Thanks to everyone for your comments and suggestions on how to open my giant jar of Four Bean Salad, I've tried and tried, but.....
No beans yet. It's still not open.
Luckily, we're going to our monthly Pot Luck Dinner with the gang next week and all the guys are bringing their muscle and power tools to crack the jar open. I'm hoping it will still be edible once the mission is accomplished. Stay tuned.
It was back to school for Godson this week after three very long weeks of winter vacation. Yes, three weeks! Los Angeles public school students spend so little time in classrooms it's not even funny. Grrrrr.
Speaking of which, have you see the documentary Waiting For Superman about the state of public schools? I watched it yesterday and actually cried. It's pretty powerful. The trailer is below.
It's a good thing I didn't make my usual "spend less" promise for a New Year's Resolution this year because I've been a bad girl. I got a new quilting sewing machine and I think I've purchased fabric from every cotton shop within a 50 mile radius of my house. Now I'm in quilt fabric overload and need to actually start sewing. Let the fun begin!
I will be 53 years old in April and am happy to say I still do not color my hair-- mostly because I don't have that many grays yet. But-- That's because I clip, pluck and pull every gray hair I see on my head. Now, um, ahh, I really need to find a colorist soon because at the rate I'm going, I'll be bald before my next birthday.
That's all I have. It's been a week of nearly getting over a bad cold, catching up on all the things I didn't do while I was sick and, frankly, obsessing over the Bean Salad. I'll be back soon.
Hope your weekend is grand.
Welcome to www.TheFiftyFactor.com - Joanna Jenkins
That three bean salad jar is a tough one! good luck getting it open at the pot luck!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe nothing has worked so far. Call the Govinator! Maybe Arnold can get it open for you!
ReplyDeleteI like Joanie's suggestion above for the jar.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing what you create with your new machine.
OOOOOh That Jar... LOL
ReplyDeleteLucky you to be "color-free". I won't say how long I've been covering...too long really. Thanks for stopping by my little blog earlier today. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteYou are lucky with the gray hair! I am in my early thirties, and just started getting them recently.
ReplyDeleteLucky you with your hair. I'm 50 and have been coloring my hair for a few years. I had it done this afternoon, cause things were looking pretty bad!
ReplyDeleteThe bean salad is turning into a saga - can't wait to hear the end!
Lucky you about the hair...I swear to god these kids give me new gray hairs every single day...I've been coloring my hair for awhile but mostly because I like it darker not because of a lot of grays...I do have grays and I was plucking them...and if I had continued plucking them I would eventually go bald sooner than later...good luck with the jar...I look forward to seeing all that you create with your new toy....I've heard of this Waiting for Superman...it really is sad...I would like to see the whole film. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteI've been coloring my hair for so long I don't know WHAT he real color is!!
thanks for the catch up jj...seriously i think its time to cut the glass...coloring hair, good for you...natural all the way...
ReplyDeleteI've never coloured mine either.
ReplyDeleteI think you should send your blog post about the beans to the manufacturer. They might get a kick out of the publicity.
Funny how we (my two teenage sons and me) could not open up the jar of white cheese. We tried every way possible. I was thinking how to get that electric jar opener I saw only in the US meant for grandmothers. We had to wait for my helper to open the jar for us.
ReplyDeleteMy number two son, who could not take it anymore, developed a method and kept it a secret from us and pretended he was stronger and could now open a jar of white cheese.
I finally have figured out how he did it. He used the butter knife to peel the lid and break vacuum. The lid would then be easily twist open.
The housewives tale here is for each white hair you pluck, two will grow.
That bean salad is going to taste amazing after all that effort. IF it ever gets opened! I had a plastic bottle of Diet Pepsi that was impossible to open once. It was weird.
ReplyDeleteI've been coloring my hair since I was 21. Early greying runs in my family. You are so lucky!
I really REALLY want to see Waiting For Superman! Can't wait till it comes out on DVD!
ReplyDeleteJoanna I have so much gray. I color my hair, but wish that it would all just go gray and maybe I could rock a punky gray style.
ReplyDeleteso I'm thinking we will be seeing some giveaways coming off that sewing machine.
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo to getting a sewing machine.. what sort did you get?????
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what you make.
I love buying fabrics too... there's so much to choose from!
Oh and don't talk to me about freakin grey hairs! Pffffft. And I am 52 as well.
ReplyDeleteOh boy... I hope you actually get your bean salad jar open without breaking it. I'm 61 and don't color my hair. I should, I'm sure, but I'm too lazy.
ReplyDeleteFifty three and still very little grey? Wow, I am impressed...I am white, being ten years younger than you.;) I turned grey in my early thirties.;)
ReplyDeleteBut with the said, even though my hair is twenty years older than my actual age, the rest appears twenty years younger.;) I guess we get some, we loose some.;)
Good luck with opening the jar.;)
And have a great weekend,
I'll be 51 in April and I don't color my hair, either, though I do get some "well-placed highlights." No gray at all, but my grandmother never went gray, either, and she was in her 80s when she died.
ReplyDeleteI'll be 51 in April and I don't color my hair, either, though I do get some "well-placed highlights." No gray at all, but my grandmother never went gray, either, and she was in her 80s when she died.
