Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sundays In My City #67 - Unannounced

One of the negitatives of having a swimming pool in your backyard is the all too often unexpected pool party. You know the kind-- kids showing up unannounced but ready for a dip.

Since Mother Nature teased us mid week with record-breaking high temps before she slammed us back into cold, gray skies with rain forecast for the weekend, I wasn't all that surprised that a swim on a hot day was an appealing idea for some.

These kids snuck in and spent the morning sunning themselves and taking in a lazy, kicked back day....

They didn't make too much noise but they were not too happy when they realized their presence was known and they were breaking the rules--Swimming without any adult supervision. They immediately hightailed it out of the pool...

But after a while they figured out this lady of the house was cool and welcomed them back anytime...


Please join bloggers around the world by sending a postcard to a very special teacher and her preschool class. Mrs. H, a treasure of a educator, is retiring at the end of this school year and the beautiful Se'Lah of The Necessary Room asks...

To provide the children in her classroom some perspective about the global connectedness o
f humankind, and as a gesture of loving-kindness, would you please join me in sending the class a postcard from your corner of the world? They will track each postcard's point of origin on a world map kept in the classroom. At the end of the school year, the postcards will be evenly distributed to the children as a keepsake from their classroom experience with Mrs. H.

If you'd like to join me in sending these preschool children a *Friends of Makeda* postcard, please email me at and I will gladly provide you their mailing address. Please note that I have Mrs. H's permission to do this. She would like to thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness.

For more about Mrs. H and Se'Lah's postcard request, click HERE. Postcards due by May 2nd please.

How's your Sunday?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins


  1. Oh, the cheek of those kids! ;-) But how could you be cross with them... so sweet!

  2. Aah your pool is so nice, you are so nice, and they are such cute loving couple.

    Please email me at I'll see if I could find a nice postcard from this corner of the world.

  3. I am not surprised you get uninvited guest, I too would not mind a dip in such a beuatiful pool.;))
    Wishing you a lovely Sunday,

  4. Your pool looks so inviting JJ! Hope all is well with you and yours.

  5. So funny! It's nice of you to let the local kids swim!

  6. Nothing beats a pool party on a hot day! your pool looks gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  7. oh those they did get a nice tan...smiles.

  8. Not the pool party I was expecting but gorgeous little visitors!

  9. I hope they brought their own towels!

    I've heard that some people have problems with frogs in their pool. We've never had any wildlife in ours, though the birds do like to stand on the edge and get a drink from time to time.

  10. My sis in law had ducks in her pool, I forget how she relocated them. But they had a family there I think. Good that you don't mind.

  11. At least you knew they were good swimmers.

  12. Well, aren't you just so down with the kids these days. It's nice to see them behaving themselves and being respectful.

  13. pool crashers...what nerve...but too cute to punish!

  14. That is so funny! I love that you took photos instead of shooing them away.

  15. How cute!!! Wonder how chlorine affects them.

    Thanks again to you and all your readers who are helping with "friends of MAKEDA" postcards. One love.

  16. What great pictures! I love these pool crashers, just the kind who know how to look good while swimming around. Off to check out the retiring teacher...

  17. What a beautiful way to spend a Sunday! Those rascals sure are cute! Thanks for sharing!

  18. I'll take those kids any day over 1/4 of the football team who decided to sneak into our condo's pool, during school one afternoon.

  19. At least those guests didn't demand to be fed.

  20. I'm so envious of your pool!!! love your guests :)

  21. Gate crashers! The nerve!
    That's so funny to see them.

  22. Your pool is so blue! We just got about 8 inches of rain, which absolutely destroyed our pool. It's as murky as a swamp right now. Actually, that's our Sunday task, to chlorinate the halo out of it.

    Great post!



  23. Did the kids at least say thank you? And better they say thanks than leave you a 'gift' ya know?


  24. Unannounced pool parties are for the birds! Oh, it was! lol

  25. You had me for a minute there...I guess because it was nothing for the neighborhood kids to come over and spend the day at our pool...
    I think I had rather have those that made a pool party for themselves at your place!
    Sweet Post...

  26. oh.. we get them in our murky cover this time of year..
    too cute.

  27. very ducky - I understand they just go along with things like water off a duck's back.

  28. Very fun post! I'm sure you already knew those ducks are Mallards - - - -

  29. Donald and Daffy at it again. Those hooligans!!

  30. Very cute - I'd love to have ducks dropping by.

  31. So cute - I would get the occasional duck in my pool before we moved :) You have a beautiful backyard!

  32. I can't believe they went in without life vests.

  33. Great pool, and I like your guests!

    And I'm going to buy a Seattle postcard tomorrow, on my lunch break. Have a great week; hope it warms up.

