Canada.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right in this Joanna.
((jj)) i hear you...we went to see tangled, which was really cute...and now kinda chilling...hope you get to hug the littles soon...
ReplyDeleteYour nephew and his wife having their baby will be the beginning of another line in the family. I don't know what it would be like to have family like you do, Joanna, but I know you well enough to understand your heart being pulled to be with them.
ReplyDeleteOne of the many things I admire about you is how often you mention your family "back home" and pay tribute to them here on your blog. I'm willing to bet you're a lot more "connected" to these folks than a lot of people are to their own relatives. Gotta love the Internet for that reason! Thanks for sharing the photos -- very sweet!
ReplyDeleteAloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
wanna trade blogroll links?
That makes me so sad. I'm sorry. It's beautiful though that you has such strong bonds with those folks. Hang in there!
Oh JJ I agree Sunday's are my homesick days too! Hope you plan a trip home in the near future.....but we had snow today so maybe wait until it's gone!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get a chance to get home for a visit very soon. Looks like spring is coming soon.
ReplyDeleteThat's very sad. Seems like we always yearn to be where we are not!
ReplyDeleteAwww! {Hugs}, babe!
ReplyDeleteMy husband works on Sunday's since it's one of the busiest days of the week in his line of work, and I know what you mean!
That is so true, JJ. I find that I miss my mom and dad and twin sis even more on Sundays. It's just the reminder of how we used to enjoy getting together for dinner and just hanging out. Sometimes, the phone is just not good enough. Is there a trip to Ohio when your nephew becomes a dad?
ReplyDeletePerhaps one day you can move 'home' again!
ReplyDeleteI don't ever feel homesick.. probably because most of my immediate family is dead! (both brothers and Dad)... and my sister and Mother live in Australia!
so, it's just me and my kids and hubby now.. but that's all good cos we are building a whole new 'home' for them.
The love you have for your family is so beautiful and palpable.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how far we go, we're never farther than a memory away from our roots.
ReplyDeleteI know how ya feel. My immediate family moved from Missouri to Brownsville Tx. That's 1145 miles away!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you need to plan a trip back home soon sweetie!
God bless ya and have a stupendous day! :o)
sorry to hear you're feeling homesick! Yes, you'd best plan a visit soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you're feeling homesick today! It must be hard to live so far away from your family.
ReplyDeleteHere in the midwest, I think we've lost all hope for a spring thaw. Every time the snow melts a little bit, we get more. It's depressing. My advice is to make your travel plans now, we may still be looking at the white stuff in July!
I often think of moving. Not to my childhood home town because other than the odd aunt and uncle no one is there. No I think about moving to the mountains but the family (kids, grandkids are mostly nearby but not all) and my wife says there's no way we will move farther away. I guess she has a point.
ReplyDeleteYou are definitely a long way from Ohio, Joanna. I have been feeling sad today because it's a year since I said farewell to my mother in the nursing home near Atlanta. I realize she hasn't a clue who I am anymore but I hate that I cannot even afford to go visit since my job ended. At least, I console myself with the knowledge that, the year after my job ended, I was in Columbus, GA, her home, on three separate occasions, and spent a month with her each time. She had almost completely lost her eyesight by then so I was able to cook for her and really spend some quality time with her, get her set up with meals on wheels and enjoy time with her. It was on my last visit that I found her confused and having suffered a stroke. I only have one brother in the Atlanta area and one close friend in Columbus, otherwise, all my ties are out here.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sentiments - I can so relate to this as I live thousands of miles away from my family and get to see my nephew and nieces at the best once a year.
I missed this post on Sunday (it's Monday morning now), but I spent it with my sister and head home to our part of the PNW tomorrow. I'll miss her but I'll be with my life partner again! Sundays are definitely family time for me, too...
ReplyDeleteI hope the Spring thaw arrives quickly for you so you can go and visit your family soon.
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate Joanna as my son will become a first time father this spring and I live way too far away... which is why my daughter and I are putting the house on the maarket very soon and moving back to Savannah... as quickly as we sell.
ReplyDeleteLovely family!
I agree with others that it's sad to be away from family members...
ReplyDeleteThe thing about kids is: they're always leaving, and when they don't we wish they would.
ReplyDeleteMy son just happens to be in your neck of the woods doing a painting job right now.
Love the cute photo of your kids all together.
