Friday, May 25, 2012

And... And... And...

It's been two years since I introduced you to my first great niece, Baby E.  Two years!!!

She was a tiny little thing when she arrived early, but now she's talking non-stop, running and climbing and playing ballerina, and is so much fun!  Everyday her mom sends me a text with a photo of the day and today, celebrating Miss E's 2nd birthday.... Here she is!

I was back home in Ohio last week and we celebrated with a very purple "Barney" birthday cake, and sang the "I Love You" song over and over and over.  I know everyone gushes about the babies in their family but gosh, I love this little peanut.  She reminds me so much of her mother.

Thanks to Skype, it was a treat to have Miss E run into my arms when I arrived, and say my name-- none of that "who is this lady, shy stuff".  My heart melted A LOT.  

We played, and laughed, and sing, and danced, and ate, and shopped, and partied and... and... and... did everything but take a nap.  Although I'm sure if Miss E had actually closed her eyes I'd have sat there just watching her sleep while I tried to absorb every moment with her.

Babies are the greatest.  Big sigh.

While I was in Ohio I also attended my middle sister's retirement party after 30 years of teaching public elementary school.  I am so proud of her and wept as I watched a video of her special education class sing a song they wrote about how wonderful she is.  The only sad part of the night was the reality that she and four other teachers at her school were retiring because Ohio's governor smashed public school funds to smithereens and it would cost her too much money to continue working.  Damn.   

Oh and did I mention that Middle Sister is Miss E's favorite Auntie?  Yes, I'm working on that.  Wink.  Wink.

And, since so many were kind enough to ask, below is the last quilt I completed...

Above is the front, below is the back...

 And last, did you ever notice that Blogger's spellcheck doesn't include words like-- bloggers, Skype or Facebook.  What's up with that?!?
I hope to get back into a regular blogging schedule again and promise to be around and catch up with all of you.  Until then, enjoy the weekend.

Welcome to  -  Joanna Jenkins


  1. She is a beautiful little one. :)
    Spellcheck sucks.

    Nice to 'hear' from you.

  2. she's adorable, sugar! i've been posting baby pics, too, so i know the feeling. ;~)

    had to come over as soon as i saw you at the top of the blogroll! xoxoxox

  3. First, I cannot believe she could possibly be 2 years old. That is scary as I remember when you posted about her birth. She truly is adorable and you have every right to be a proud Aunty. I cannot wait for some babies in my family.

    Congratulations to your sister. What a wonderful achievement and it is amazing when you think about all the lives she has helped over 30 years. I respect teachers totally. My mother was one and my 4 siblings trained as teachers. And only my oldest sister is still teaching and she must have been teaching for about 33 years now. My other teacher sister just retired this year too. I never had the patience. It sounds like the education system is the same all over the world. I do not get it at all. Teachers change lives and are so underpaid. By the way, here is somethign to tell your sister as I told mine the same thing. Some enterprising teacher was selling lesson plans online to other teachers and making a fortune from it - I think that there are lots of opportunites online for teachers or ex teachers.

    As for your latest quilt, wow! It is beautiful. How long does it take you to do one of those. Funny, I was driving the other day and passed a quilt making store where I live. They do classes there and the thought crossed my mind that perhaps I should start doing something like that. I love the fact that every quilt is personalised. Anyway have a great weekend.

  4. I can't believe how big she is getting - and she's just gorgeous!
    Love the quilt. You do amazing work!

  5. She is so adorable. And what a blessing that you were able to see her in person! That is special.
    Sorry about your sister's retirement...seems that is happening across the land. Schools are taking it on the chin for sure. Sad for our children.

    PS The quilt is amazing.

  6. Wow! She's 3 already! I remember your excitement when she was born. Skype is a wonderful thing! We have a granddaughter in Texas that we stay in touch with thanks to Skype.

    Oh, and that quilt is so nice! Great piece of work.

  7. Awww. how precious is she??!! I had no idea you were so talented with a needle and thread!!! ME?? I staple and tape things in place! BEEE-UUUTTTful quilt!

  8. nice...i love the quilt you is the random order of the its amazing how fast they grow up isnt it...she is go work on that number 1 status...smiles.

  9. gorgeous quilt, so perfect!

    Happy birthday to gorgeous Miss E, how time flies!

  10. I saw a comment left by you and rejoiced that you are back! And now this, a beautiful little grand niece (I have one too that I am immoderately fond of). And that quilt! I love it. :-)

  11. Miss E is absolutely gorgeous! I understand how you wanted to spend every moment with her!

    I just retired from a school, too! I am moving so it wasn't a "real" retirement; just way to quit without losing half of my pension to the gov!

    I love your quilt! I so wish I had the time to sew again. I am still paying of the darlings' tuition, so it will be a few years.

    Thanks for sharing such a sweetie pie!

  12. Hard to believe that two years have passed already, I remember when Miss E was born. I am so glad you have visits with her online.

    What will middle sister do now? She could tutor children and earn extra money and keep helping the children.

    The latest quilt is so pretty. It looks like it must have taken hours and hours. I talk with the women in town who meet each week to quilt and I know how long it takes to make the gorgeous quilts.