  34. How fun!Our weather's been up and down like a yoyo here in Northern California as well.

  35. I'm sure those kids are easier than mine where when they were that young! :)
    Great post!

  36. I promised to send a postcard and received a sweet email for my efforts. Haven't found a good one yet, as I am away from home, but I will. My gosh, they probably sell them at TJ's or Ralphs!

    At least those little neighborhood sneaks didn't bring breakable bottles with them -- I'd say they were being good nebs overall.

  37. They should be very grateful that they didn't come for a swim several months back when your pool was attempting to slide down the cliff! Oh wait, they can fly....maybe they wouldn't have cared!

  38. Good story. I have kids in a project in Honduras, but our mail service is soooooo poor. Sorry no postcard. We don't have regular mail service except at one post office here in the capital and it's hard to get there. Sorry.

  39. Great post! Heeehehehe!!!

    I'm happy the "kids" with feathers choose either of the two ponds behind our house to dip 'cause they usually raise a family when they do!

    God bless and have a marvelous day sweetie!!! :o)

  40. These photos remind me of childhood. We lived across from a mile long pond, but the mallards always found there way to our pool every Spring.

  41. The ducks found a friendly house to visit, and a hostess armed with a camera. Looks like they are used to posing for the cameras in southern CA.

  42. I love ducks and I want to send a postcard.

  43. Isn't that just like two kids to capitalize on an 'adult-free' situation? So cute!

  44. Oooooooooh, I am SO jealous of that pool of yours! What adorable shots, you must have been smiling from ear to ear when you discovered them in there - too sweet for words!

    I think Mrs. H. and Se'Lah are going to be happily surprised at all the postcards they find, winging their way from all four corners of the world, to them (smile).

  45. This is too's a good thing I don't live in your neighbourhood or you might have other uninvited guest sneaking a dip. You'd have to call pest control to get rid of me. The pool is very inviting...I love it!

  46. LOVE the pool!!! Those ducks know a good thing when they see it!

  47. that was absolutely beautiful to read... thank you.

    and on the postcards... I'm already in, thanks again.

    best wishes

  48. Those ducks are lucky to have you for a friend. That pre-school class is going to have so much fun getting all those postcards. I had fun writing mine.

  49. Wonderful photos! I like how you welcome your uninvited guests with open arms. Just don't feed them or they will be bringing their extended family! Smile... xo

  50. 5th Dimension trivia? anyone? My followers could use some help.

  51. Just the kind of neighbourhood kids you want to drop by for a swim...glorious!

  52. Kids will be kids! Cheeky little things! Although, I would probably try to sneak in too! Love your pool and deck!

    ~ Tracy

  53. You were very nice to allow the ducks to stay! I hope they didn't poop in the pool!

  54. These cuties are not the kind for which you have to carry liability insurance. They are pretty good swimmers and I doubt they leave your surroundings in too huge a mess.

    What a sweet idea this post card sending is. It will be fun for the students and a nice farewell for their teacher.

  55. These cuties are not the kind for which you have to carry liability insurance. They are pretty good swimmers and I doubt they leave your surroundings in too huge a mess.

    What a sweet idea this post card sending is. It will be fun for the students and a nice farewell for their teacher.

  56. These cuties are not the kind for which you have to carry liability insurance. They are pretty good swimmers and I doubt they leave your surroundings in too huge a mess.

    What a sweet idea this post card sending is. It will be fun for the students and a nice farewell for their teacher.

  57. These cuties are not the kind for which you have to carry liability insurance. They are pretty good swimmers and I doubt they leave your surroundings in too huge a mess.

    What a sweet idea this post card sending is. It will be fun for the students and a nice farewell for their teacher.

  58. These cuties are not the kind for which you have to carry liability insurance. They are pretty good swimmers and I doubt they leave your surroundings in too huge a mess.

    What a sweet idea this post card sending is. It will be fun for the students and a nice farewell for their teacher.

  59. These cuties are not the kind for which you have to carry liability insurance. They are pretty good swimmers and I doubt they leave your surroundings in too huge a mess.

    What a sweet idea this post card sending is. It will be fun for the students and a nice farewell for their teacher.

  60. These cuties are not the kind for which you have to carry liability insurance. They are pretty good swimmers and I doubt they leave your surroundings in too huge a mess.

    What a sweet idea this post card sending is. It will be fun for the students and a nice farewell for their teacher.


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