Friday, June 8, 2012


Sometimes the simplest things are the best.  Take bubbles for example.

I loved blowing bubbles as a kid and could sit on our front porch entertaining myself, the soapy liquid running down my arm, until my fingers were wrinkled and slippery.  I marveled at their size and shape, and tried to master the art of the perfect bubble blowing technique.

Then, somewhere along the way, I got too big for my britches and decided I was too old for bubbles-- And my daily summer ritual ceased.

Many decades later, in a second, I was transported back to my childhood and reminded of that favorite past-time-- This photo arrived today and took me there-- It made me smile. 

My great niece is mesmerized by the simple art of blowing bubbles-- something she's learning to do... in between trying to catch as many of them in their tiny hands as possible.  She will sweet talk her aunties and older cousins until they surrender joyfully and blow her a few thousand more bubbles to dance with.

It's been years since I blew bubbles and although my niece is half way across the country, I got myself a big bottle of bubbles today and practiced blowing great big ones in her honor.

Are you having fun this summer?
Welcome to  -  Joanna Jenkins


  1. Bubbles are inexpensive magic. Little rainbows of color floating gently along until they burst into a tiny shower. I blew some bubbles at wedding not too long ago. I was fun. I never knew anyone named bubbles but I assume they must be fun too.

  2. Lovely picture of your bubbly niece. I love blowing bubbles to this day (& will be 60 in July).. Some activities never get boring!

  3. What lovely images and memories are now dancing in my head!!

  4. bubbles are magic...i need to get some it when they catch the sun and spin are inspiring me today...smiles.

  5. What an adorable photo!!! No wonder you want to practice!!! I'm sure it'll all come back to ya in no time! Like riding a bike, only more oxygen required???

  6. I'm just amazed at how quickly kids grow up, blowing bubbles already! Wonderful photo and you made me remember that yes, I actually did blow bubbles and it was magical!

  7. That is a fabulous photo. I think I'll go and get some bubble magic myself! They are indeed fun and somehow freeing! :-)

  8. Blowing bubbles always transported into a land of adventure and beauty. I have always been fascinated with bubbles. Some of my most precious memories of me with my younger granddaughter were when she was three years old. We would sit on the back patio in the evenings and blow bubbles. We would watch the bubbles ascend and then cling to the side of the house. We counted how long they remained there. We talked about why they did what they did. Enchanted evenings for both generations.

  9. What a charming post! I don't remember having bubbles when I was a kid--maybe they didn't even sell them that long ago. In any case, I enjoy buying them for my three great-granddaughters. Several years ago, Target was selling a battery powered bubble gun. Oddly, it seemed to take all the joy out of making bubbles. The point is not in getting the bubbles produced, it's the creative process of doing it yourself!

  10. The picture of your niece is enchanting. I agree with Ms. Sparrow above....the simple bubble wand is the way to blow bubbles. I was looking at some of those fancy bubble blowing machines at the store and my thought was that you shouldn't need batteries to blow bubbles.

  11. wonderful photo! Makes me want to go get some bubbles for my grandson's next visit. He'd probably really enjoy them.

    They are kind of magic - and so easy and low-tech. The simple pleasures are the best, in my book.

  12. My grandchildren are still blowing bubbles, from the eight year-old to the teenager. And I help them, when I get the chance. I'm the simple wand type myself.

  13. I love the photo! It's a perfect capture of her wonder.

  14. Oh, yes! I used to love blowing bubbles! The photo of your great niece is wonderful -- and inspirational! I'll have to get a bubble set for the next time I visit my nearly three-year-old niece -- or maybe just for my own second childhood here! Loved your post!

  15. I too loved to blow bubbles, but then got older and it was the stuff babies did. I do get a kick out of blowing them for my dog who loves to bit them, it freaks the cats out, which makes me laugh. What a mean mom, huh. Hugs!!

  16. That's the way to have fun! Just get out there and do it.You don't have to be a little kid to still enjoy the stuff little kids do.

  17. You're never ever too old for bubbles! They are so magical.

    What a great pic.

  18. She's could take some pictures of you blowing your bubbles and photo shop them one and send one off to your neice. I bet she would get a kick out of that!

  19. You go girl! Nothing like being a child and bubbles are such a fun way to do it.

  20. I never mastered bubble blowing but always loved it. Thanks for this reminder about the simple things. The picture is magical, and she's a doll.