    Enjoy this Memorial weekend.

  13. Little Miss E is so cute and I'm sure she is smart as can be. You have every right to be exceptionally proud of her.
    You should also be exceptionally proud of that beautiful quilt.

  14. She is utterly adorable!

  15. What a shame that devoted, skilled teachers must retire to save the State the cost of their well-earned higher salary, so they can hire newer, less-skilled teachers as a lower salary. In the end, who wins?
    and who loses?

  16. Hugs around your big sigh....xoxo

    The quilt is phenomenal. Seriously.

  17. She is two already? She is so darn adorable. It makes it even more special being able to hold her and talk to her and know that she has stolen your heart completely.

    That is horrible that your sister had to retire doing something she loves, because of budget cuts. Arrrrgggghhh!!!

    Miss you, my friend! Hope all is well.

    PS-Love the quilt. Did it take a long time to complete?

  18. What an adorable little girl. Thank goodness for Skype so you can keep in touch long distance and see her growing. Sorry to hear your sister had to retire, why do states crush our school systems and force good teachers out. It's a sad thing that they are doing to the children if you ask me. Who doesn't have a favorite teacher or two who made a huge difference in their lives. Love that quilt, just beautiful!! Big Hugs JJ.

  19. What a sweetie...she is so very precious! About your sister's retirement-one of my best college friends was forced to retire from teacher and my sister as well because of the good 'ol govenor I guess it's a 'simple' fix to retire good productive although expensive teachers with new, non-experienced 'cheap' sad. It's all just infuriating!

  20. What a cutie she is! sounds like a fun filled "Barney" birthday party...

    This quilt is absolutely gorgeous! Love it!

  21. Nothing like a little one to give one's life "dimension". Miss E is a doll!! (but you already knew that)...Love the quilt. Absolutely beautiful. Really.

  22. Omg...she is a doll! Happy 2nd Birthday lil one! And congrats to your sister and her retirement! Have a wonderful memorial day weekend! xo

  23. What a wonderful wee girl, JJ. Hope you are well.

  24. What beauties--the little one, and the quilt. Hope you are well!

  25. What a beautiful child Miss E is! And she sounds like great company, too! I'm so glad you were able to spend time with her in person!

  26. She is very sweet, coincidentally I too have a niece about the same age whose name starts with E.;)
    That quilt is superb, how talented are you.;))
    Thank you for your lovely recent comment,

  27. OMG, is it really two years??? Aww, she is absolutely gorgeous, what a little cutie-pie (sighhhh)..

    I love, love, love that quilt, how talented you are. Oooooh, the first thing to get hit in a recession always seems to be the most vulnerable sector - it makes my blood boil - grrrrr - it's the same over here, too. Despicable.

  28. Oh, she's so gorgeous! And so is the quilt!

  29. Here's the obvious question: When are you sending one of those amazing quilts to that amazing baby?
    I'm so happy for you Joanna, on a few different levels. I think you've got all of your "ducks" lined up very nicely. :)

  30. The little one is adorable -- what a nice catch-up post! And speaking from experience, I hope you don't feel compelled to stick to a "regular" blogging schedule (not that we don't want to hear from you). But summer weather is here, so I hope you'll be out there enjoying yourself. I say this because I often need to be reminded that I had a real life before blogging (BB) :-)

  31. Oh my goodness, you're right again! We are sisters separated at birth, for when I look in her bright eyes, I swear she reminds me of Livy!!! And simply as sweet, sweet, sweet but you knew that.

    Hey! The back of that quilt?!?!? The back of that quilt?! OMG! I love what you did with the quilting, hear me?! LOVE!!!!

    Oh, and by the way, I hate you for having talent. HATE!

    There, now everything is back in balance.

  32. What a beautiful little girl!

    Love the quilt. :-)


  33. I have been blessed to have nieces and nephews who aren't the least bit shy around me. As a matter of fact, they seem to consider me one of them, just a treat big kid to play with. I consider that the ultimate compliment!

  34. Yeah... the retirements that are coming are scary. Check out the bill that just went into the legislature in Illinois. My husband is already planning to keep teaching until he's 67 because of the constant changes. It looks like their pensions are going to be gone before he gets close to retirement - andh he's taught 20 years!

  35. ooooh babies....and two year olds...yes they're soooo precious...I have a 2 year old granddaughter and yes they are so much fun...they make you live in the hurrying allowed...and lots of hugs and kisses and tickles....aaaah it's good!

  36. Baby E is delicious. The quilt is just gorgeous, and I'm so thankful you still read my blog.

  37. Oh my.. she is just adorable. It's so easy to see why you're so smitten with that sweetie.

    Your quilt is beautiful. You are so talented!

  38. The quilt is breathtaking as is your sweetheart. The back of the guilt is just as decorative as the front. OMGosh the hours this must have taken you! It is truly a labor of love. :)

  39. How sweet that cherub is and, of course, you are her favorite aunt.

    Isn't skype wonderful? I used it for the first time when I was in India and, now, I've been calling to India nonstop. I download it to my cell phone as well.


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