The guy who thought you were in your 60's was a mormon.
ahem, * moron * not mormon (although he might of been, that might explain a lot)
ReplyDeleteHello Joanna,
ReplyDeleteI can so relate. It is hard to be so far away from family and Sundays. Sunday was always a day my family gathered together. After church we would all go to my grandparent's house and spend the day together. My parents just arrived from Maine for their annual snowbird trip and until they go, I will be spending as much time with them as possible. We had a big party this weekend and it was awesome to be surrounded by so many family members and friends.
Although it is hard being so far away from our families, at least it is much easier now to connect with them. Although, sometimes that seems to make it harder because I would rather be with them in person.
What a beautiful fam Joanna. Sorry you are homesick! Hope you get some skype time in? That might help?
P.S. can I ask where "small town Ohio"? Those are my people! I was born in Norwalk and my family lived in New London.
I hear you! I live in Sweden but have no family here. They all live in the UK or Australia.
ReplyDeleteYour nephew is a cutie!
I used to get that way all the time when I lived in the big city away from my family. About 5 years ago, I moved back. Looking back, it was the right decision, but no matter when end you're on, there will always be something or someone to miss.
ReplyDeleteLiving apart from family is hard. I know. You're doing the right thing by capturing the moments when you can and keeping in touch any way possible.
ReplyDeleteSo hard...I kind of know, since my brother kidnapped my nephews to London! Now they'll be growing up so far away, maybe getting English accents, maybe marrying and settling across the Atlantic. Skype and all that is grand, but there's no substitute for being there.
ReplyDeleteHey, why not schedule an annual visit during sugaring season?
I never thought I would be a long distance Mom & Nana, but I have have been for 2 years. Thank goodness for technology but this mother hen can't hug her chicks through Skype. I understand.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny ........you want to go back to Ohio and I have a cousin who lives there that would like to go back to CA.
ReplyDeleteI will always miss CA! I still have lots of cousins and a few aunts and uncles living there. My best childhood memories are in Southern CA.
I hope you get to see your family soon!
Your post just made me recognize another one of my wonderful Blessings! All of my family and all of my husband's family lives within five miles of each other {with the exception of my brother-in-law and his family which lives 100 miles away) Both our daughters and their families live less than two miles from us, and I see my grandchildren every single day...THIS IS TRULY A BLESSING.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine your homesick heart.. What I can imagine is the extravagant homecoming when you do get to see your family....I know your visits must be absolutely amazing....Hang in there...it will be worth the wait!
h, I'm sorry you're missing your family Most of Sunday I was with my guys.
ReplyDeleteOh, I think you need to share that picture. C'mon, we all had special styles at one time or another!
ReplyDeleteBut yeah... Sundays are definitely family days. Fingers crossed you get back there - BEFORE you hit that 60 mark and can no longer correct those mean old men.
Joanna, you remind me of me, I can still get homesick for a home that really is no longer there since my Dad died...there is nothing like getting back to your roots. I hope spring thaw comes soon for you so you can see them all soon. hugs.
ReplyDeletei'm sorry you were feeling homesick...i have to admit it worries me a little bit! i've not at all felt homesick for where i grew up (maybe because i kinda found my way back to a place like it, albeit an ocean away). your comment that you spent the first half of your life trying to get away really resonates with me. i did that, and also spent a long time being ashamed of being from such a small place. happily, i don't feel that way anymore, but nor do i feel homesick. i hope it's not on the horizon!!
ReplyDeletei think it's really great with all of the ways we have these days of keeping in touch...i video chat for hours on end with my sister and it's for free! :-)
anyway, i hope you're feeling better by now!
Sundays from about 4 p.m. - that is my low spot of the week. End of the weekend 'n all that, plus odd childhood memories mixed in there. I've read too that statistically Sunday does give us the dullest weather of the week (something many of us suspected to be true anyway).
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you suffer too, but for very specific reasons. I can't really say anything meaningful, other than spring is just around the corner (which just sounds so trite). I hope the bad weather back home fades away really quickly now so that you can wing your way back there for a welcome dose of Family Love. x
Aw, JJ, you will not have too long to wait for your "fix" of family soon (hugs). There is so much love in this post, which of course is why you miss them so much - both you and your family are very blessed.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how fast the time flies with those kids, isn't it? Mine are getting scattered about now, too, and I miss them!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I feel the same way a lot of the time. With both my parents gone, I find myself longing to go home only there is no "home" to go to anymore.