  21. This post makes me smile! That photo is just adorable!!! You weren't kidding when you said we were on the same wave length. LOL! Happy Bubble blowing!!! :)


  22. PS ~ I have chocolate!!! and I like it all ;) YaY!!!

  23. That photo is wonderful! I'm 66 and I STILL love blowing bubbles. I'm bringing several jars of bubble soap to my daughter's wedding -

  24. I will always love blowing bubbles. Especially the GIANT ones.

  25. Blowing bubbles, coloring, eating ice cream in a cone (not a cup) - these are the things that keep us young. You're a wise woman Joanna Jenkins! ;-) (and your great niece is soooooo cute!)

  26. I have always loved blowing bubbles. I have a few containers of it under my sink. Benny gets a real kick out of barking at and jumping for bubbles. May we never grow up.

  27. Never too old for bubbles! The sweetest it! Happy Monday JJ!

  28. A sweet photo and one to be framed!

    I will be taking my bottle of bubbles out this Sunday. Not knowing the last Father's Day spent with my dad would turn to be a special day in many ways and a continuing gift of bubbles and butterflies. I didn't know what to buy him, at 84 what could he need, so I decided a cookout and bubbles. After dessert we blew bubbles. It was hard for him because he had Parkinsons, but he did it. This Sunday will be another Father's Day without him, but I will be blowing bubble in our back thinking of my sweet daddy. I hope I see a butterfly or two, too!
    So, yes we are never too old to blow bubbles and as we get older and busy in live we all should find a moment to let the small child within us come out to enjoy. xo

  29. that is really sweet! a plethora of bubbles and glee. :)

    thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! really appreciate it!

  30. My fav are the ones I call "sticky bubbles"! They last a really long time and you can catch them without difficulty. They are super fun (but expensive).

  31. I love bubbles! Do you remember Monster Bubbles with the big wand? I had it when I was a kid. I was definitely a Wam-o gal in the 60's. How fun was it being a child then? :)

  32. yes. my boys LOVE bubbles. they are magical. so glad i found your place, here...

  33. Oh Joanna I am like you - I love blowing bubbles.

  34. Thanks for stopping by my blog via Life With Kaishon and for sending a card to Ashton. I learned that his father passed away from a heart attack while training for a Team in Training event...he was only 40. - I hopeAshton receives a ton of cards.

    And as for bubbles...I met some past co-workers at the park last week...they have 3 little girls between tehm and on my way I stopped to find something to bring to them. I found some bubble long bubble wand tubes which were a hit...and there were humungous bubbles in teh park!
    Happy Saturday my friend :)

  35. It always makes me sad when children decide they are too old for a pleasure. No worries. Like CS Lewis said, one day they will be old enough to enjoy them again.

  36. I've just discovered your blog and I see that we have a few friends in common. I enjoyed your post on soap bubbles and recall many great moments blowing bubbles with our son when he was small. I hope you'll visit me at Chubby Chatterbox where I write about Art, Humor and nostalgia. I think we might have a lot in common. If you come for a visit I hope you'll take a moment to press the Join button and I'll return the compliment. Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon.

    Chubby Chatterbox

  37. Just found your blog, and I adore it! I will be fifty in August,and I still buy my 2 grown sons bubbles at Easter and Christmas.It is one of my favorite things,too. (My dog loves them,too) ...

  38. What a happy, sweet photo...of course, I love anything with a little girl in it!

    The most fun I ever had with bubbles was as an adult when, in a hot air balloon over the Napa Valley, the pilot had us blow bubbles. They floated around for 30 minutes on the air currents which delighted all of us.

  39. What a happy, sweet photo...of course, I love anything with a little girl in it!

    The most fun I ever had with bubbles was as an adult when, in a hot air balloon over the Napa Valley, the pilot had us blow bubbles. They floated around for 30 minutes on the air currents which delighted all of us.

  40. Excellent! Everybody should keep bubble-blowing materials on-hand for when the mood strikes. I see no reason why short little people should have all the fun!

  41. Been entirely too long since I've paid you a visit Joanna, but in my defense, I've been spending a lot of time enjoying the outside with my granddaughter. Cute hubby filled a mortar pan with water, and that has become the new attraction for Babyzilla's barbies. The only reason I'm inside today is because it is raining.
    Your great niece is completely adorable. I'm so glad you bought a bottle of bubbles in her honor. I hope you blow bubbles in completely inappropriate places, because it just seems to make people smile.
    Love your photo essay on Counting Heads. Lots of people would have just kept going, but you seem to always see the things that are really important in life.
    Hope you are having a nice summer dear girl. xo d

  42. Nothing like kids to lead us back to the things we like to do.

  43. I love bubbles and so do my daughters. I actually have a post in my drafts post about it.

  44. I love bubbles and so do my daughters. I actually have a post in my drafts post about it.

  45. When I get stressed, I sit on the back porch and blow bubbles.


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