ReplyDeleteI did see Waiting for Superman and cried, too. It was an amazing documentary and I hope it gets recognized. I am white haired at 68 but remember when I was in my early fifties, there was only a little bit. I wonder how it happened, it had to have been gradual or I would have noticed. Wouldn't I? :-)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what you do with all that material! Fun! I just decided to do a crewel embroidery project and have been rounding up supplies to do that. Enjoy thhe weekend! Hugs, Margie
ReplyDeleteinteresting about that documentary Joanna.
ReplyDeleteI heard this documentary is also very good '2 million minutes', on the topic of education:
Oh that video makes me teary every time I see it. It also makes me very angry.
ReplyDeleteI will be 53 in February and have had tons of gray hair since 35..not fair I tell you, not fair!
I am visiting and following via Mrs. 4444.
Ooooh, I do the plucking of the grays, too. I always think that I get them all, but then the harsh fluorescent lights of my office bathroom highlight the rest that I missed. I need some highlights in a bad way.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to say the reason you have few gray hairs is because I have enough for you and me!! Just thinking on how much I spend on my hair makes my head spin.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are feeling better.
If the guys can't open the jar at the party. It could be fun to host a "bean" party! I hope you video the event. Have a beaniful weekend my friend! xo
My sister and I are both public school teachers as was our dad... and his sister... and both my paternal grandparents. My sister watched it and after hearing her description, I don't think I can... it think it would make me feel like I work very hard for nothing!
ReplyDeleteI'm 61 and I don't color my hair because I also have thinning hair. As for the bean salad, lots of luck :) Haven't seen the documentary yet, but have heard lots about it. Hope your cold is better, Joanna.
ReplyDeleteStill no beans? That's one tough jar!
ReplyDeleteI didn't get the chance to comment on your last absolutely hilarious post and I had no other tip then tapping on the lid ... but many had said so already ... so ... I cannot believe it's still no open :o why don't you ask the guys who did produce it? ;-) ... and wow that you don't need to color your hair just yet I'm younger but my gray kind of started to come out, they are beautiful, shiny and healthy but my husband doesn't like them ... so I was using henna but it is just exhausting and I started to get a bit of the carrot look so here I'm with chemicals on my hair and I don't like it a bit ... my mother in law is 65 and she has 1 gray hair! unbelievable but maybe she is using your trick - she must be pulling them out, now I know! haha :-) happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteSomeone probably already suggested this... but I bang the rim over and over on the counter until it is visibly dented, then I hand it to my husband to open. lol!
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid to watch Waiting for Superman. I'm even afraid to watch the trailer. I've worked in the public schools virtually my entire career (spent one year working in a hospital) and I am painfully aware of many of the issues. Our superintendent said we may need to cut 20% of our teachers to meet the budget cuts for next year???!!??!! One of my big fears though from a movie like this is that there will be even MORE testing and cr*ppy laws established (cough NCLB cough) to make schools "better" but which will just make the poor schools look worse and the rich schools look better. And will significantly disadvantage students with disabilities too (did you know that the majority of students with disabilities are expected to pass the statewide assessment or else your district could get into big trouble and lose money--hello??? these kids have disabilities for a reason because they CAN'T pass things like statewide assessment)!
Ugh. My soapbox. Sorry. I don't think I will lose my job, but my job could become miserable if our class sizes go up to 40+. We are already running in circles trying to put out disaster after disaster in the classrooms ("Hi! Meet your Special Ed team! We spend 100% of time as special educators, 100% as paper pushers, and 100% as behavior management control!"
Okay, seriously, that jar is super glued shut!!!!
ReplyDeleteAbout your hair, it's really okay not to pluck those non pigmented ones. . . really!
Okay sister, the real deal. . .that video post, well, it just made me wanna cry! I wish I could do more that what I'm doing already. I wish everyone would pay more attention as a country!
I saw that movie too JJ...VERY powerful. 3 weeks vacation ?!?! Wow! The schools were open here during the snow the other day but nobody went except the teachers ! 3 Bean Salad...I must research now. lol
ReplyDeleteWe also had three weeks of Christmas holidays. It was lovely!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the baldness and beans!
You're still a young thing! As for coloring one's hair, I am definitely graying. I used to color mine occasionally, before going on a cruise or something but I just can't afford to do it routinely, even if I do it myself. Now that my athritis is so bad, I never get the color on adequately and, at about $75 at the hairdresser, on my retiree's income, I'm going gray for longer periods at a time. I don't like it, though.
ReplyDeleteMy weekend is going well!! Having a good time I am!
ReplyDeleteAs for hair coloring...been doing it since I was 16 years old. Not for gray...but for the change in colors! Still doing it! (red now)! Ha!!
This is turning into such a challenge. Do you have a reward for the person who does get the lid off the jar? A plate of brownies?
ReplyDeleteOff to read about the beans...
ReplyDeleteHappy sewing and I hope you will show us what you make.
that trailer made me so sad. Imagine depending on a lottery for your future.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting breathlessly to hear more about that bean jar!
Lucky you with the no gray hair. I hope it continues for a long time to come because I hate colouring my hair every few weeks and there is no way I am going to go gray! Oh I have to read about the beans - it will be interesting to see if anyone can get it off. I love my beans!!!